Hello dear friends. I am happy to be able to participate in the 70th week of Weekend and share with all of you pictures of a precious Mother's Day gift that my husband gave me. It is very meaningful to me and I use it in special moments, when I go for a walk. We got married very young and at that time we were not working and we were unable to buy wedding rings. When he started working he gave me that stainless steel chain and I have had it for 16 years now, originally it had a white pearl in the middle that unfortunately fell from the base. I tried to stick it back but I never could. I keep it with a lot of love and it is very valuable to me.
As for the question of what would I like to have and why do I want it? Well, I would like to have my own cell phone. My husband and I have one in common and have had so many priorities at home that it has been impossible to buy another. I work doing online sales and many times my husband needs it to make his recordings or answer his messages and it is a bit cumbersome. Hence the need for everyone to have theirs.
Jewelry is probably one of the keepsakes that most of us have and cherish. Wearing it means we can take the memories and emotional connection with us wherever we go. Thanks for sharing your special item with us and I hope you manage to get a second phone sometime as it seems quite a struggle for you both to be using a single phone between you.
Thanks for joining in and I hope you'll be back.