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RE: 2023, you old bastard thing

The first half of 2023 can get bent. It was rough. The second half of 2023 was magical. So, while I'm not glad for how the year began, I am so very glad for how it is closing out.

I wonder what you have in place for 2024 as far as goals and plans to attain them. Do you even have goals or do you prefer to drift along without them? Feel free to comment below and let me know, I'd be keen to hear about your strategies and the goals themselves.

This is the first year I am going to sit down with my family to plan a strategic calendar. Something we are doing to plot our personal and family goals. It's something I heard about recently that resonated with me in a big way.

Will a strategic calendar work? Well, I've heard this saying by Benjamin Franklin,“By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail.” and I've also heard this saying, "You want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."

Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle. Here's to hoping our plans are in alignment with God's plans for us. ;-)


It's good to hear you're going to apply some strategy to your goals in 2024 and, as someone who is a string goal-setter, I can assure you that it a really great way to reach the goals or get close, ; it's far better than approaching it in a scattered or aimless way. Well done to you!

Determine your goals, make sure they're achievable, realistic, relevant, time-measured and specific. Then you can go ahead and devise a tailored plan to carry you forward to each and with some check-measures along the way, adjustments if needed, I think you'll be well on the way to achieving your goals.

Happy new year.