Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

Time has a way of moving forward which is fortunate as with the passing of time the working week falls behind and the weekend presents itself; It's at that point in time we find ourselves right now and along with the weekend comes the #weekend-engagement topic post!

Welcome one and all.

This weekend I'm away competing in a two-day shooting event some three hundred kilometres north of home in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia; It's unlikely I'll have much cell phone service and so I may not get back to comments as readily as I usually do, but that doesn't mean the weekend-engagement topic won't be happening - It's still on y'all!

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend - Theophrastus

A smart man, old Theophrastus was. He presided over the Peripatetic school for thirty six years after taking over from another legit smart guy called Aristotle, and is widely considered the father of botany. His time quote above inspired me this week and forms the basis of the #weekend-engagement topic for week twenty.

Time is truly one of the most precious of things we have although also one of the most fickle...We simply don't know how much of it we have available and when it will simply cease altogether. I think if we knew when that moment was we'd all live differently, think differently and act differently however we don't and so we just move from moment to moment the best we can.

Week 20 topic - A choice of three, or do all three!

  • Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why? - Just one please. (tag them)

  • Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?

  • What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?

You don't need to write a million words, just enough to answer the question and why you answered that way. Feel free to add photos to punctuate your point if you like. Your answer could be serious, humorous or a mixture of both and there's no wrong answers of course.

It would be nice to support those who comment with some up-votes too.The #weekend-engagement topic posts are a place you can connect with others in the community, open relationships through commenting and have some fun. Don't just drop your comment and run, stick around to engage a little, read other people's answers and cross-comment.

As always you need to put your comment down below and don't just link to a post you've done - That's not in the spirit of this concept! If you would like to do a post about one, or all of the topics expanding out on them, feel free to do so in the Engage the weekend Community as I'm always in there curating, as are others.

You have until the early hours of Monday morning to get your comments down, but please remember, this is about engagement, so stick around and comment on some of the responses, don't just drop your comment and run.

I'll get back to y'all's replies shortly, maybe even a little tonight and Saturday night if I have phone service, but I'll be competing all day Saturday and Sunday and need to put some focus on it for now as I'm not one to do things half-heartedly...I'll get back to you though, I promise.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

If you would like to sponsor the #weekend-engagement topic simply transfer the hive to my wallet with a memo that it is for the weekend-engagement topic. I'm sure your fellow hivers will appreciate the generosity and support.

  • Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why? - Just one please

  • Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?

  • What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?

Had to wait to be less busy before I reply.

  1. I would say @tripode because presently she has become the closest friend I have on hive right now plus she's funny too. Most importantly why I want to see her is because she hides her identity and doesn't want to share a single Pic 😅. Not online or not privately to me. She says she is a dancer but even after I try tell her to make a video to share on hive, she's probably waiting for my grandchild's grandson to have his granddaughter before she does that. 😂😂😂

  2. I would love to spend an hour of my time with a long time friend but she's no more anyway. She was my high school crush, let me say first love 😅 but she left the school to another school then I didn't see her again even after I finished I high school. I tried to be in contact with her while in college but two years ago I had plans to meet her again to see how she had changed so far after so many years of no see but unfortunately, I got a bad news she died after an appendix operation. I felt pained and cried, still hurts as I am typing this story.

  3. I'm a musician, oh let me say an instrumentalist because I don't sing but the best way to spend an hour of my time for me is with fellow musicians jamming or making music. There is no greater fun than that to me. In this kind of situation an hour is too small for me. Maybe a 6-12 hours will do 😅😊.

Great answers. Seriously.

@tripode is a wonderful choice. She's really leaving a mark on Hive plus she kicks ass.

I don't know your exact pain, because no one can ever know another's pain, but I'm feeling it for my best ex wife today. I wished her youngest (that occasionally calls me Dad) a happy birthday and thought of her mother... I miss her still.

Your music and my motorcycle. I certainly get it. It's cool to have a clear and present passion.

Thanks for playing today!

Sending you a hug, @bigtom13. I love that some men are able to setp up and be fatherly towards kids who are not their own - the single mama in me salutes you and wishes we could clone you. x

I´m the new ass kicker they say. hahahahaha JK

Wow a motorcycle, I have personally considered buying one, it is much faster to walk on the street, and I hate traffic.

You should visit Nigeria 🤣

I can bet that I might be the first friend @tripode made when she joined hive because I met her when she recently published her introductory post and I asked why no picture of her on it 😅.

Presently, I just uploaded a video on 3speak. I played a simple guitar solo line over the song No Woman No Cry. When it shows on hive, I will come back to paste the video here 😊

She caught me with here design the logo posts. It was cool to watch her go through the process in real time.

She won the engagement league last week-that's the reason for the kick ass comment. She certainly kicked mine :)

I´m glad you liked it!! I enjoy the process too.

Let´s see if this week i kick yours too😂😂

I'd say there is a solid chance.

With Galen gone for the weekend we will know the process is fixed if HE wins. :)

I'm sorry to say no, that was my friend @librepensadora, she caught me with one of her philosophical posts, and it was my first reblog too, priceless...

But don't feel bad, you are one of the first good and valuable friends I have!

Lol.. I actually said might because I was not sure but anyways it's nice to know 😊

 4 years ago  

That's nice that you have a decent relationship with her and she will call you dad. That's not easy for a kid to say so I know she cherishes you!

I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your first love @starstrings01 - that is harsh. It happens more and more as we get older, and as this happens more frequently I am learning to say it all, in the moment, and not hold back. Cos sometimes tomorrow never comes.

I pray her spirit soars and that she feels your loss and pain and knows she was loved in that pure first-love-never-can-be-repeated way.



Thanks for the reply 😊🤗🤗

Nice try, hahahaha sit down and wait, because it's not going to be for now. @starstring01

How nice that you appreciate me like that! It's true that we've talked a lot lately, and i enjoy it too, if we spend that hour together you're going to have to teach me how to play guitar. I need some classes.

Lol... It would be 30mins for guitar classes while the other 30mins you will give me dance tutorials. I'm horrible at dancing 😂😂😂

Moreover I don't know when your now would reach. 😅🤣 @tripode

We have a deal!😂

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Check this cover I made: No Woman No Cry

We all want to meet @tripode is a great Hiver with a beautiful personality and a lot of talent. She is a friend who I always listen to in Discord and with her sympathy and effort has gone far on the platform and I know that also in her daily life.

As for the music I love to hear it (I like instrumental music very much), you can spend your hour playing and I can listen.

Excellent weekend, my friend !!!!

Ayyy what beautiful words Rafael! You really made me blush! You are also a wonderful writer, and how nice that we met in many of the Discords, your presence is wonderful.

One day we will all meet! I have hopes on that.

Wow... Does she sings on Discord?

Three pretty good answers here. I think it's quite common for people to want to spend more time with those that have departed although, quite clearly, we cannot. It's a good endorsement for being more present in one's life and for cherishing those around us a lot more...After all, everyone we know, knew, or will know will pass away at some stage.


Yeah thanks 😊😊😊. Your words are true. No one lives forever 🙂

I'm just taking note of the fact that @tripode have not really posted any of her photo, maybe she will but in your grandson or great grandsons generation😉, let's just wait till then😂.

Sorry about you friend, most times we lose our loved ones at an unexpected time or incident. Do take heart.

But why can't you sing? Am just curious🤷

Lol.. Funny lady.

My voice is too deep. I can sing actually but not sweet to hear 😂😂

Who told you that its not sweet to the ears, I am to judge, record a song and post lets rate it. After our judgment you can then decide, but I promise not to laugh much😛

Lol... 😅😂😂😂

You need to check out the Blues. Deep voices are welcome there...

Probably trained voices not mine that's untrained. 😅😂

You need to check out the blues. I'm serious.

Check out John Lee Hooker or Howlin' Wolf. Don't give me that 'trained voices' crap.

Maybe even better with your love of the Guitar check out Joe Bonamassa or Albert Collins.

