"I took this photo with my phone so it doesn't really look that great; in real life it's rather spectacular..."
Looks pretty spectacular from where I sit...
Where do You sit @krazzytrukker .?
Well thanks for asking G-Dog.
You see I was on a 10-11 hour turnaround. That should have ended back at the Pookyville Cat Ranch. (Home)
It came to a screeching halt at the shipper in Pensacola, FLA. I knew coming over here, to a shitty Overhead Door shipper, that this might happen. They have burned me before with delays that destroy my ELD clock. (Hours of Service)
That painting took me away from a fence line, dumpsters, and disorganized materials strewn about.
"Cat lady Man suit"I will regroup when back home with a cold Michelobe Ultra. I will put on my custom made @dandays and scratch out a post for the #weekend-engagement.
@gvkanten approves...
Michelobe Ultra, Hotdogs, and Cat lady Mansuits...
Get home safe and sound @krazzytrukker will wait! In anticipation "Cat lady Man suit"....
Cat woman is funny .... She never gets tired of dancing, I may someday joined her dance crew
Going to have fun when the fun begins. Enjoy your spatula and dancing with cat woman...
I am going to do just that, I hope cat women take it kindly with me!
You got spycams on me. I look exactly like that...
Yup, I'm watching you....
Your not the only one...
19 minutes past feeding frenzy time, and I am getting pawed at... LoL
Chocolate and Milk, tip go feed before clawed!
Cats have staff, you the staff no go get em food....
Way to throw Me to the tiger sharks Joan.!!
Feeding Done.
They congregate and circle Like sharks...
You would think they are starving to death...
Actually they probably are. No fat cats here. Strict feed times and amounts.

I said claws.....
Not jaws!
Well now you can settle!
Catladys Suit or was it Catlady in a Mansuit..?
I am Sooo confused. We need a consult with @dandays on these shenanigans.
Not very becoming suit shows too many curves and dents....
Problem Solved...
We are here to please...
Thank You... And Goodnight.
My job is done here... Mic Drop
Notch up!
Shout Out to Boo.!!
My June rescue kitten from a jobsite in SC. He is doing great and loving life in his new forever home. I love it when we find a home with pet humans who will worship them...
He looks in control of his man staff, plenty going on there for him!
Hey Boo check this sexy lady out, also a rescue named Cloud 😁
Yeah, I have jewelry cause I like to chase birds....
Chick Fight!
Cat Fight!
(his reads slightly different)
Ha ha better keep check on the wording, eyes on!
How many times do you get screwed over with pick ups and deliveries? Like, what percentage of the time?
A lot more since the flu virus became a weapon.
Pre mass insanity 20-30%
Post mass mental illness +50%
Many reasons for the failures have been cited.
#1 manpower shortages.
#2 supply chain (material shortages)
#3 Freight broker to shipper/reciever mistakes (lies and lack of communication)
#4 Failure on my part (Mechanical or fatigue/illness) only 3 times in 29 years
29 years at the end of this month. I will then be entering my 30th year. I do not expect to finish it. Taxes double to triple alone will bankrupt me. No sence paying the
FederalFrauderal Gov. for the privledge to drive for little to no profit. AVACCINEmRNA human experiment mandate will also end my career. I will die a pureblood.Yep, I figured that's what you'd say. Shit is upside down man, and it'll start tumbling soon. Fucking world is done. You have a plan for the future? Don't say it here if you don't want, just wondering.
We are winging it right now. I Got a few things in mind. But I gotta wait and see where the power mad dictators go with all of this tyranny.
We will just hunker down here at the ranch, till they come for us. We are prepping little by little. But not to bug out. To shelter in place, and try to endure a total shut down.
I envy your escape plan. Your camper set up and skill set. I am a country boy from a small farm. I will have a better than most chance at survival. You are next level tho. The skills you practice set you a step above. You could use those skills well in an apocalyptic type scenario.
What would You do with Cleo? Could she go with You.? I know Samantha and the Lil' Guy could go with us if we needed to bug out. But these others do not travel very well... So we will stay.
You're right, your skills place you ahead of most, well ahead really. It pays to be prepared too, the fall is coming. There's no doubt.
It's funny, the whole world went mad with the lockdown, whinged and moaned about the isolation. Shows how ill-prepared people are for a societal breakdown and the isolation that will ensue.
Cleo would come with, I'm not leaving her. If I had to I'd stay too.
Whatever this unknown future holds for us. Just Know that I will fight right beside you in spirit.
Shit has hit the fan....

Greed chomping away your livelihood in taxes....

Run for the hills.... It's all BS

Cat has smoking cool blue eyes.... 😆
Yes She Do..!
C O O L B L U E.!!
Mesmerizing oceans of blue!
Number #3 used to be number #1.
That meal is calling on me, I wish I know the Location
Is your company or anyone in your trucking world talking about Kellogg? Curious what a Kellogg's truck driver has to say.
I have no idea what off ramp you took, or how you ended up on that lost highway with the no truck signage. I have.no idea why at 3am you decided to back into a grassy area to turn around. I have no idea what a Kellogg truck has to do with any of this nonsense.
But it made me hungry..?
Oh, And I walked off the job just now. I am on strike.
I heard that on the radio, how crazy is that? "Kellogg employees go on strike refusing to get vaccinated." They're massive. I guess I thought you truckers were like us wireman and everyone has the inside scoop.
Two truckers that agree on anything is rare. But so are the side effects of the shot...
Oh wait a minute. 6 outta 10 have issues.
Covid Police be like... Uh huh. You filthy antivaxxer. We are coming for you...

100,000+ now dead from the mRNA injections. 750,000 + reported side effects and those numbers are presumed to be way low from the real numbers. Many of the 750k are the really bad disabling side effects.
99.997+ survival rate of covid vs. +50% chance of an injection fucking me up for life and not even stopping me from getting
Covidthe influenza...No Brainer here. They tell me I gotta...
Inject the Venom...
to stay in business. I am...
Out of Business.
Only ones coming out smiling are the greed'ies in politicians for power, pharmaceuticals for profit, who acting like the orchestral leader.... WTF, go with your gut feel! Do it / Don't do it, your body to decide... One instance when numbers do lie!
Freedom of choice. What a concept right? @joanstewart gets it.
Freedo or Frito? What'd you say? What's it called?
I'm throwing in the towel.
You should know iheart second place, so I'm not bothered by what I'm about to say: I'll no longer claim comment master status.
You, my friend, are unmatched.
Now get to delivering would ya. There's a whole country fulla following consumers who expect packed shelves at Target because the radio said they're special.
Target = No Fly List
They owe us money...
Screwed us for layover/detention pay last year.
I Did not burn that bridge, but avoid them like the
PLAGUEvaccinated...Target...: For those who think they are too good for Wally World.
I have no doubt they filmed that in Tennessee.