That looks like a pretty legit bike indeed! Do you ride it to work or is it just recreational? Also, have you tried jumping it off a ramp? I used to want to jump my bike off ramps as a kid all the time, most didn't end well for me and ended in pain. 😀
Gosh, I've read some of those stories Galen and it amazes me sometimes that you are still alive and not missing limbs.
All my bits are where they should be Andy, but some have had a torrid time of it.
I'm sorry I laughed at this, I feel horrible, but the way you word these things G-dog, I can't help it.
Please take care ok?
It's ok Andy, I don't mind people laughing at me; I like it actually. It means they have positive thoughts and if I can be at the root of them? Well, I think that's legit.
I'll take care...I'm easier on my bits as I age...But I'm still hoping for advances in technology and the mainstream release of boinic bits just in case I lapse into some form of nutbaggery or other that doesn't go well for some of the more sensitive parts of me. It's always a possibility.
My bike is used for recreational purposes 😅
Is it a serious question, Galen? I don't sound like the kind of professional you are 😄😄
Lol, yeah it was a serious question. I can get on a push bike without having the need to jump it off something. These days I need to be a little more careful though, my body doesn't recover as well as it did when I was a kid. 🤪