2023, you old bastard thing

in Weekend Experienceslast year


I could probably think of 2,023 things not to like about the year 2023 and I'm not sad to see the end of it.

That's not to say good things didn't happen because they did, many of them, but it's been an incredibly challenging year for me and despite taking a turn for the better towards the end it's been difficult to navigate throughout. No, I'm not sad to see the end of it at all, I'm happy to see it fall away behind me and to be peeking over the edge of the new year.

I'm not going to delve into the reasons 2023 has been so difficult because they're personal things and, besides, we all have difficult times and situations in life and mine are probably not all that different or challenging than the next person's; of course, that doesn't negate the way those things have caused me to feel and the efforts I've had to go to in a bid to move forward as best I can; I'm proud of how I've done so however...but for sure, 2023 can fuck right off now.

Work the problem

I've done plenty of that throughout 2023, working the problem, and have been mostly successful or have had results that have been acceptable to me at the least; I am a lean forward into it sort of guy meaning I don't shy away from difficulties and hard work; trying to avoid things like that don't get them done, so I work the problem, find solutions and get it done. It's that ethos which has brought results out of the quagmire that was 2023 and it's that attitude and effort that will bring results in 2024, that's the plan anyway.

I've spent time determining and setting goals and even more time looking at strategies to help me reach them, or move closer to them.

These have been done from a personal and professional perspective and I've worked together with my partner to find out what's important so that the goals align with our needs and wants; of course, knowing why those goals are important is critical to the thoughts and attitude aspect that drives the motivation and action aspect; a combination of all is what helps bring the results. We feel we're pretty set with our 2024 goals and have built in the ability to pivot and adapt as things change along the way; one must be flexible after all as one never knows what can happen until it happens; the plan for the worst ethos.

I don't know how 2024 will roll out, all I know for sure is that it will roll out no matter what, whether I'm prepared or not...I don't really know how not to be prepared, it's my nature to have a high degree of readiness for the things I want to achieve and for the unknown fortunately so I feel I'm on the launching pad waiting for the countdown. Ten nine, eight, seven...you know the deal.

I know so many who have scratched and clawed their way through 2023 for various reasons and a look around the world will show strong evidence that it's been a tough year generally; I don't think things will get much better overall but I feel we can each work towards making our individual situations better and that's what I plan to do.

I wonder what you have in place for 2024 as far as goals and plans to attain them. Do you even have goals or do you prefer to drift along without them? Feel free to comment below and let me know, I'd be keen to hear about your strategies and the goals themselves.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


Yes I agree 2023 and 2022 and 2021 have been testing periods unlike other years and hoping 2024 gets back to being a bit more normal. We can only hope as we deserve better. All the best for 2024 and it is up to us to change our fortunes.

For me things took a turn in 2018 and then the 2020 situation came along and the rest is history. So much changes around us, and will continue to change, but you're right, while there things that are outside are outside of our control there's also things within it...which is why I set goals and plans to reach them.

I hope people can stay the course, no matter what that is for them in 2024 and at the end we can look back and call it a good one overall.

Happy new year.

This is the only way to be going forward as the lockdowns killed my business plus the load shedding that followed. I haven't travelled since 2016 and I am going to this year because of my moms sickness and the need for new clothes. I have so much kicking off in February with new businesses there is no time to think which is also a good thing I think. I do think this year will be a good year all round as nothing can be as bad as what we have had. I feel like this is all starting from scratch again which is absurd. Happy New Year.

Travelling is something I miss and not doing it as much as I'd like to is one of the reasons things seem so...flat, I guess. My year wasn't the worst ever but it was far from the best and that's what I will be turning around in 2024.

All the best with your travel and business ventures.

Here again. Speaking of the new year, I have clear goals. Personally I want to dedicate more attention to a person I adore. Professionally I have a clear goal and the preparation work is almost completed, I still need to finish a new website and some more details. About Hive I also have clear goals. I have been thinking for months about what is my place in the platform and I already have it clear. That's all. HAPPY YEAR

Personally I want to dedicate more attention to a person I adore.

Hurrah! I like this...firstly that you adore that person and secondly that you'll dedicate more attention to them; I applaud that.

I expected one such as you would have goals and I'm not disappointed; it's through goal-setting that progress is made and that progress comes through enacting a plan, thinking outside the square, working hard and being flexible when required. All the best for the new year and those goals...and that attention you'll be lavishing upon the lucky person in your life.

