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RE: 2023, you old bastard thing

For 2024 I have many things in my bucket list. Like from long time I have this pressing urge,which is hidden in my heart, to visit any country from the globe.
Well if I see things on practical ground then I have plan to build my small or little business.
2023 was no doubt was strange flying year for me which was holding bunch of surprise for me. It's ending and my brain is loaded with so many things which I have to do.


Seems like you've got a few dreams many of them are goals though? That is, things you have an active plan to attain?

I have plan to always get good grades (gpa) in academics.
I will write a short story which I don't know will be going to be publish or not ! Oh taha be optimistic.
I am going to buy new dress in every month of 2024. That's new plan for me.
I am going to change my mobile with my savings in hive.
I am going to polish myself( this is abstract idea so let me pour a concrete idea in it) well, I am optimistic that I will avail scholarship this year.
I will loose my weight.
I will take great care of my parents.
That's all.