Hahahahahahaah maybe one day i will 😂😂😂😂

I also told him he should practice to sing, there's good songs with "deep" voice.

maybe one day i will

I'm waiting for that day, he should record a song let's know how his voice sounds

  1. You have a good friendship. I do understand why some people like privacy more than publish their pics on social networks. Sometimes I do as well 🙂
  2. I'm sorry to hear that. She would be a great person and had beautiful memories with you that's why you still wanted to see her after so many years.
  3. You are talented. I don't even know how to sing. What a shame 🙁

We are the same, we both don't know how to sing but I am sure you have your talent as well. I sure know of good photography but I bet there would be more.


Haha. There are many hivers who do very well hiding their identities, which is a pity. they sound like very nice people. But I respect that.
I agree with you on the musical topic. I think that all musicians enjoy jamming and sharing musical knowledge and inspiration the most, even with people who are not musicians. About the school sweetheart, I guess you need closure. That has happened to everybody I think. Lucky those who get it.

Yeah totally right about the identity part. I checked your profile, you are a musician as well. No wonder you could relate to the jamming aspect.

Ohhh I saw you guys engage hahaha I'm not surprised then 🤔 but you two guys are amazing @tripode I'm starting to know you!

Thanks, we doing our best to monitor ND engage on the blogging challenge posts by comments and upvoting posts with low rewards on it.

I can see that!! You are a really nice guy!! Im going to find so time to chatting on discord with you all ;) ! I'm like always busy lol

Yeah would love that, I am trying to get the server active. Would love to see you around. Thanks for the compliment ☺️😊

 4 years ago  

Good choices here, although from someone who doesn't share pictures on hive I can see where Tripode is coming from. Sometimes you just don't want to do it, so little is anonymous today that I cherish my pseudo-anonymous ability here.

It's unfortunate that you lost your friend, but what I've come to live by lately is you have to just step up and do things to try it. You should find a girl you like and ask her on a date! I was shy before but now you have to realize life is short. I just wish you could have gotten a chance to explore the relationship with her, sorry she passed!

I just went through your profile, you are in with @tripode in been anonymous. I will be in the lookout to know more about your personality.

@Starstrings01 must have gotten a date by now, isn't that right @starstrings01?


So sorry to hear your long time friend passed away. It's a bit sad to lose one that way after an operation to get better.

I knew you would include your guitar as a way to relax if you had an hour to spare in your busy schedule helping others.

Thanks for sharing your choices. Take care, and have a good start to your busy week ahead.

Yeah, you sure have gotten to know me well with my guitar. I wish you a great week ahead also 😊🤗

It is good that you are in a competition that you are passionate about (shots) Much successHello dear friend @galenkp good day

If I had the opportunity to choose a person to spend an hour with, it would be @bluemist, I have known him for virtually several years, and I want to meet him personally; I would like to know what you think, and what you feel about supporting and making so many people happy; What are your favorite things and what you hate, in short, I would like to know everything about you.

If I could choose a person from the past, it would be my father. My parents separated when I was eight years old; He was not a bad person, but he suffered from unhealthy jealousy, that made him beat my mother. Before she passed away, she wanted to speak to me to apologize, but since I was very young I refused. I would love to close that wound in my heart.

As you know I love agriculture, spending an hour in the garden is the best thing that can happen to me; That is a place where I find satisfaction.

What a great choice in @bluemist. He truly has given a great many people happiness.

I don't have any regrets of your magnitude but I know I did some things when I was young that I'd really like to undo. I feel for you my friend.

The garden is peace, isn't it? It's a great place to spend time.

If he is a very beloved person in the Hispanic community, those who have dealt with him speak very well.

Who has not made mistakes in youth, only that some of them mark you for life.

El huero is the ideal place to think and plan life, there is a lot of peace there.

Thank you very much dear friend @ bigtom13 for these words
have a wonderful night

 4 years ago  

Oh man. I read this and had to respond. This weekend engagement is a good place to find authors to respond to. I burried my mother, too, and I got this one regret that I'd give nothing more than to undo.
Wish I wouldn't have done that.

I have a vague idea how you feel @jlufer.

I am very sorry that you have been through such a situation.How are you dear friend @dandays good afternoon

When you are in adolescence, you do not think things through before acting, it was not difficult for me to approach and listen to him, as I always say, you can do what you feel, but you have to be aware that you have to assume the consequences of our actions.

Thank you very much for your empathy and comment on your situation
have a wonderful weekend

 4 years ago  

My pleasure, sir. And I wish you the same, enjoy the weekend! Cuz once it's gone, it's gone. I believe you'll see her again @jlufer.


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

I don't think an hour would be enough to meet @bluemist, but I do know that it would be very entertaining, to learn about him, and his philanthropy.

I'm one of you, I love plants (nature itself) and I could spend hours fixing my plants.

It is true what you say, there lies the interesting part of the meeting, that you have only one hour to meet some of the most beloved people in the Hispanic communityHow are you dear friend @rafaelgreen

Until now I have not met people who do not like agriculture, it is good that you also feel the same passion

I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and a happy rest

Plants are everyone's friend, what would our breed be without them.

I imagine the moment when the time starts: Time! Well Bluemist I have the following questions for you...

Very good wishes to you too friend. Blessings and successes.

It is true, that it would be us without nature nearby, plants play a very important role in our lives.

I think that the meeting would not be of the interrogation style, it would be a chat with friends, where the information flows according to the moment, I think it is a meeting to enjoy the company.

Have a great night.

Thanks for joining in this week and sharing answers to all three questions, and with such personal answers also. I feel sorry for your mother having been beaten by your father - Not a good situation for her. I hope she managed to find some enjoyment in life also because I don't expect she enjoyed the beatings.


I hope you are enjoying the shooting tournament, and you are at your best.Hello dear friend @galenkp good evening

The truth is not an experience that I would like to repeat, however we have learned a lot from the situation, my mother after that became a strong woman, and I always avoid being jealous of my partners, when I saw an indication of it, I remembered the bad my father's experience.

In spite of everything I was a child who grew up happy and very content.

Thank you very much for your empathy and your kind words
enjoy your weekend a lot

I aspire to be like @bluemist but that will take a long time, its great to know or be friends with someone who consider others and encourage them, its really nice to meet good people who sacrifice their time for others.

Sorry about how things ended with your parents, its good to know that you have forgiven your dad and you are ready to spend more time with even though he is no more.

The things we heartily desire, and we fight for, always come true dear friend. Without a doubt they are effort and dedication, you can fulfill your wishes.
I really appreciate your empathy and your kind words
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekendHello dear friend @jizzyjoe good day

It only takes time, thanks. Happy weekend

I can relate to your love for farming. I come from a rural town and my father was a farmer. He was also an abusive husband, but fortunately he changed his ways just on time to allow us to love and respect him again. I can feel your pain for not having had the chance to heal that would. It must be tough.
My father died some years ago and even though some of us still have emotional scars resulting from his violent years, we also have good memories to compensate.
I miss visiting my mother's house and taking care of her garden. It is an abandoned house now and I will probably never see it again.

hi @hlezama, How nice when you recognize that your father also left you happy moments.

That shows maturity

Thanks. It was tough to put bad memories behind and love him for what he was. He always meant the best for us, his methods were just too unorthodox, at least by today's standards. Men of his generation learned about life without many words and through even thougher methods.There was not self-help or therapy back then. You just had to man-up, as they say.
But once you forgive your parents for whatever flaw you think they had, it is easier to see all the good stuff.

Although I recently learned that parents are not forgiven, they are honored and blessed.

Because they have given us the greatest and most valuable thing, Life.

It is good that you are familiar with agriculture, it is a very rewarding activity.
Apparently it was normal at that time for parents to be strong and abusive, many people my age share this experience
It's good that your father has been able to change, that guy's wounds are hard to healHello dear friend @hlezama good afternoon

I understand that melancholy well, with my mother we have left a house behind, now I pass by and I see her very deteriorated, it hurts my soul to see her like this

Thank you very much for your time and your kind words

Have a happy start to the week

Seems like a good choice ! He probably is a person with a huge heart!!

