My art pieces. I think that they are the best way I was able to express myself. Also they are keepers a lot of my precious memories.
A few chess sets. They remind me of my dad.
My art pieces. I think that they are the best way I was able to express myself. Also they are keepers a lot of my precious memories.
A few chess sets. They remind me of my dad.
You're a very talented fellow huh? Do you have a particular favourite and if so which and why?
Thank you very much. In the first two of these pieces I used a photo and tracing paper. I hope that this doesn't change your opinion too much.
I am not sure about favorite. They would still be a few... But the first one here is unique because I was my own model- I used my photo. I have done pieces with multiple hive girls. Also pieces like the last one where I just drew something by hand. But first one is only real piece where I was also the model. Sometimes I drew myself as a snowman and one time I did this...

But that was not nearly as serious as my first piece in this topic. Also it took me probably the longest.
I like it - has character
Thank you.
You're welcome
I didn't know this. Anyone I know?
Eve, escapist( I think you knew her?). Others you probably don't know. The one with iceberg was one of my pieces with Eve.
Here is one of my pieces with escapist.
Ah yeah I know Eve. Did you let her know you did some art work of her image? She might like to know if you didn't.
I did.
Art can be a great way for one to experess his or her self
They look spectacular to me, nice art pieces
thank you very much.
Memories linked to specific work, something to treasure remembering in later years of the time you were going through when you put paint to canvas.
you are right.
Memories are good ways of remembering the past
But perfect memory could also be a curse.
You are right, it could also be a curse, depending on how you view those memories