Once upon a time an account set up some other accounts to milk a faucet.

One of the accounts set up was called blacktones.

blacktones sends its money to another account spyderchimes.

spyderchimes sends its money to hawktale.

Guess where hawktale sends its money?


Fucking disgusting. What do you have to say for yourself? Or shall I comment on your main account let people see what you are?

"2023 can fuck right off now"

Aye Agree.!!


My life is better than last year and I remain optimistic that next year will be much better @galenkp

Thanks good news, I hope it all works to plan for you.

each work towards making our individual situations better and that's what I plan to do.

Solid advice, 2024 is going to be a year of change in more ways than one, this world will not change overnight. Make your own comfort zone in how to cope in a positive light. I plan a little, do what is required....

@tipu curate

I agree, the world will change little by little each year (sometimes not a little but a lot) and we have to adjust. pivot and adapt...part of that is preparation, trying to preempt what may come and mitigate its effects.

Adjust, move on as best we can, little planning goes a long way, somehow we make it day by day!

yep... seeing that first pic...

that happened with three cars this year. THREE ROLLOVERS!

and my kids were all in 6 different accidents.


four cars totalled.

FOUR!!! the last one being less than a month ago.

my son said basically all you said in your post...lol. worst year ever lol

I didn't love it either but some pretty amazing things happened this year too, and I just can't chalk 2023 up to terrible for those amazing silver linings were truly amazing!!!

however...IM READY FOR 2024!!!😂 so unbelievably ready!!! lololol

Happy New Year C.H 🤗🥳

Yep, that's 2023 in a nutshell I guess, for me too...a train car wreck. It's good that your kids made it through, things could have gone differently should fate have played a different hand...so, let's say a big fuck you, you fucken bastard to 2023 and say, 2024, you sexy beast, hurry up and get here.

Happy new year to you and yours me hearty. Harrr.

hehehehe cheers to that!!! 🍻

No idea who you are, and I haven't talked to acidyo in months? but if you knew me at all, which you clearly don't....you would know I lick no boots, nor kiss ass, nor any other random body part that gets flung my way. most of those get cut off and shoved up their owner's ass, right where they belong.

I could defend myself with actual facts over the last 7 years of what I do here... but I see no need to converse any longer with some random anonymous whiner.

Happy New Year, hope your attention-seeking complaints find their way to ears that care more in 2024.

happy new year dreemsteem :D

ha!!!!! well now I've talked to you AGAIN. lol happy New year to you too acidyo. 🥳😝

Pretty sure I know the identity of this person now that they mentioned my last interaction with you... lol

all I can say is....wow, must be nice to have all that time to obsess over little old me. 😂😂😂

kinda creepy in a way, but when I occasionally come across their posts (which could be copy/pasted classic martyr "woe is me" each time) , it all adds up. lol they're living in a delusional world and I'm so glad I can laugh off their strange desire to feel so relevant.

honestly, people who have this much time to drop this much hate, while claiming to be such a victim.... sigh

if only they spent that much time on changing their lives instead of blaming others... maybe they would have a happy new year too.

alas, apparently it's easier to play silly games and win shitty prizes. 🤷

well this interaction served as some final entertainment of 2023 and got a few of us laughing!!! hope you got a chuckle too, acidyo!!

if only they spent that much time on changing their lives instead of blaming others...

that's classic for many here, lol

I just noticed the name tag and ignored it the other day but figured I'd drop by and say hi.

Haters online are quite common, we even got our first official consistent hater for @holozing recently, it's a sign you're doing things well! :D

yeah that's what they say... lol

I just keep doing what I want, when i want... and that makes people annoyed that I don't care what they think. or when I don't conform to their ridiculous shenanigans. lol

who has the time?? I ax ya.

glad you said hi... there is always room for hi ... and Jell-O. 😋

I have heard lots of chatter about holozing... i think it's an NFT card thing so I am specifically NOT checking it out because I don't want to subconsciously influence our own with our season 2 coming out in March 😂😂😂😂

it's like when I'm writing books...I try not to.read any other fiction cuz I don't want subconscious influence to creep in.

but I'm sure whatever you're doing is going to be another fun Hiver outlet and most likely huge investment! so Godspeed to you!🥳

we will just carry on quietly in our little corner 😂😂😂😂😂

ohhhhhh wait.... lol

I know exactly who you are .. 😂😂😂😂

you gave yourself away in your comment. wow.

just....wow. 😂

I actually expected you to be a lot ballsier than an anonymous attack, but you actually created a new account for harassment JUST to keep your alt account bringing in votes. You wanna talk about bootlicking?!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂just goes to show you how deep your hypocrisy runs.

typical. lol this is seriously precious!

don't worry....I STILL won't be commenting on your REAL account. It's not personal, I just think your incessant whining isn't worth reading.