I'm so sorry for your parents, years ago my mother and I didn't have good communication and then I decided to change my whole attitude with her, she is a single mother and I always was upset about not having a father but I just had to accept it and stopped being so angry with her.

And I do love some gardening it's very relaxing I'm trying to take of my plants, a few plants but I'm starting haha

She is a very loved person in the Spanish-speaking community, and the truth is little is known about her, I don't think anyone knows her personally.hello dear friend good afternoon @josehany

Many times the decisions of the parents end up affecting the children, I am very sorry for that situation that you have had to go through, the good thing is that you have been able to forgive and rebuild the relationship

Gardening and gardening are two extraordinary things, there are many satisfactions in them
I really appreciate your time, I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week

Time teach us a lot !!! I learn about that with my mom

I'm agree with gardening so satisfying!

Hi @josehany, excuse me for butting in on your conversation, but I loved the part where you said you were upset about not having a father, but you accepted it and decided not to be angry with your mother anymore.

That's the first step to healing, acceptance and change.

It wasn't my mother's fault :( I could understand that with time, we are okay now and having a wonderful relationship

Thank you. Goodbye and I'm glad you're doing so well now.

I would hell want to meet @bluemist. He hides his identity as well. I would like to thank him for the good he is doing especially to my growth on hive in particular.

Sorry to hear about your parents. BTW, the garden is a good way to spend an hour.

Hello dear friend @ starstrings01 good afternoon
It is good to know that you are one of the blessed people, it is very important to be grateful in life, it is the key that opens many doors
good that you also like agriculture
Thank you very much for your words and pleasant visit
have a prosperous week

Hi @jlufer I think we are all curious and grateful for Mr. @bluesmit, I share that with you.

I am sorry for the experience he had with his father, but I am even more sorry that he did not have the time to reconcile before his departure, that is the interesting thing about this weekend challenge of @galenkp , we must value and use with intelligence more our time because it is a resource that does not return and is the most valuable thing we have.

I really enjoyed reading him, I felt his feeling and the authenticity of his words, i sent a strong hug.

She is a person very loved by Hispanics, and her reserved personality is what attracts her the most. I love the profile you havehello dear friend @soyunasantacruz good afternoon

you know, when you're a teenager you think you have all the time in the world, and you only realize when it's late.

Time is the most valuable, whoever has it should take care of it more than money.

Thank you very much for your empathy dear friend, you are very kind: I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful week, that you receive peace, happiness, health and prosperity

Hello thank you very much, amen I hope to have a fabulous week the same for you

Time passes very slowly before you turn 20, then it passes very quickly and you don't notice it.

I am in my fourth decade, I hope that my time will slow down so that I can enjoy the other 40 years to come 😬

What a beautiful compliment, I didn't know I had that image of myself, I feel honored and I ask God to give me the humility to continue like this.

Thank you and I had a great time sharing, happy week. @jlufer 😘

The fact that you learned a life's lesson from the situation as a child is good. I know it has helped you with you own family and attitude towards others.

I too learned valuable lessons that came from not too pleasant situations. When I think back on them, I know that the experiences I had made me stronger and led me down a different path in life.

Thank you for sharing.

I fully share your words, my mother often says, what does not kill strengthens.
I heartily appreciate that you have shared this experience, I highly value your visiting time. Thank you very much for your kind words
I wish you a beautiful night and happy dreamsHello dear friend @justclickindiva good afternoon

You're welcome. Have a good night and rest of your week.

Time - that elusive, all-important and yet ephemeral "thing" which isn't a "thing" Subjective rather than objective.

Which Hiver would I like to spend an hour of my time with? I'd like to collapse on a bamboo recliner in a tropical garden here in Thailand (bottle of wine on hand!) with @traciyork. To talk to her about writing, blogging, magic, the occult, tarot, energy, life, Hive, gardens and health. And GIFS. I admire so much the way she's a mom, manages personal health issues, manages to be a thought leader on Hive and STILL retains a seemingly endless, buoyant sense of humour. Her invaluable perspective shines through on my Hive feed, most days.

I'd also LOVE to sit with the writer and environmental activist, Arundhati Roy. I met her oh-so-very-briefly in Melbourne just after she had won the Booker Prize for The God of Small Things. Wow - WHAT a woman!! Stunningly beautiful with a razor sharp mind and a way of seeing the tiniest details.... Her book of environmental essays changed me forever, and made me realize so much more about India, about the struggle for equity around water and electricity, and about how the things we use everyday displace and disposses literally millions of people.

My ideal way to spend an hour? Loitering up the beach in Vietnam - in Hoi An (An Bang Beach to be exact) with my daughter just strolling, enjoying, chatting, savouring the moments without "objectives" and drinking in the sunshine and the stiff breeze coming in off the South China Sea. Clearly I have been landlocked for far too long during this Covid debacle!! LOL.

Feeling richer for having had these moments of time... for the moments of reflective writing and the time in the coming days to wander through the responses of others.

It's been a small eternity since I was last in the Flinders Ranges, @galenkp - hope you have a wonderful time and that the cockatoos serenade you each morning.

So. I now follow @traciyork, I've ordered God of Small Things. I'm not buying the ticket to Vietnam...

What wonderful answers. Not just the answers but the words. That's pretty darn elegant writing. I can feel the power there...

I WISH I could buy a ticket to vietnam - what a stunningly gorgeous country, beautiful people and not a whisper of Covid, despite sharing a border with China.

Glad you enjoyed the prose.

The God of Small Things remains on my list of 20 books that are always on my possession. It's a haunting and superbly written story.

Hope your Saturday is AWESOME when it finds you - here in Thailand it's gloriously warm, blue skies and sunny with just a whisper of cool season on the breeze. Coffee time.


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

What a great, very thoughtful, answer you've left here. Clearly you know what you like, and what makes your heart sing and you've mentioned a couple here. Nice work and thank you for joining in this week.


Thank you @galenkp. If there's ONE skill Iv'e distilled and honed through my 10 year cancer journey (I'm now 16 years fully clear) it's to know what I DON'T want! And to not be afraid to drop it like a dirty wet towel on the bathroom floor and stand naked and shivering for a while till the warm, fluffy one arrives from left stage.

Life is good, I'm blessed and I've started to learn and follow a couple of new people from this week's sharing. Wonderful! And thank you for all you do.

Say hello to those mighy river red gums from me.

I'm glad you've found a few to follow from this week...That's one of the key take-away's from the #weekend-engagement topic. Nice one.

Yeah, it's pretty nice out here and on the way up I grabbed a shot of some silo art...I'll do a post later next week...Phone service is too dodgy here and I'm trying to focus anyway...Still, there's a bit of sitting and waiting around so...If I have service I'm answering a reply here and there. :)

This weekend has really been a nice one, I am opportune to meet and follow some wonderful persons here also

I'm happy you are fully cleared of cancer, I have not really noticed you on discord. Which of the groups are you in

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It would be nice to spend time with @traciyork, I got to know her through hive power up day. She makes a good mentor.

Being on the beach is a nice choice, can't wait to visit one soon. I love your answers

Hey It'snice to see Hoi An in your answer as it's my hometown. Hoi An is a nice and beautiful place to spend time chilling and relaxing 😊

Oh this is interesting because reading you! I want to know now about that writer Arundhati Roy, this is an amazing discover for me! I loved your way to spend your time, just enjoying life and company

Hi, when I read @galenkp's questions I also thought of @traciyork because in the last few months we have become friends and realized that we have similar tastes.

I'm glad to see your mention here.

