All photos of the doors are from my grandmother's house, they are frozen in time.

Weekend Engagement topics: Week 170 Excellent topics for a weekend. I have the keys, now I have to look for the doors.I invite you to participate in the proposals made by @galenkp.
The greatest treasure the greatest power that can exist on the fax of the earth and on the life of a person can be three things, time, knowledge and history, but at this moment I will talk about knowledge giving the greatest importance, I am not going to touch the subject of religious not to enter into something so susceptible for some people however within the religious and more than religion I would like to open the door of the library in the catatombs of the Vatican, but why the vatican, uff I think I will fall in a shirt with eleven sleeves, (quoting a very Venezuelan phrase well I think so), I have always said the church has managed very well the espionage, and for many years behind the flag of the confession of sins have been able to collect any kind of information for thousands of years, that library I am sure that keeps many confessions that can be very well kept secrets.
In the midst of my curiosity to have more knowledge of things, I am sure that behind those doors in that library I can rummage and discover many secrets that can give me the most accurate knowledge of the things of this world and its humanity, how have been the changes and why some wars I think, I am sure within my logic a little conspiracy, that there just behind those doors is stored much knowledge that is worth knowing.
But that would not be the only door to open following the theme, in search of knowledge, so I will call it, in search of the three doors.

There is another door that I am sure is very interesting to open, for me it would be extreme and very interesting to open the door of the vaults of the end of the world I have read that they are not a secret to anyone, but for me that I live in Venezuela it could be something unheard of because having to travel from Venezuela to Norway and be able to open the vaults of the end of the world to be able to know and understand and know the great amount of billions of species of trees and plants to be able to know which are and where each seed comes from, I can not even imagine how they must be cataloged and registered each of the tree species, just thinking that I have the key to open that magnificent door to knowledge gives me a lot of excitement.

Always the secrets for some is the knowledge for others and that is my search I do not see it as looking for secrets, as I put it from my point of view, looking for knowledge that is hidden for all people, and just that I want to find the other door that I would like to open is the door that leads me to the safest place or one of the safest and is known as the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, sincerely everything I say is to have more knowledge, I do not intend to disclose all the secrets that under that monolithic mountain can hide, besides I am not saying something that ordinary people do not know that this place exists and that its only function is to keep secrets.
They are three very important doors, if I had the key to open them I believe that my intelligence and my knowledge could increase in addition to satisfy my desire to know everything I can know about the things that are behind those doors.

I began by saying that there are three important things in life, one is time, the other is knowledge, and history, I am aware that there are other important things in life but today I will mention those three. Now if there were a fourth door that I could open it would be the door of time, I believe that if I had the keys to the door that opens time, my story would be something more amazing and totally different.
In the end, time is the one who marks our space in the course of my life.
To be happy, you just have to make your own decision.
Thanks for visiting, I appreciate your opinion.
"In constant evolution"
"In constant evolution"

I love libraries! I walk in and feel like there's a world of information at my fingertips and as I wander I find myself feeling excited that with a single gesture, pulling a book from the shelf, I can become immersed and carried away to new places. I know everything is on the internet these days, but I love books and libraries are comfortable places to gain information. I'm an old soil and prefer books over the internet.
Becca 🌷
Yes, I understand what you are saying, and I also share that taste for libraries, I am also old school, despite the internet I prefer books, I once commented that the love of my life, my wife I met her in the university library, she also likes the library, the feeling of having the written wisdom in your hands does not compare to having it in an electronic device.
Libraries offer us a world of endless opportunities in the sea of knowledge and wisdom.
Thank you for your visit.
I like that it's quiet also, it's a nice environment.
Thanks for responding, you're a gentleman.
Becca 🌷