One foot in front of the other, and trying to be flexible knowing the rug can be pulled from under me at any friggin moment. 2023 had its moments but fuck take me back to 2019 for a reset, and skip the pandemic and all the shite that's happened since. Or 1995 maybe.

Much hugs x

2019 or 2005...Obviously good years for you.

It's been a challenging time since 2018 for me, not the hardest time of my life but certainly one I'd prefer to have gone differently. Life is what it is and we have to live it though I suppose, I ;like to be in the driver's seat though.

They say make lemonade when life hands one lemons...Maybe a whisky sour is more appropriate sometimes though.

The first half of 2023 can get bent. It was rough. The second half of 2023 was magical. So, while I'm not glad for how the year began, I am so very glad for how it is closing out.

I wonder what you have in place for 2024 as far as goals and plans to attain them. Do you even have goals or do you prefer to drift along without them? Feel free to comment below and let me know, I'd be keen to hear about your strategies and the goals themselves.

This is the first year I am going to sit down with my family to plan a strategic calendar. Something we are doing to plot our personal and family goals. It's something I heard about recently that resonated with me in a big way.

Will a strategic calendar work? Well, I've heard this saying by Benjamin Franklin,“By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail.” and I've also heard this saying, "You want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."

Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle. Here's to hoping our plans are in alignment with God's plans for us. ;-)

It's good to hear you're going to apply some strategy to your goals in 2024 and, as someone who is a string goal-setter, I can assure you that it a really great way to reach the goals or get close, ; it's far better than approaching it in a scattered or aimless way. Well done to you!

Determine your goals, make sure they're achievable, realistic, relevant, time-measured and specific. Then you can go ahead and devise a tailored plan to carry you forward to each and with some check-measures along the way, adjustments if needed, I think you'll be well on the way to achieving your goals.

Happy new year.

I think on a world level 2023 has definitely had some bad spots, but in my little bubble, it hasn't been too bad. I was going through some photos the other day for my one post and I have some pretty great memories from 2023. In all honesty, I am a bit sad to see it go personally. For me it just means another year is behind me and a decreasingly finite number are ahead.

I guess that's the thing with life, it's sometimes bad and sometimes good, and that same swing occurs with people meaning some have a good year and others do not. I guess what's probably common is that, in life, both ends of the scale will present themselves.

I could probably think of 2,023 things not to like about the year 2023 and I'm not sad to see the end of it.

sorry to hear that! That's 5x more than the days in the year is that even possible. That's like almost everyday there was something you didn't like.

I don't know how 2024 will roll out,

2024 will be awesome and u rolling weekend engagement every weekend right haha

For me for 2024, i didn't really set any goals but I feel it will be a great year. just keep doing and hustling and things will play out right hopefully. whatever it is just gotta keep control of what i have control over and not worry too much about things outside of that

It's interesting you didn't set any goals over the year, was there a specific reason you went into the year with no real plan? You mention hustling, and I can't help but think things might have gone even better for you had there been some structure (goals and plans). Still, if it worked for you then fair enough, although it makes me wonder what might have been possible with alternative strategies in play.

Uh I mean I have like rough goals but like nothing specific you know because it's' something to strive for but if I don't get there well it's' not end the world i guess? Like ideally I want to reach my first million in 2024 but this is a bit of a stretch but hey if I don't get there it's all good. Then another kind of goal is getting a partner but if it doesnt happen its fine as well because if its meant to be its meant to be u know. I don't want to force myself to make sure my goal happens but i have something im working towards. I guess this is a goal LOL but its not a smart goal since its not too specific or i have a timeline for myself. I don't know how to explain it but I hope what I said makes sense.

I have like rough goals but like nothing specific you know because it's' something to strive for but if I don't get there well it's' not end the world i guess?

I get it, however I've lived long enough to know the value of solid goal-setting and how through doing so the things we want to attain get easier to attain.

A goal is only a goal if it is achievable in a set timeframe, is measurable and relevant to the individual...of course, it has to have a plan attached to it...with those, and a few other, guidelines to it then one is on the way. Having the goal of say, becoming an astronaut, without a plan isn't going to make one an astronaut. You know?