Your comment is so nice, you know how to use words and you must be an excellent writer, you gave me a lot of curiosity so right now I'm going to review your life in your blog.

hehehe greetings.@artemislives

@artemislives is really an excellent writer, I would love to use my words the way she does. There is a connection between each words as they go fought

@jizzyjoe Well, I'm glad you feel such a nice connection.

I haven't had the pleasure of reading it, because I barely knew him in his recent commentary.

The weekend engagement brought the opportunity to meet different people

It always leaves me with good relations, because recommended people with great projects and well-behaved people meet here.

Besides, @galenkp has some very clever ideas that make us all think

😘 @jizzyjoe

I agree with you on that

 4 years ago  

Ah I'm glad that I found Traci on a completely random note a long time ago and started following her blog. She's a great person here on the chain! I feel lucky that I don't live too far from her so I'm hoping if we ever have a hive Boston meetup I will definitely try to include her!

These are some great choices of things to do and people to know. I'll have to check out the writer you mentioned here and see what they've talked about!

Excellent choice for Traci. I'd also like to know how she manages her time to accomplish all she does both online and off.

Hey, I'm back. I missed the topic last week, however; I did enjoy seeing many cute pets from other participants.
What a great topic for this week. A choice of three, or do all three! If I'm not wrong, I am able to pick one of them. I would go with the second question: "Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?"
Due to the recent situation and few lockdowns happened here over last few months, I have to stay home and no work for months. I found it stressful and fragile sometimes but luckily, there is someone who lightening me up and playing with me. He is a little 4-years old boy, cute and naughty 🤣- he is my Nephew -Ken

I used to think I'm not patient enough to play & cater with kids. 🤣 But now I love to spend my time teaching my nephew how to count from 1 to 10 and speaking some words. It's definitely worth and he makes me laugh and be silly with him many times. I'm so happy to see he learns how to interact with people around and grows up day by day.


I love being with him so I take him with me to coffee shop and beach sometimes. Oh, now he likes being in front of camera (just like his auntie 😃) and knows how to make a pose, not a good pose but really really realy cute.

Time is precious and more meaningful when you spend it with your beloved.
He is just too small to understand everything going on the world at the moment. However, he brings much "Joy and Hope" to me as well as members in my family. Playing with him makes me want to be a kid again- carefree; happy-go-lucky;silly ...🤣That's why I really cherrish him and love spending with him as much as I can.



What a wonderful and unexpected answer to the question. I'd have (and maybe will) answer with Einstein or Socrates or somebody like that. I'm really touched that you answered with your nephew.

Is he big enough to ride with you on your motorcycle? Break them in early and often :)

I can tell you what. You've made me rethink my possible answer to that question. Thank you!



I guess your answer will be handsome Sam 🙂Thanks a lot @bigtom13. I wish He could be big enough to drive me around 🤣 he enjoys sitting in front but never wants to drive. All my friends now busy with their family and business so my nephew is my friend now 🤣

Oh, that's cool! Really cool.

That's a nice guess, but you made me think things through a little better. Thanks for that.

My pleasure.
Have a great weekend @bigtom13 and help me say Hello to SAM 🙂

You mentioning Greek philosophers and motorcycles reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask you: have you read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?

Yeah, I've read it. Though it's been at least 40 years and I should probably revisit it (I'm doing some of that-revisiting. I like it)

In fact, it should be on my Kindle before I finish typing this response. Thanks for reminding me of a true classic in my life.

Welcome! Revisiting can be rather nice, that's one of my favorite books to take along on road trips, so it gets revisited regularly :)


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How nice your answer is, you can see that he is a very happy and funny child. Even though sometimes they make us lose our patience (in my case) the innocence of children is so valuable. Speaking of time, sometimes I wish I could go back to my childhood and experience the world as I did then, with a smile on my face and not worrying about anything but being in front of the TV at the time of my favorite show.

Thank you @readmymind for your engagement and such a nice comment on this. Yes, he is funny and happy boy. It's annoying sometimes 🤣 but I have to say that the innocence of child is super cute. Childhood is always the great period in life when we are so carefree, just eat sleep and play...😃

Going back to childhood is a nah for me. My childhood wasn't fun at all and was filled with less TV and more strokes of cane 📺😂

It's sad to read that. But is it worse than dealing with the responsibilities of being an adult? Hahaha I'm kidding.

Lol 😅. Okay then

Those that mean you were very stubborn at that time😀 but even if there should be some fun part of your childhood

Lol I was a nice little boy who wanted to have fun but I had a very strict and overprotective parents. Can you believe I was not allowed to make friends in school back then. Not to talk of friends visiting my house. See ehn, there are plenty things if I start typing, I would type still tomorrow 😅.

I love the freedom I have now and can't trade it for anything 😅

😂😂 can't help to laugh, sorry you had to go through that. Its nice you are making up for the lose you had then but its just that you can't play the games that was played then for you are way beyond that😋

Lol... I still played police and thief in my secondary school. I enjoyed my senior secondary school the most actually.

I was even in the head prefect of my set which made it more awesome. If I am to go back for a day, it will be my time in senior secondary school but not more than a day. 😅😂

Children are fun to be with and they can be troublesome most times which balances the equation, for me I would love to have a day of my childhood, just eat, play and lots of cartoon

Absolutely. Adult life can be a little hard hahaha

There is no going back, we just gat to live it the best we can😂

hahaha is true

Sounds like you have a hell of a sidekick! Your nephew reminds me of my best friend's little boy, before I started doing stuff with him I didn't think I had the patience to play with kids either. When are you going to sign him up to the hive?

Hey @coloneljethro thanks for engaging on my comment here, lovely question and yes UNCLE coloneljethro, he already had account on Hive 🤣 @kenoneday but no hive power yet 😆 to do anything except supporting his auntie by" reblog" her post 😆

Nice! Good to see he's getting an early start :)

Yea better than his auntie 😅

He already have an account. Does he have a phone yet?

his auntie will be working hard to buy him a phone in the future 🤣 but for now I'm happy to let him play with toys only 😃

He is cute. I bet he would be disturbing you most times when you are on your phone because I know kids of his age would love to play with phones.

Moreover, I always know you with quality pictures. These pictures are awesome.

Yea you are right, he disturbing me all the time and I prentend to ignore but he always find way to get my attention 😃
Aww thank you very much, very sweet of you. Those pics were taken with my old IP7 plus 🤣
Have a great weekend 💖

What a great answer. I love the picture of him looking like he is trying to take your picture as you take his.

Have a wonderful weekend 😍Thank you @bashadow Yea I love it too and now I like taking pictures for him more than my selfie Haha

woooo someone has discovered a new side, the same goes for my nephew Stephano. he is someone I love very much and sometimes I make 4-hour trips to see him and play with him.

Thanks for your engagement on this, 💖 4-hour trips worth driving to meet someone you love yes, I'm sure that Stephano loves you lots too. 🙂 I flew back to my country a couples of times last year to see Ken and now due to the pandemic so I have more time with him 🙂
Nice to engage here with you and have a great weekend 😍

Its nice spending time with kid even though most times they are troublesome but they are always about play, play and play, if you are ready to play at all time then you have no trouble with them. You have a cute nephew, all thanks to the lockdown, you have enough time to spend with him.

Thank you very much for your engagement on this and such beautiful words 🌺❤️💐 I can't agree with you anymore. Kids just want to play play and play all the time except when they are sleeping 😃. I’m leaning being more patient since I have spent time with him 😊 And yes, due to the covid19 I have more time with him that I will cherish.
Nice to see you and have a good weekend ❤️

You are welcome and its good to know that you are learning to be patient, add tolerant to it because those are what you get from being around kids

Reading your answer gives all of us a nice relief realizing the pandemics have brought you something beautiful which will remain forever. You both will grow and the chances to spend time with him will disappear so enjoy it.

