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RE: Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

There are many things on my mind as we speak but of immediate importance is to establish a school of my own and inculcate some ideas I am not allowed to do in the place I presently work. As much as we try, my present school is still merry-go-rounding with the need to improve on teaching and learning styles.Good morning guys and welcome to another #weekend-engagement.

I see the world is changing and humans have to join the moving train or be left behind. Learning styles have changed also. Students now learn quickly using gadgets. The appliances like smart or electronic boards makes teaching more comprehensive with the use of audio-visuals instructions. I really hope I would have enough funds to bring this ideas to place.


Building a school, equipped with modern learning implement as nice desire to hold. We had the privilege of donating encyclopedia collection to just such a school built in a rural district completed about fifteen years ago.

Desire of an elderly man who built the school with local assistance, the library was shared to the whole village over weekends, one can never think too big!

It's the best I could think of as the schools around my domain may look beautiful in structure but la led as of those modern facilities to facilitate effecting teaching-learning process.

It will be nice to enjoy modern facilities, education is so important to all!

So if I understand correctly... You want to create a school?
That is a noble idea my good man. The impact you would have is immense.
What kind of courses are you thinking about?

Yeah. That's one thing I want but haven't been able to achieve. It is topmost in my mind.

Then it will happen

This is a great ideal, keep pushing and you are very likely to achieve this your dream someday. I as well wish you all the best.

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Thank you @funshee, this is a desire I have held in my heart. And I hope this comes to fruition in the nearest future.

The school is your item? Cool, I hope that works out.

This is a good idea

Wow that is a very big and inspiring dream you have. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you get it there, nothing is impossible, just start somewhere and keep going :)

Thanks for your kind words. I hope to start where my resources can carry.

I really do.hope you get the funds to get your school started. One of the disadvantages of working under someone is that you don't have the freedom to implement some of your ideas.

People are afraid of change and it's not shocking the school you work at are unwilling to implement change. If you do get your school, you'll be able to make.those changes yourself.

That's exactly why this is on the top of my list and with time, I'd get it started.