I love libraries! I walk in and feel like there's a world of information at my fingertips and as I wander I find myself feeling excited that with a single gesture, pulling a book from the shelf, I can become immersed and carried away to new places. I know everything is on the internet these days, but I love books and libraries are comfortable places to gain information. I'm an old soil and prefer books over the internet.
Becca 🌷
Yes, I understand what you are saying, and I also share that taste for libraries, I am also old school, despite the internet I prefer books, I once commented that the love of my life, my wife I met her in the university library, she also likes the library, the feeling of having the written wisdom in your hands does not compare to having it in an electronic device.
Libraries offer us a world of endless opportunities in the sea of knowledge and wisdom.
Thank you for your visit.
I like that it's quiet also, it's a nice environment.
Thanks for responding, you're a gentleman.
Becca 🌷