I don't have children, however if I did it's these things I'd be teaching them because I know how valuable these strategies are in life...but that doesn't mean everyone has to do the same thing and many do not and still manage to lead a reasonable life.

I also don't like the word hustle...it actually means, "obtain illicitly or by forceful action," and that's not often a legit way of doing things. I prefer the words taking ownership, responsibility, showing discipline and working hard. They seem more righteous.

Anyway, we each have lives to lead and can do so in whatever ways we wish.

Good luck with your first million dollars, however you have planned to make it in 2024.

Good luck with your first million dollars, however you have planned to make it in 2024.

nothing illegal of course. im too good and scared of breaking the laws

I also don't like the word hustle...it actually means, "obtain illicitly or by forceful action

well there's different meanings for this the one more in line with what i was trying to say was a state of great activity. but i can see how u feel that way because it does mean that in other cases. I think you know I wouldn't mean it that way to do anything illicitly or by force

I get it, however I've lived long enough to know the value of solid goal-setting and how through doing so the things we want to attain get easier to attain.

A goal is only a goal if it is achievable in a set timeframe, is measurable and relevant to the individual...of course, it has to have a plan attached to it.

ya i believe so this was actually taught in middle high school and even heard it again through university time. I should probably set more parameters and make my goals more towards the "SMART" or i guess id just be a headless chicken. ill prob have to review my rough goals and try to set more objectives and timelines to make sure im on track

appreciate your comment and advice. Hope you have a happy new year. u get it just few hours earlier i believe hehe

I share exactly the same opinion on 2023: improving towards the end, but happy to see it gone. Still sorting out the plans for 2024, hoping the improving trend at the end of this year continues. One thing granted, I'll learn a programming language just for fun!

If you found some momentum in 2023, as I did, it'll work best to carry that forward into 2024 as well and making plans, like the programming thing, is a good start. All we can do is work with what we have and to work with the present and future in mind, I guess that has to be enough. What I personally don't like to do is drift along aimlessly, it feels like wasting time to me...although it seems to work for some.

All the best with 2024 and your goals.

All we can do is work with what we have and to work with the present and future in mind, I guess that has to be enough

Yep, fully agree. Have an awesome 2024! !BEER

BEERHey @galenkp, here is a little bit of from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use

Ehhhh... Every year me and "Pook" try the eating better and spending less. Maybe this year is the year it will stick. We will try and that is the important part. 😉

It takes effort to stick to stuff like that, but the rewards are there and after a time it becomes a habit and than it's not so hard. Good luck.

For 2024 I have many things in my bucket list. Like from long time I have this pressing urge,which is hidden in my heart, to visit any country from the globe.
Well if I see things on practical ground then I have plan to build my small or little business.
2023 was no doubt was strange flying year for me which was holding bunch of surprise for me. It's ending and my brain is loaded with so many things which I have to do.

Seems like you've got a few dreams there...how many of them are goals though? That is, things you have an active plan to attain?

I have plan to always get good grades (gpa) in academics.
I will write a short story which I don't know will be going to be publish or not ! Oh taha be optimistic.
I am going to buy new dress in every month of 2024. That's new plan for me.
I am going to change my mobile with my savings in hive.
I am going to polish myself( this is abstract idea so let me pour a concrete idea in it) well, I am optimistic that I will avail scholarship this year.
I will loose my weight.
I will take great care of my parents.
That's all.

 last year  

The year has been good and bad, as all are but there are good things about the year for my wife and her health journey which is really what’s the most important. The more time we move away from those the better and get back to a more normal and expected function!

It does seem like it’s been a challenging year for you and those health issues which is always hard. I’m hoping that 2024 has much less big ones for you! More big boobs and less big health issues I reckon! Lol

Good things can come from bad ones, we learn for one, but how we deal with bad things, how we work to move them forward can often bring excellent results, even if it doesn't seem so at the outset, and that's probably the way to look at them...turn negatives into positives where possible. (It's not always so easily done though.)

Yeah, health issues but also something else plagued my year, something of a very significant nature that I had to work through; I didn't mention it on Hive and won't. It worked out eventually but the journey was difficult to manage at times; fortunately I have the support of a very good partner who cares, works every bit as hard as I do (more so probably) and stands beside me on the shield wall when required.

but for sure, 2023 can fuck right off now.

You couldn't have said it better! I support you in that!

