We are winging it right now. I Got a few things in mind. But I gotta wait and see where the power mad dictators go with all of this tyranny.
We will just hunker down here at the ranch, till they come for us. We are prepping little by little. But not to bug out. To shelter in place, and try to endure a total shut down.
I envy your escape plan. Your camper set up and skill set. I am a country boy from a small farm. I will have a better than most chance at survival. You are next level tho. The skills you practice set you a step above. You could use those skills well in an apocalyptic type scenario.
What would You do with Cleo? Could she go with You.? I know Samantha and the Lil' Guy could go with us if we needed to bug out. But these others do not travel very well... So we will stay.
You're right, your skills place you ahead of most, well ahead really. It pays to be prepared too, the fall is coming. There's no doubt.
It's funny, the whole world went mad with the lockdown, whinged and moaned about the isolation. Shows how ill-prepared people are for a societal breakdown and the isolation that will ensue.
Cleo would come with, I'm not leaving her. If I had to I'd stay too.
Whatever this unknown future holds for us. Just Know that I will fight right beside you in spirit.