What would I do without my head? (WEEK 246)

The head is for thinking, the problem is when it thinks wrong and curls up or when something just stays in thought.


The first image that came to my mind when I thought of my head falling off was: I would be the headless horseman. And the same thought came to my mind when I imagined my head rolling off. So if the headless horseman could live without his head I can too.

But now seriously speaking, of course physically if my head would come off I would die, but what if I could take it off from time to time, put it aside or make it fall off and maybe roll a bit... I think maybe some thoughts would get mixed up.

This topic struck me because of something I always say to my family or friends: The world would be better off if people didn't have heads. Don't get me wrong, if the intelligence is there, I don't mean that people are not intelligent, quite the contrary.

What I mean is that, after years of studying, learning and improving, many times what the head does is to contradict the heart and fuck everything up.

The head thinks and says: What if I can't...? What if I am not capable?.... What if I fail?.... What if I don't succeed? What if... what if... there are thousands of what ifs... That's why many times the head stops us in what we love to do, out of fear, fear comes from the head, the heart is not afraid.

In the heart is the love for what we do, for people and it is the one that has a direct connection with the soul and intuition. How many times by listening to my head I missed opportunities or I was afraid to start a business or whatever.

So if every now and then my head would fall off, it wouldn't be bad at all and let it roll if it wants to, that's where the bad thoughts fall off, because they are in the head, not in the heart. He who follows his heart is happy.

I think that many times you have to put your head to one side, there on a bedside table and just feel and listen to the inner voice. The inner voice is not in the head, but in the heart. That's what I've been doing for a few years now and it's changed my life for the better.

Besides, I have studied metaphysics for a long time, sometimes I lost my way because I followed my head, which told me... it's not possible, you won't make it... it sabotaged me. Not any more. So I believe... I don't believe... I'm sure I can live without my head, and live guided by my heart, that's where the ancient wisdom and true knowledge comes from, I can do it and I do it.

It's not a bad thing to take your head off from time to time, so that you don't bother with your negative words.

weekend topics he always brings us with so much creativity.This topic made me smile, because it brought me back to what I always say and I found it maybe funny but very thoughtful. Thanks to @galenkp for these

Thank you all very much for reading me today, best regards to all of you, see you soon.

All photographs are my own.

Used translator Deepl.com free version.

Separador Amonet rosa.png


!discovery 30

Thank you!!

To begin with, I really like the cover photo. I don't know if those heads are part of those dolls that end up in the bonfire because of the Mediterranean.

I understand the opposition between love and fear, love is expansion and fear is the opposite. Not being afraid is not good either.

But I differ in the importance you give to the head....,

Best regards, @avdesing.

The heads belong to an artist who did an exhibition a long time ago and I have some photos left.

Regarding the head, or the mind, it is the place where ideas and thoughts are created. You know I have studied, and recently resumed the study of metaphysics. But not always those thoughts are good. That's what I meant. Thank you so much!

It's been a long day. Good night!!!! See you tomorrow!

Descansa, no trataba de polemizar, ni de llevar la contaria. Hace tiempo que pienso (¿pienso?) que la cabeza es sólo un bulto (mis cosas).

Que tengas muy buena noche. Hasta mañana!! 🤗

Not at all... it's good to have different points of view, not everybody follows the same path and that's very good. It's just things that I've learned along the way and that I've experienced.

See you tomorrow, yes, I'm on my way out!

In the psychological sense, the best thing is not to lose our mind because we would lose not only our fears but also our ability to reason... I don't know anything about metaphysics, but if one day I lost my mind I would think that I would literally stop being me, to be of the wind and of no one but madness... In any case, our head, although it is always involved in everything, also keeps us alert to what may be right or wrong...so I would never want to lose my head...even if it is continually judging me for the things I do... In any case you cannot be judge and party at the same time, that is what the head and the heart are for..... I would have to study metaphysics to understand better...😶

I started on this path more than 12 years ago, a surprising and life-changing path. Of course there are different points of view and opinions, as well as ways of learning, all of them valuable. Thank you very much! 💗💗💗

I totally agree with that, our head always contradicts what our heart tells. Ending up being drown by our thoughts and stressing ourselves.

We think too much and feel too little... the world would be a different place. Thank you!

I thought of the zombie apocalypse. Hahaha... I understand your point, but the head is also the place where the memory is... I can't let it roll too much because I need the memory to come and read you every day.

A hug, happy Sunday...

No.... zombies have heads and are among us already, but look at the people inside their mobile phones on the street! hahaha good Sunday!!!🤗

Your reasoning is valid, but I would put it a little further away from the bedside table so as not to look at it when my heart speaks. The head influences the reasoning a lot.
Your reflection is very compelling. Good Sunday @ a hug 🤗🥰.

It's just a point of view, but yes, I think I'll put my head a bit further away, it might interfere anyway!!!! Thanks!💗

You are right, many things in the world would be better if we did not think so much and acted with the heart, what you think about people without heads is not bad.

I love these posts, where you invite us to reflect

Have a beautiful day dear friend @avdesing

Yes, the heart is the best guide. Thank you very much for always being there!

What a beautiful cover photo @avdesing

I remember when we watched that movie for the first time with my grandparents, I was really scared

I am one of those who believe that many times you have to do what your heart tells you to do

Have a beautiful Sunday afternoon

The heart will always guide you! Hug!