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RE: Weekend-engagement week 66: Teleport anywhere

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I came here early this Friday AM and there are already 230 comments. So much for being a bird and getting the early worm...

I just want to ensure that everybody understands that Teleportation isn't always what it's cracked up to be. This is my actual white board that is right beside my desk and I can tell from this photo that I've had this thing posted a while. That's last year's calendar that you can see lower left.

This came to me from @por500bolos I shamelessly stole it.



Bwahaha! This is gold! 😆

That's brilliant. I can totally see why you stole it! 🤣

Some people believe that there is no original thought, just increasingly clever thieves. I don't think I'm one of those believers.

Hahaha Tom I had to read this twice for it to make sense. Now my head hurts lol.

Yes, I just came back and was like "woah" - over 200 comments? Cwazy

Read that in Captain Jean-Luc Picard's voice ;p

I'm old. I hear it in Kirk's voice :)

Haha this made me laugh. On friday 5 pm, that is pretty impressive....

Damn. I'll remember you the next time I feel the need to say "It's 5 O'clock somewhere" since it's only 0800 here. Or was when you answered.

Haha I am your 5 o clock person now!

This just gave me the biggest laugh I've had over the last couple of days.Thank you for sharing @bigtom13. I really needed that!

Ahahahaha. I just love it. I've had it up there for most of a year. Takes something clever to be semi permanent on my whiteboard.

The previous was a quote from Dorothy Parker.

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.

 3 years ago  

Hahaha that's awesome man!

Glad you liked it!

Hahaha! That's crappy.

By the time I got to the post there were 350+ replies, and it makes my browser very sad when I try to open them all.