It's interesting you didn't set any goals over the year, was there a specific reason you went into the year with no real plan? You mention hustling, and I can't help but think things might have gone even better for you had there been some structure (goals and plans). Still, if it worked for you then fair enough, although it makes me wonder what might have been possible with alternative strategies in play.
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Uh I mean I have like rough goals but like nothing specific you know because it's' something to strive for but if I don't get there well it's' not end the world i guess? Like ideally I want to reach my first million in 2024 but this is a bit of a stretch but hey if I don't get there it's all good. Then another kind of goal is getting a partner but if it doesnt happen its fine as well because if its meant to be its meant to be u know. I don't want to force myself to make sure my goal happens but i have something im working towards. I guess this is a goal LOL but its not a smart goal since its not too specific or i have a timeline for myself. I don't know how to explain it but I hope what I said makes sense.
I get it, however I've lived long enough to know the value of solid goal-setting and how through doing so the things we want to attain get easier to attain.
A goal is only a goal if it is achievable in a set timeframe, is measurable and relevant to the individual...of course, it has to have a plan attached to it...with those, and a few other, guidelines to it then one is on the way. Having the goal of say, becoming an astronaut, without a plan isn't going to make one an astronaut. You know?
I don't have children, however if I did it's these things I'd be teaching them because I know how valuable these strategies are in life...but that doesn't mean everyone has to do the same thing and many do not and still manage to lead a reasonable life.
I also don't like the word actually means, "obtain illicitly or by forceful action," and that's not often a legit way of doing things. I prefer the words taking ownership, responsibility, showing discipline and working hard. They seem more righteous.
Anyway, we each have lives to lead and can do so in whatever ways we wish.
Good luck with your first million dollars, however you have planned to make it in 2024.
nothing illegal of course. im too good and scared of breaking the laws
well there's different meanings for this the one more in line with what i was trying to say was a state of great activity. but i can see how u feel that way because it does mean that in other cases. I think you know I wouldn't mean it that way to do anything illicitly or by force
A goal is only a goal if it is achievable in a set timeframe, is measurable and relevant to the individual...of course, it has to have a plan attached to it.
ya i believe so this was actually taught in middle high school and even heard it again through university time. I should probably set more parameters and make my goals more towards the "SMART" or i guess id just be a headless chicken. ill prob have to review my rough goals and try to set more objectives and timelines to make sure im on track
appreciate your comment and advice. Hope you have a happy new year. u get it just few hours earlier i believe hehe