Hello @santigs, thank you very much for writing your comment here and I much appreciated. Yes you are right now I have a chance to witness him growing up and I do enjoy it at the moment. Once the pandemic over and I will pack and fly again, not easy to have such a long time to be with him again. Have a blessed weekend :))

Girl! You are sooooooo sweet !! I want to hug you !!! You guys have an strong bond ;) that's super sweet, feeling like a kid again it's wonderful indeed hahaha, you right time is precious we need to know how to spend our time

Yea, being with him makes me feel like a kid, younger and smile more 😃
Thanks for your comment here and have a wonderful week ahead. Love from Viet NamThank you @josehany. I guess all women are sweet 🙂 and so you are. Hug 💖

If I could hang out with anyone for an hour it would be Hunter S. Thompson. I'm a big fan of his writing and I suspect that there was never a dull moment around him. I have no clue what we'd do for an hour but I have no doubts that it would be interesting.

We can't stop here, this is bat country!

As for my ideal way to spend an hour, that would probably be either kicked back reading a good book or out hiking in the backcountry.

 4 years ago  

I'm down for some hiking in the backcountry for an hour with you but then it's biking in the hackcountry for my hour. Time to load up the camera and grease dem'thur peddles mmkay.

I reckon I can handle that. We should probably cap it off with an hour of kayaking, get some class 3s and 4s in...

 4 years ago  

Oh dude. Speaking my language. You know where I'm staying now, we're ((surrounded-ounded)) by water. Pura and I have picked up about 3 or 4 kayaks now in stores, yard sales, etc and she still hasn't been able to say "yeah, I can pick this one up" so we could put it on top of the Subaru. Still looking @coloneljethro, there's gotta be one out there somewhere that's light enough for a little 120 pounder to help me get it on the top. You're not familiar with one like that by chance?

Put a roller (like a bow roller from a boat trailer) on the back of your Subaru. Lay the nose of the kayak on the roller, walk to the other end and roll it on. I used to manage a 10' fiberglass boat in a pickup by myself that way...

 4 years ago  

This response sent chills to my forehead! Tom, you're a genius!

Not offhand, I normally just rent or borrow one, the really light ones were always out of my price range anyway. Just have Pura spin around in circles a few times like they do in shot put and toss it up there...

 4 years ago  

I didn't know where you were going with the twirl and the shotput pieces it together. Dude that's funny.

Yeah. An hour with Hunter S Thompson might be like a month with normal people. Like doggy years in reverse.

Did you see that his wife returned the Elk mount that he stole from the Hemmingway compound? He felt the Elk channeled him and Mrs. H didn't care.

Yeah, I suspect that HST operated on his own separate conception of spacetime.

I did not, that's hilarious! I bet he did :D


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Backcountry hiking sounds like a great way to spend a hour...Although I'd want more!

Thanks for joining in this week, I appreciate it, your answers and continual engagement.


Yeah, any hiking is great but I usually want way more than an hour's worth. With the way I stop and take photos I sometimes don't cover very much ground in an hour...

Engaging with all the people on here is half the fun of hive, I just get easily distracted sometimes.

Well, I will go for hiking. Miss it so much, there is not much hiking here I can do in Viet Nam. 🙂

That is unfortunate, hopefully you can find a way to get a little hiking in. My brother was in Viet Nam a few years ago and showed me some of his photos, I would love to go hiking there.

I guess those you mentioned must be in the north. Unfortunately, after few lockdowns and now we are suffering severe storms and heavy rain for weeks...I havent gone too far my region lately 😐
I will definitely go for a hiking after things better here.
Have a wonderful weekend there :))

I support the hiking in the Backcountry! Love hiking

Hiking is hard to beat, and the backcountry just makes it better. At least as long as the bears leave you alone :)

Don't even think about bears cause they can feel you thinking about them, lol

I've only came across one and I wasn't even thinking about it! I wasn't in the backcountry either, I was standing outside a hostel when it came up out of the creek that cut through the property. Unfortunately it was between me and my camera :(

Oh my! That must be freaking scary

Here is my answers to this weekend question, I will try to go straight to the point. Let's continue:

Which hive user would I spend one hour with: that would be @martinstomisin, and why because he have a good sense of humor even though he doesn't post regularly, he is always present to make you laugh with his comments and chat, he is a nice fellow to be with so spending an hour with him would be fun

Which person past or present would you like to .spend an hour with:That would be my dad, and why because I didn't get to spend much time with him, we lost him when I was little so spending an hour with him would be a great deal for me because there would be a lot to talk about or places to go together. I guess it can only happen in my dream.

What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time: that would be movies, why because I am a fan of movies, I love movies and animation but recently, I have not had the time to see some interesting movies I got lined up. That one hour would be put into good use by seeing a movie.

I can relate to your second choice. I too lost my father tragically and prematurely and I wish I could spend at least one hour with him. There are so many things I'd like to ask and tell him. He was the best father and I miss him every day.

I understand, we all wish the same to spend time with our lost loved once but they are always in our hearts

 4 years ago  

That sucks sorry to hear that! Parents and close family are so important, being a young parent myself I try to treasure all of the moments and pass on everything I can to our sim just to make sure I do my best job in case I am tragically taken one day. It gives you a different perspective for sure!

 4 years ago  

I think I can find some common ground with your friend there that doesn't post often. I went through a long time where I wouldn't really post much but I was always in the comments and engaging. Those are good times indeed so it's great to have people like that to chat with!

Sorry to hear about your dad but I think it would be very special to enjoy some time with him, those are important moments I wish you could get back!

Its really nice to engage with other people's post, it gives room to know more about what the post is about. Are you back on posting now?

Thanks for the kinds words towards my dad.

I know @martinsontomison, he is really a fun guy. I am sorry you lost your dad when you was little. Having an hour with him would be great.

I love movies as well but I don't really have much time for it.

Thanks for the kind words, it would be a dream come true if I could

I had a look at the post feed of @martinstomisin - Yeah, doesn't post too much but I'll take a look at what's there in greater detail and see what I find.

It's been a popular choice to spend an hour with a departed parent or family member so I'm not surprised to hear that's what you would do with your hour if you could. I think it's a good way to spend that hour.

I also like movies and so am with you on that one! I also like watching shows, like series and all. I'm watching Strike Back at the moment. Pretty cool.

Anyway, thanks for joining in this week and I hope you'll throw a post in the Weekend Community as well.


@martinstomisin is always at the comment section of your post, thats where you find him. He enjoys the interaction.

I love movies both series and non series but I don't really go choose series most times because I don't like seeing it halfway neither do I like getting interrupted when seeing one so in other to avoid that I spend time seeing non series that wouldn't take much of the time.

Am happy to participate in this weekend engagement, have read some interesting comment and also inspiring once also. Thanks for such a great question

Thanks for calling my attention to this

And so sorry. I haven't been active here for the last two days, due to the issues affecting us all... The PHCN refused to give us Electricity, and things getting tough. Hopefully it would be resolved soon...

Will be in touch soon. And sorry about your loss. Don't worry! You'll surely make it through

Its nice to have you back

Thanks dear @jizzyjoe

Send me your WhatsApp number pls

Come over to discord

Thanks @galenkp

Nice meeting you here!

And you too. I see you post only sporadically but certainly enough to capture the attention of others and to to have someone mention you on my topic post last week. Keep up the good work.

Thanks so much @galenkp.

I just love spending most of my time reading,and commenting on post; I feel everybody's post deserves some love and all... Though, I don't have much HP or anything that can make me to reward their post, but I feel commenting on people's Post should do a little...

A comment on a users post can make a massive difference to them, especially if they only get a few, or none, usually. The vote isn't quite as important as the connection, the fact that someone took the time to read and comment...That's why I work so hard to promote engagement through initiatives like this.

You're definitely right, the commenting section is really the best thing. And what's the extent of writing posts (with a quite of effort) when no one reads them? What's the essence of the post then, when post driven by an emotion or inspiration is put out for the public to read, and no one is there to read and comment?

