but for sure, 2023 can fuck right off now.
You couldn't have said it better! I support you in that!
I have set myself goals, especially work, professional and new projects that have recently popped into my head. And I am highly thinking about them, it will take study and that is what I will do.
Personally, what I can't control, like the issue of my aunt and uncle... my goal is to support them as much as I can.
On a more personal level, it's all ok!
On 2023, I'm looking forward to the next one!
2024... it will be hard, on a global level, I know... and many on a personal level... things will happen, they are already happening. Be prepared. It is the reality.
Very happy new year 2024 Galen! All the best!
Controlling the things you can control and working with those you cannot is the best way to go; the only way really. With your uncle and aunt...I'm not here to advise but do what you can and don't forget that you are more important than them to you. If you don't look after yourself you'll not be able to look after anyone else, so remember that it's ok to look after yourself.
You're absolutely right, that's what I'll do, they need me physically and mentally strong, I'll do it!
Good...far too many people forget to take some self-care and focus only on the other person/people and then they break down themselves. Good luck.
Yes, it happened to me when I lost my grandmother .... I didn't matter, only her. I got to 48 kilos.... I learned from that experience and now I deal with it differently.
I will take care of myself! Don't worry.
We're each able to act in accordance with our own thoughts, desires, wishes and ideals, however, not taking care of ourselves thinking we're doing the right thing by others is flawed thinking in my opinion. So, it's good you learned from that lesson you mention above.
All the best.
Things happen for a reason, to learn, and with my grandmother I learned a lot. I took care of her for the six months she was diagnosed to live, but I neglected myself. Now I look at things differently.
Best wishes to you too!