I have set myself goals, especially work, professional and new projects that have recently popped into my head. And I am highly thinking about them, it will take study and that is what I will do.

Personally, what I can't control, like the issue of my aunt and uncle... my goal is to support them as much as I can.

On a more personal level, it's all ok!

On 2023, I'm looking forward to the next one!

2024... it will be hard, on a global level, I know... and many on a personal level... things will happen, they are already happening. Be prepared. It is the reality.

Very happy new year 2024 Galen! All the best!

Controlling the things you can control and working with those you cannot is the best way to go; the only way really. With your uncle and aunt...I'm not here to advise but do what you can and don't forget that you are more important than them to you. If you don't look after yourself you'll not be able to look after anyone else, so remember that it's ok to look after yourself.

You're absolutely right, that's what I'll do, they need me physically and mentally strong, I'll do it!

Good...far too many people forget to take some self-care and focus only on the other person/people and then they break down themselves. Good luck.

Yes, it happened to me when I lost my grandmother .... I didn't matter, only her. I got to 48 kilos.... I learned from that experience and now I deal with it differently.

I will take care of myself! Don't worry.

We're each able to act in accordance with our own thoughts, desires, wishes and ideals, however, not taking care of ourselves thinking we're doing the right thing by others is flawed thinking in my opinion. So, it's good you learned from that lesson you mention above.

All the best.

Things happen for a reason, to learn, and with my grandmother I learned a lot. I took care of her for the six months she was diagnosed to live, but I neglected myself. Now I look at things differently.

Best wishes to you too!

I agree. 2023 has been a shitty year. I've encountered several problems, and had a close relative die so suddenly. A lot of plans have been cancelled, and investments have been flat. Here's to hoping 2024 is so much better overall, and just in time for the bull. 🍺

So many are saying how quickly the year has gone and I hear many saying that it wasn't the best they've had for various reasons. I'm hoping we are all writing posts this time next year saying how great 2024 was!

I know some of the difficult situations of the past year, some of the ones you let us know about, are very hard, and it takes a lot of strength to get through them. I'm glad you know how to handle those situations and you manage to get through them. That's what I understand from your attitude and the calmness that emanates from your posts. On this occasion, I wish you a new year in which your goals and other wishes come true. And good health!

I'm not used to having goals and plans for the future. I let them happen. I see now that such an attitude is not good at all and for this new year, I try to learn from your determination in solving the problems that life puts in front of us. It is imperative now to succeed and I thank you for your example.

It is obvious that everyone writes and acts here primarily with their person in mind, but beyond that you let a lot come to the benefit of your colleagues here, among whom I am glad to be myself. Thanks for that and all the support we have received over the past year.

See you at the end of the year that is now beginning!

Thanks, I appreciate your kind words. I've not divulged on here the most challenging aspect of 2023 but that, combined with the health situation, certainly made it a bad year overall. I got through it though and this year is looking pretty good.

No goals? I could never do it that way as I know I'd not achieve at full potential, but I guess we're all different. I hope it all works out and I'm sure you've had great years even without having set goals at the beginning.

Thanks again for your kind words and consistent engagement, it doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated.

2023 has been a blessing to me I guess cause I got to understand a lot of peoples (both good and bad) and I think it continues in the upcoming new year.
Happy New Year.

That's nice to hear and I hope the blessings continue into 2024 and beyond.

I hope you achieve your goals in 2024 all the best. I tended to be a drifter and have a bit of a care free attitude and i think a little bit of that is needed as to not stress yourself too much or add too much pressure. However i have started to set goals and have a more prepared attitude. One of my major goals is to achieve a passive income i can live off. I do believe Hive has a big part to play in that for me.

That's a good major goal to have, what's your plan to attain it?

I am trying to diversify as much so i have invested in some dividend stocks. Reinvesting the dividends back in. investing in different tokens and staking them and reinvesting. Delegating hive power to accumulate more tokens. I also sell online and put those earnings into hive. I do need to come up with a better strategy i think

That sounds good although I agree with the better strategy thing. I guess I'm a fan of diversification and wouldn't feel comfortable having Hive as the main focus, or crypto for that matter, as it narrows opportunities.

Good luck with whatever you decide, the good thing is that you're doing something!

 last year  Reveal Comment

There's only one way to find out what 2024 is going to deliver and that's by getting into it and making things happen. We don't have much choice I guess it'll be here tomorrow either way.

I hope you have a nice year.