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RE: Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

Hello friends! This is my first time here and i love the ideal behind this weekend engagement already.

I have a lot of stuff very dear to my heart, that I can not just get rid off no natter how long its have been with me and that hand made bead is one of such.


I learnt how to make bead in 2016/2017 during my Youth Service Year. I since then havs made some cool brider's beads for friends during their wedding, and this particular one, I made it for myself and ever since it has been with me even when i don't use it for a long time it is always in my Jewelry box.

Anytime i set my eyes on it, it alwsys as if is ever new. I just can't help but love it.

Talking about it here now, i think i might have to do the full neck bead to compliment it.

Thank you! Have fun and enjoy your weekend.

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Nice dainty beading with strong clasp, perhaps one day try match up with the necklace you promising yourself, then wear them and enjoy!

Thank you!

I will try and do that.

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Good idea Joan

Make it, wear it, enjoy it.... How often don't we go to the trouble and never use item.

This is so true and how often we keep things we never use

Some things we hoard, it's amazing how many keepsakes we keep in perfect condition, I am a culprit of that too....

Bead making is such a great skill, people who are skillful in making beads usually have an extra source of income in it.Welcome here @funshee, I hope you find the fun that we all get trying to engage here.

Yeah you're right about the extra source of income from bead making,

but for now due my others activities and time, I only make it for my close friends.

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Keep at it, someday, you may find a breakthrough

Hello funshee and welcome to the #weekend-engagement topic for the first time.

This is a pretty creative thing you've shown us and you made it yourself? Tremendous effort! I'd say a neck bead to match it would be a great idea too.

Just wondering how long it takes to make something like this? It looks like a lot of work.

Thanks for the warmth welcome, I appreciate it.

For the fact that I have master the act of making bead,the one up there dose not takes me more than 3 hours and if I'm to make the one for the neck, it will takes nothing more than three days.

You're really welcome and I'm glad to have you around this week.

This is a lot of fun and precious.

Smiles, thank you!

Seeing you here simply means this place is going to be more interesting and fun than I thought.

This is so beautiful, your teacher was a good one, your work is excellent

Thanks friend 🙏 I apperciate your nice words.

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You are welcome 🥰

Was this the first bead you made? It's really pretty. I like how creative people get with beads. Although I like beads on other people, I don't fancy it on myself.

It is not my first bead dear, but it is my favourite.

Is always inside my handbag even when am not putting it on.

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