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RE: Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Ah this is a nice one! And for me an easy one: everyone meet Beri!

Beri and I have shared almost all of our lives together, I was born the 8th of July 1990 and he was gifted to me 3 weeks later. We have been inseparable since, we saw the world, he dried my tears, I told him all my good news first. We moved out and went to uni together, etc etc. Now that we are both getting older and more fragile he doesn't sleep in my bed anymore, but he has the best spot on the couch in our living room.

One of my main things with boyfriends was always that they had to be kind to Beri, assholes who though it was funny to poke him or make fun of him were instantly dumped. If you can't even be kind to a teddybear, why should I be with you? My partner now is very nice with Beri, he is actually the one that knitted him this scarf to help him with some much needed arm support as over the years the arms have become delicate.

I think for me Beri is not so much a thing or an object but more a buddy that has been through everything with me. I would be truly heartbroken if he were to break or somehow disappear. So instead of wishing for new things that I would want, I wish for Beri to stick around as long as I do!

Happy weekend everyone!


Hey Beri you cute little bugger! 😊

What a funny little fellow he is and clearly he's a top notch sort of teddy as he stuck with you all this time!

Thanks for joining in this week and sharing your treasured item friend Beri with us. ✅

I also have a few teddy's left from when my kids were little. Hardest things to give away

I always wonder how it will be when I have kids, I hope they find a teddy for life as well!

Yeah, teddy bears hold a certain sentimentality. I still have mine too. (Did a post on it a while back actually.)

I have from all my kids and now passing on to my son's wife

 3 years ago  

I've seen too many murder mystery shows where the lead character murders a whole town of tumbleweed farmers and then sinks them to the bottom of the ocean on stolen cargo ships all because a teddy bear said so.

Haha you have? I gotta watch different movies!

 3 years ago  

Good one!


Wow! So nice, Beri must have been so good to you, therefore, you are right, if someone can not be good to a teddybear, how come of a human, it is truly an example, and you are right on this, if someone really loves you, he or she must abide to your ways and love what you loved

I would be truly heartbroken if he were to break or somehow disappear. So instead of wishing for new things that I would want, I wish for Beri to stick around as long as I do!

Happy weekend everyone!

Thanks man, Happy weekend!

I wish you the same

All Beris of this world have a good soul :-) they listen and understand everything. They have always time for listening and dont get angry when somebody forgets them for some time. Great that you show us this little nice Beri.

Yeah that's exactly how I feel :) Thanks for the kind words!

Best Beri in the world, knows your good times and bad times, helped you find great partners too... Grow old together!

We made it this far together! I am sure we can do another like 60 years together! Hopefully haha

Sure to be with you for years to come, my brothers is still in the family 73 years on. I was given dolls that I gave to my sister, still have some of my dinky cars though.

That is awesome!

Always something hidden away, one day will have to be passed on.

This is the cutest! I melted when I read the part about your boyfriend knitting the scarf. That is super adorable. Beri will stay nice and warm. 🧸

Yeah I think he likes his scarf a lot, and I am keeping the boyfriend! He did good!

Yeah Beri!

I do understand his ability to advise you on the boyfriends. Makes perfect sense to me, matter of fact.

Wonderful selection.

Thanks a lot! Have a happy weekend!

Looks like Beri is starring directly towards us...Yeah I understand how companionship meant, he now lives as part of you because he has done through a lot with you. I hope he sticks with you for so long

Thanks a lot for the kind words! We have indeed been through a lot together!