
Poor thing. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Well, some experiences come in handy to understand life.

Yes, poor thing indeed. Think of the fun I had though. 😂😂😂

Ha, ha, ha. Sounds as amusing as me showing someone how to gut fish and looking at their face. 🤣🤣🤣

Very true. I'm too used to these smells since my father was a hunter and trapper.

That sounds cool. Our here it was only fishy business. 🤣

LOLOL! I'm picturing the gutting of the fish and the look of horror that goes with it for those not used to such things.

Oh, yeah. Especially when you have to pull out the guts. 🤣

Just fishy business. Fish is my favourite, so I can't argue with that. No hunting for game where you are?

Same. Fish is just the best thing. And, no, the city is too dry for forests. There are some out of it, but it's not a save place to go.