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I'm sorry to hear about your dad. But I do believe he is always with you.
We have similar interest: movie and animation 😊

Thanks for the nice words, am trying to be responsible thats why I don't spend all day watching movies or animation. That's one of the things I miss as a kid😒

I followed @martinstomisin if he asks I'll tell him he came highly recommended.

I am a little surprised that so many people picked a relative for this second answer. When I read the post my first thoughts were to Socrates or somebody like that. I went with my choice because of @trangbaby 's nephew.

You ought to look up @zord189 He's a professional animator and his story of how he got there is really good. I know you know where to find him :)

@bigtom13 I guess it's easy to describe the feeling and tell the reasons why we love spending time with our beloved 😊

🤣thats nice, I also followed @zord189, I have seen him on discord mainly in #powerhousecreatives, will tell him he came highly recommended. Thanks

For the second question, I wanted to pick a celebrity or someone popular but I figured the one closest to me, who I miss would be better.

 4 years ago  

Yeah it's nice that a lot of people are choosing past relatives. We tend to forget how important they are to us sometimes!

That's true but they are always in our hearts

You're highly recommended too. I really do enjoy your conversation on discord. Well, I really do enjoy your conversation on discard. Well, Just seeing your message now, I haven't been active here for about two days now, due to issues surrounding Nigeria at this moment, and there haven't been electricity and all... Hopefully, things will be resolved soon...

I'd like to spend time with departed ones also that I didn't get a chance to. They have memories and advice from their growing up that only they can impart to you.

That's right, its really painful that we loose them at an early stage.

My ideal thing to do in one hour. To read. I love to read because it relaxes my mind while also helping me putting things into perspective.

With who would I like to spend an hour? I pick past. Ernest Shackleton. Why? To ask him about his source of power for enduring hardships.

With what user from Hive I would like to meet? I would love to meet all of those who supported me from the very start, since I joined Hive on March. So I would have to nominate too many. You're one of them you know, and you come with Faith too, the best package to represent a power couple.


What's your preferred reading for killing an hour or two with a book?

Books about the brain, human behavior and real life inspirational stories.

Nice! I read a lot of history, human behavior and real life stories are a big part of it but they're usually not very inspirational...

Great! Some stories are impressive. Check Ernest Shackleton

Well. If it wasn't for motorcycles, reading would be my choice too!

Good answers. Thanks for playing this weekend!

Thanks so much! I would love to own and ride my bike and travel like a nomad!

Good answers, although you cheated with the which hive user one as you never nominated a single individual...I did that on purpose to make people think about it...But that's ok, thanks for joining in of course, I appreciate it. :)


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I can't spend a single hour reading , I need more time for that !! When I start reading I can't stop where I want to

Oh I totally understand you, I am the same. It has happened quite often to me once I caught a good book to be wonderfully trapped in it for hours

  • Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?

While he is not a real person, (at least to the best of my limited knowledge), I would like to spend an hour with Dr. Dolittle. I have always liked animals, and I think it would be great to be able to communicate with them on an understandable level. I would ask him to show me how to talk to the animals, and how to understand them.

That would be a great choice, Dr. Dolittle. Just one hour would not be enough.
The strange thing with the animals is that sometimes they do understand us, not just the commands but other things as well.

We had a dog that if we wanted to bath him and even didn't mention with any word that he could understand, he would just hide and wouldn't show up. He knew it without words 😅

Yeah that word or though of bath time, funny though I had a dog that didn't like the bath, but outside being squirted with the water hose he loved it would try to bite the water stream.


Oh yes, so tipical for dogs. Maybe because outside they play with the water stream and when bathing they feel bored? 🤷
As soon as you can meet and chat with Dr. Dolittle, please ask him :)

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Oh very cool, original and thought-provoling response @bashadow!! What a gift it would be to talk to the bats flying into the house on hot nights, to the snake hiding in the cool bathroom - to tell them I wish no harm but they really need to move right along now back out into the garden. LOL.

I agree with @bigtom13 that there ARE days when I would seriously give up my human verbal connections to be able to talk to the animals.


That would be a nice part of it, and when you are lost and need to find your way home you could have a lot of guides and companions helping you along.

That would be some serious skill, wouldn't it? I could really go for that too.

Would you trade? The ability to talk to animals and the ability to talk to people?

I'd have to give it some pretty serious consideration.

Well I don't talk to people to often... Hahahaha, sometimes I don't want to talk to people specially when everything they say are like negative words... But instead animals are so kind and lovely even without knowing you, yesterday i found a dog or she found me hahaha and she stayed with me until I leave the place so awesome and so lovely it was my first time seeing that dog but she was kind


Now I'm pretty sure I could talk to that doggy. At least I could relate :)

You probably will!! She seems so kind and open for everyone's love

I would want my cake and want to eat it too. I can not imagine not talking to people, even though I don't do it often, but to be able to help people with their pet issues, problems, and to be able to make life more comfortable for both the animal and human.

Would you trade? The ability to talk to animals and the ability to talk to people?

Hahaha, that's a serious question. I can't trade any if there is a chances to have the two, I would take it with both hands😉

Both would be better, no doubt. But....

🤔🤔but... I don't like suspense


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A good answer here; You always seem to come up with something a little different and interesting. Talking to animals would be a cool skill to have in one's tool box I think.


I think it would be especially if you get tired of the human chatter. I often wonder if dogs and cats have little gossip circles going like humans.

I'd love to be able to speak with my cat...I'd probably stop talking to humans altogether if I could talk to animals. I'm not actually joking. :)

Would you trade? The ability to talk to animals and the ability to talk to people?

That means your answer for @bigtom13 question is the ability to talk to animals, would you cope with the reality of being among people?

Hahahaha I would love to speak with cats, I can't blame you on that, humans are... Special.... But I think it will be kind of the same thing, aren't human an animals? A species from primates??? Maybe I need to choose with what animals I would like to talk

I don't think humans are classed as animals although in my experience many should be.

I was kidding a bit early, but i'm agree with you!

That's interested. When I was little, I watched many cartoons..(can't remember name now🤣) and I wish I could be able to talk to animals as well. It would be great and miraculous to connect and be friend with them aye

That was an interesting movie, if there was a way to communicate with animals the way he did. It would make life an interesting one, that's a good choice even though its not in reality

We all have dreamed of talking with animals from cartoons we watched on tv when little. I would've loved to talk with Bugs Bunny 😁

Just don't forget to take the left turn at Albuquerque :)

Oh man this would be awesone, can you imagine something like that! You know I like to speak to animals waiting for someday they reply me back, haha, but I do this when I'm alone I don't want people around me think I'm crazy, but I feel you!

Yeah, one day I think one of the critters I talk at are going to say something back, of course that would probably give me a heart attack and I would not be able to let anyone know what the squirrel said.

Please don't die ! Hahaha you need to live for that moment

Yeah. The day Sam looks at me and says "F You. You blame me for everything and have since the day I came here." I'll know that I have just died and St. Peter is probably going to have harsh words for me too....

A topic to reflect.

  • Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?
    I would like to be with my grandmother again. She passed away several years ago and I would like to tell her how much I loved her when she was physically with us and how much I still love her, because when she was alive I don't think I told her that enough. However, I like to believe that she currently knows that and is watching me write this with a smile on her face.

  • What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why? I'll go for something simple but I enjoy doing and that is to be in front of a screen watching some series, movie or podcast, with a cup of tea (and maybe cookies, never are too much), totally concentrated on what I see, without having any worries in mind.

Success in your competition @galenkp, I hope you have a great time. And happy week to everyone!

I'm of the opinion that we should put more effort into saying how we feel about those we love because in time they may be taken away from us, especially grandparents. I'm sure you spend plenty of quality time with yours when she was with you and I think she probably knew how much you loved her. Keep in mind she's everywhere you go now, as you carry her in your heart and memories.


That's a lovely consoling thought, @galenkp. Growing up in Australia and physically separated from my Dutch Oma who visited only very occassionally, the communication was more difficult and the words with feeling hovered but I was shy to speak them. I shall speak them out loud, in Dutch, to the Thai stars one day soon and know she will feel and hear them.

