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RE: Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

The first thing that comes to my mind are my glasses. I literally cannot live without my glasses. I don't feel complete without them; as a matter of fact without my glasses I feel empty, without them I can't see, I can't hear, I can't think and the worst thing: if I don't have them on, I feel very naked.😂 Even though I have several layers of clothes on. 😂


Glasses are a really important thing for so many, including myself.

In the last couple years I've relied on them for reading my phone and computer effectively. I can barely do so without my reading glasses on. I have great distance vision still but my close vision, reading and writing, is going backwards. So I get it!

I don't feel naked without my glasses, unless of course I am indeed naked, however I have trouble seeing things properly.

Do you keep a spare set around?

I keep one set on my bedside table, one in my satchel and another that goes mobile. In fact, my Oakley sunglasses I'm seen in mostly are prescription reading glasses. I need them to shoot effectively with also. It sucks getting old but I don't have much choice in it.

You look good in your glasses you know, I think some suit it and some don't. You make it look good. ☺️

Awww thank you.💙 I've been wearing glasses for so many years; even I don't like myself anymore without glasses. It's almost as if I'm looking at someone else in the mirror when I don't have them on. 😂

And yes, I have a spare set also. I don't like wearing it though. I only have it, just in case the other one breaks or sth. Also I have a bad habit of falling in sleep with my glasses on (I usually read a book before I sleep) .😣

A spare pair is a must! I have a set also.

Please, can you explain what sth means or was that just a typo?

Haha sure means 'something'.😅

Ah ok, now I get it.

I can see how writing only three letters rather than nine can add up over a life time and save you something like half a minute or so!

This ☝️ is sarcasm of course. I'm Australian; it comes ntrly.

Ntrly means: Naturally. (I just made that up to same some time.)

Lol. It's just a contraction that is used a lot among my friends and family while chatting. I'm afraid it comes automatically while I write; I didn't even realized it until you asked.😅🤦‍♀️

Well, I hope you'll do something amazing with that half-minute you save over your lifetime!

You know I'm just playing around right? 😁

It's great stuff.
You remind me of a friend. I asked him if he could live without a wife but not his glasses since he has been wearing them for years. 😅

@trangbaby hahaha...that is a good one. I don't know about your friend, but if I had to choose between my glasses and a man, I would definitely choose my glasses. 😂