I followed @martinstomisin if he asks I'll tell him he came highly recommended.
I am a little surprised that so many people picked a relative for this second answer. When I read the post my first thoughts were to Socrates or somebody like that. I went with my choice because of @trangbaby 's nephew.
You ought to look up @zord189 He's a professional animator and his story of how he got there is really good. I know you know where to find him :)
@bigtom13 I guess it's easy to describe the feeling and tell the reasons why we love spending time with our beloved 😊
🤣thats nice, I also followed @zord189, I have seen him on discord mainly in #powerhousecreatives, will tell him he came highly recommended. Thanks
For the second question, I wanted to pick a celebrity or someone popular but I figured the one closest to me, who I miss would be better.
Yeah it's nice that a lot of people are choosing past relatives. We tend to forget how important they are to us sometimes!
That's true but they are always in our hearts
You're highly recommended too. I really do enjoy your conversation on discord. Well, I really do enjoy your conversation on discard. Well, Just seeing your message now, I haven't been active here for about two days now, due to issues surrounding Nigeria at this moment, and there haven't been electricity and all... Hopefully, things will be resolved soon...