This made me smile heaps. Much gratitude.


You're welcome, making you, or anyone, smile makes me smile...We're all smiling. :)

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I actually think Grannies know that there grandkids never tell them often enough that they loved them. It's sorta understood. At least I hope my grandmother understood...

I'm not much for TV but I could darn sure go for the tea and cookies! Nice choice.

Haha, anyway, it never hurts to remember them that. Tea and cookies are convenient at any time! So you can enjoy them by doing anything. Thanks for your comment.


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One hour immersed in total relaxation, that is a good hour, the tea and cookies a plus.

Totally, we really need to relax these days. The diet for another day 🍪.

I used to have a small "coffee spot", (plastic chair and table), out my kitchen door I would sit and sip my coffee and watch the birds and squirrels from.

The temps are just getting to where I can activate my coffee spot. I took a chair out of my living room when the friend that occupied it for years died and set it right outside the house. When the weather is right Denny and I have coffee together there listening to the mockingbirds and waiting for the sun. Even Sam is pretty cool with it...

Sometimes it is nice to just sit and chill in the morning, I used to love it, no TV, no Radio, just the coffee and street noise and nature.


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Oh, I have the same feeling towards my grandmas. I hope that they know it 🤗

I believe that just as "all mothers are right", all grandmothers acquire the superpower of being the most incredible and loving people in the world, so they are one of the most painful losses we can have. Thank you for commenting :)

Sorry to hear about your grandma. I think We are women so We do have some similar connection. I could understand your feeling, when we were little we didn’t tell how much we love them. When we become adult, we understand everything and want to care and tell them that we love them a lot but they are not with us anymore. I do believe that your Grandma loved you a lot and always be with you.
It’s very simple of you with your ideal way to spend an hour of your time. Nice I like 😊

Yes, it is when we grow up that we realize that life sometimes passes very quickly and we should not leave or let anyone leave without them knowing how important they are to us.

Sometimes less is more, and for me that simple act makes me very happy. Thank you for commenting :)

You are welcome. Hope you had a great weekend. 😍

Now I'm imagining myself watching a movie while I'm eating ice cream it's so relaxing too 😊

Yes, it's an excellent plan too :)

hands down an hours shooting tuition from your good self @galenkp would easily be the answer to number one. Your attitude towards it all would mean I would learn a lotand hopefully not put any holes in my feet.

Hands down my Grandma for number 2. So much i would love to say and share with that wonderful lady who had the most profound impact on who i am today and has in many ways shaped my moral compass. I am sure we would be laughing giggling and crying all within that hour. I'd have t have a drink too, sherry for nana and Guinness for me.

Hands deep down an hour of scuba as it's the best therapeutic , relaxing meditation in a 3 dimensional vista amongst nature. I don't get in as much as I would like and I prefer to do it away from the work environment to truly enjoy it.

Good answer! I promise there won't be any foot shooting in the lesson and also guarantee you'll learn a lot. 😉 I reckon I'd have you shooting at 1000m in an hour, you won't know the science, but the breathing, trigger skills and overall ability to hit that range...No worries.

I figured, if you entered that scuba would be your #3 answer and I like #2 also. I'd say the same for that one, only would say my grandfather on mum's side.

Thanks for joining in.


I did ok with an M-16 in the airforce and got marksman in BMT and every year we had to requalify but I've done no shooting since and I've been out of the Air Force nearly 30 years. Ughhhh getting old lol

I'm sure you did great and that's one of the reasons I think it would be reasonably easy to get you out to 1000m. It's all the science behind it that is really time-consuming to learn, the actual thing of it is...Well, not easy at all to be honest, but simple enough to teach. I'd simply walk you onto the target and once there, provided you were doing all the right things correctly, you'd stay on it.

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Great answers to all questions. Galen is a great person on our community I have known so far and I'm really admired too. I'm sure that your Grandma will be very happy to hear that and she loves you a lot as well. I will definitely visit your place when I have a chance to go back to Phil. ❤️
Have a blessed weekend 😊

Now there's some good choices. I actually considered @galenkp but didn't want to look like I was sucking up or anything.

Your Nana would be good. I don't even know what I'd say to mine, fortunately I didn't leave much on the table there.

Your scuba and my motorcycle. I think the feeling is about the same but one is sometimes drier than the other.

to be honest I nearly had you on there @bigtom13 for a bike ride together but galens knowledge of guns tipped it. You and @galenkp are reliable when it comes to engaging on here which i appreciate, there's a few others a list i won't make as i may forget a few folks. This platform has legs if we keep it real like this. My nana ran pubs in the UK for 35 years in the years after the war until early 70's. i grew up listening to some very very interesting stories

35 years of post war pubs? Oh God. I'd love to talk to her, too. You know she's got a sense of humor to be able to do that....

That's a fantastic choice.
I would love to meet @galenkp too sometime, he knows he's got paella and crema Catalana waiting for him when he comes to town. Grandparents, for those of us who had a chance to spend time with them, leave a big impact. I was lucky to have my mum's dad living with us when we lost our grandfather and I loved the stories she would tell me about her younger years and the family when I was coming back from school. Finally, the peace you feel when you scuba and get so close to nature in an environment we are not so familiar with is breathtakng. I've done it only a few times in my life but the memories I have are among the strongest ones.

Haha, bribing the old G-dog with food! That'll work for sure!

I'm glad I didn't have to answer this question myself as it would be so difficult to narrow it down to just one...People have being doing a great job though, I'm impressed.

There's so many I'd like to hang out with and maybe one day we'll all get the chance if we're lucky...For now though we can hang out on the blockchain. :)

Shooting tuition @galenkp what!!! I want to do that at least once in my life!!! That's definitely a great choice @scubahead !!

Aww so sweet about your grandma!! I didn't know my grandma but she must have been sweet, spending time with a grandma was like one of my dreams! Maybe I would be in peace about this when I have Kidz and my kidz have Kidz either hahahah

I do want to try scuba so badly, but I don't even know how to swim very well, nature is wonderful!

Week 20 topic - A choice of three, or do all three!
Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why? - Just one please. (tag them)

I would like to talk with @nelyp because she is an extraordinary photographer, before she made a contest that I liked a lot and also when she started she was very kind to me giving me important orientations, I feel that it would be a very nice and useful time for me maybe not so much for her hehehe.

Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?

As I have had the privilege of having my family close and still alive in their majority, thank God, I would like to meet the artist Michelangelo to ask him a question, which would be How did you manage to do so many things in such a short time and be good at everything, architect, painter, sculptor, writer, what was your secret?

What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?

Honestly, I enjoy reading so much that I can spend a whole day doing it, how boring is that? hehe

Thank you @galenkp for making #weekend-engagement us think and have fun at the same time.

What nice praise for the member @nelyp. On your recommendation I am now a follower. I look forward to interactions with her.

Michelangelo is an interesting choice. I'd have thought DaVinci but what a wonderful person to spend an hour with.

I'm a reader too. I get it.

Thanks for participating this week!

Thank you, and yes Michelangelo the artist of all time.

Thank you very much for your gift. 😘 @bigtom13


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That sounds like a god question to ask Michelangelo; I'm sure none of what he achieved happened by accident and it would certainly be interesting to learn how he managed to fit it into one lifetime.

I guess though, he didn't need to spend time on Facebook like many now, meaning there weren't as many distractions to contend with.

Thanks for joining in this week.

Hehehe that means @galenkp that you're implying that our generation doesn't do much because there are too many distractions?🤔

Yes, actually it does. 🤭😅

There is really too many distraction, but we still try to do our best

So many distractions take people's focus away from the truly important things I believe. The sad thing is that people begin to see those distractions as the important things and things that bring contentment and satisfaction. It's a skewed reality.

