The Android Phone - Samsung/Huawei Y9 Gifts
It was a gift given to me by the 2nd son of my employer last 2018. He promised to give me android phone when he found job after he graduated. Imagine, he was 4 years ild when I arrived here and now he had his own family with one daughter. His name is Hassan, a geneous child and now a man. It. Was too sad that the ohone was stolen in January 01 2019. Then another blessing came to me when the eldest son bought me Huwaei Y9, the latest edition on that time. It was a expensive but they gave me heatily in returned for taking care of them since then and until now. I lived my own son. The Huawei is here in my hand today and the only one I use in blogging. They knew that I am blogging in zteemit before. The time time Samsung was stolen, I cried a lot because all my keys were there in all platform but they helped me recover my google account and everything was okay. These are the tbings that I Cherished most. And what I wanted to have is a laptop, eventhoough the cheapest one for my hive blogs. I badly needed it. Last Thursday this phone was broken that is why I was not around for how many days. I want to buy but this time my son and his family are sick. I am so sad that it happened during my birthday. I am now afraid if it is covid. Only God knows. I never seen them for 3 years personally and hearing the news saddened me with too much pain and prompted me not to attend the party they prepared for me and my friend.
Than you @galenkp and everyone here.
Do you ever wonder if it's all just a little bit sad that we value phones so much?
Yes, I know it. There are so many things to consider about it. In my side being away from home, I need it but supposed to be I must refrain of using it all the time since I have already been exposed to radiation. It is not good for our health but for some reason it has benefits like this. Being here in the platform. Sometimes. And I got my phone for free and never bought it since then. Something that I feel like happy and something a little bit sad.
I just think it's rather sad that a phone has become one of societies most prized of possessions.
!BEERAgree with you but i just cherished it because if I myself I could not prioritize buying android phone, It was given to me from the people I taking care. Not all people here are giving to their helper. It sounds materialistic I am giving credit my phone as one ofy cherished thing but the reason beyond how I have it. Thank you @galenkp
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