Most time the distractions happens unexpectedly or beyond our control, we just have to find our way back without hurting those around us

I'm saying that because of valueless distractions like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and so on, many things that people could do do not get done. Still, some get their feeling of contentment from endless-scrolling through other people's lives so maybe they feel enriched also.

I do believe that so many distractions have caused people to waste their valuable time, they don't even realize it.

Social networks and TV itself were designed to train and hypnotize, some people wake up but others don't.

But I liked your answer very much, I feel that you are very tolerant and respectful of others. I don't want to fall in adulation towards you.

So in the next few comments I will be very obnoxious 😁😬 @galenkp

 4 years ago  

Ah the great man of many skills Michelangelo. That would be an interesting conversation for you to have! I wonder if it was like a big company though where he was in charge and got his name on the stuff other people did. I heard that was how Shakespeare ended up having so much, the theory is at least.

Surely, he was a master builder, he led a group. That makes a lot of sense.

He supervised and corrected, and then signed and collected.

He became famous and went to sleep 😁🤭😅 @cmplxty

Reading all day is not boring as long as you find pleasure in, its good.

I think I would have to come for some orientation from you, hope you don't mind

If I enjoy it very much, I also like to read for others.

I worked for 14 years teaching children and I did that daily reading.

What can I guide you in? It would be a pleasure, I am a live mentor in hive people. ☺️ @jizzyjoe

That's a good accomplishment, can I reach out to you in discord?

Yes, in my last posts there is a link below where I show my discord label.

Anyway here I leave you my discord and I speak spanish but I use translator.

soyunasantacruz#9995 @jizzyjoe gracias

Thanks, I appreciate the nice gesture

Friday evening has arrived at me as well, lets engage the weekend.
I can pick the second and the third question, for the first I don't feel myself "qualified".

Sounds like clichés, but I would spend an hour with any member of my family. But more precisely, if it was just one person, then it would be my niece (she is 20 years old now). We are kindred spirits. We laugh at the same things, we love the same things, we have the same way of learning, of understanding things. I get along better with her than with my son.

And what is my ideal way of spending one hour? Many thins that I love, but any outdoor activity is at the top. Cycling or hiking, or just walking. It clears my mind and gives energy for the rest of the day.

I think you are absolutely qualified to answer #1 but I keep my opinions to myself :)

I actually have a cousin that fits in that category. I mean her mom got along better with me than she did. And she was REALLY close with my mom. Funny how that works sometimes.

I love my morning walk with Sam out on the desert. Depending on temperature it usually takes something over an hour, but who is counting?

Thanks for engaging this weekend!

Yes, that is funny, maybe there are some child-parent expectation thing in the middle? I mean, I always try to correct my son, but when seeing my niece, for me it seems everything perfect what she is doing 🤷
As well, I have other niece, the younger sister of my "soul mate" niece but we are not so strongly connected.


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It is always good to share with those who are family and have strong connections like the one you have with your niece who is also your friend. And what better way to spend an hour than to take a tour.

I like your plan. Especially now, I have been away from nature and would love to get back in touch with it by doing some physical activity. That resets you.

Being cut from nature is not a good thing. I hope that you can enjoy as soon as possible again in some outdoor activities 🙏

If a person brings you laughter and happiness I can't think of a better person to what to spend an hour with. Nice answer.


Absolutely 🤗

Do you want to be my grandma???? Cause you are super awesome 😍 my ideal way of spending time it's kind of the same things you loveeeee 😍

I am not sure if I have enough years to be a grandma at the moment 🤣🤣

Hahahaha oh my!!! My aunt!!! Do you want to be my aunt then? Your comment make me laugh a lot, hahahahahahahahaha

Oh, it's better than 😅 Aunt is accepted!

I thought that I look so old already 😱😂

In fact I got confused reading hahaha and I had a while talking about grannies! I look at your comment again and hahahaha god!! I can try to imagine your reaction! 😂

that's a nice easy one this week Galen, I may as well go through all 3.

  1. Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why? - Just one please. (tag them)
    Simples :) @scubahead who got me into Hive in the first place. And the why? He's the only person I know that will be watching the F1 qualifying in Portugal tonight, it lasts an hour and beer will be involved.

  2. Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?
    If I could spend another hour with Yve my late wife simply to tell her I love and miss her I would be the happiest person on the planet.

  3. What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?
    A single tank recreational dive lasts an hour give or take a few minutes either way. It's one of the few ways I can really relax and switch off. The relative silence, bubbles are so noisy, I do miss my rebreather, the weightlessness is what it must be like to fly. Being able to drift along with the current and watch the interesting interactions with the fish and undersea critters is the perfect way to spend an hour.
    If I'm going, to be honest, the worst thing about lockdown wasn't the not meeting people, and not going out it was simply not being able to go diving.

PS enjoy the shooting and good luck.

Ah yes, F1 qualifying...Faith will be watching it and I have it set to DVR so I'll watch when I get home later on Sunday night...Then the race.

diving was to be expected. Lol.So, you've answered well, and as I'd sort of expect although I didn't think you'd pick @scubahead to hang out with as you probably hang out all the time. I wish I had the power to grant every one in the world an hour with the person they would most like to spend it with...I think it would be a very powerful hour. I like how you answered thins one, and of course

Thanks for joining in. I am sitting here waiting for my turn to go and shoot a stage called Gallipoli Sniper...We have phone coverage up here, sort of on the side of a mountain, so I've answered a few comments in between action. :)

I hope you've had a good start to the weekend.


looking forward to Qualifying tonight!!

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I admire your (all of you) the passion for F1. I had that for NASCAR for a number of years but they lost me when they turned into a spec series. Now I never watch qualifying and only occasionally watch some racing.

Some how I think you got your message to Yve.

You feel the same way about diving that I do about riding. The silence of the noise is part of it...

I've been watching F1 since the mid-60s miss the privateers and Garagistes

God, I miss the homogulated cars. I looked at a '68 Mercury Cougar last night (a friend is interested but he doesn't have enough money unless he wins the lottery). 101 of them were made to qualify the car for NASCAR.

I miss Smokey Yunik. He of the reverse rotating Hudson motor and the endless gas line that added 8 gallons to his usable fuel load.

I miss "Give them a little beep from the chromium horn" to pass.

I miss the pit girls from F1 :)

100% miss the grid girls thank god for MotoGP

And the winner is....

The Ducati girls for the 144th time in a row!

You are right about the worst thing about lockdown! Not doing what we want to or need to for our souls feel happy

Lol. Do you want users to tag @galenkp as someone they want to meet in person? Just to avoid your wrath with downvotes, I actually would like to meet someone else. I would like to meet @cryptoknight12. He shares his amazing picture diaries with his son and I would like to take my kid to meet with his family. It would be wonderful to have that dad-talk. Coz, why not? Don't blame me #cryptoknight12 for dragging you in this conversation.

Well,I would like to go back to my highschool days with my friends to spend that hour.And, I would like to remember that I am here from the future just to make sure I am able to experience the difference between now and then. By "Then" I mean the days without internet when you actually fool around the town doing nothing :)

You're suggesting I'm narcissistic?

No I am not saying that. I thought me adding emojis and smileys would make it obvious that I was joking. If emojis did not help clarify and suggest that it was a joke then here it is. Yes- It was a joke. No, I don't think that.

Ah ok...No worries

My idea was to inspire the community to talk about one of the Hivers they like or find interesting to help others locate new people to check out and possibly engage with. From what I have heard from a few people it seems to have worked for some as I've had a few comments to that effect.

Thanks for joining in.

Yeah. I think it's a good idea for users to explore other profiles. I have already followed a couple of handles that I noticed here. The initiative is serving its purpose.

This is good to hear...I've had quite a few say this. The more connected we all are the better, also it's good to help out new people who may be feeling a little isolated or out of touch.

Another solid recommendation who I now follow. I think this '3rd party' reaction among this community has been an unintended and entirely cool consequence.

Back to HS but as the future. I think that might work.

Thanks for participating this weekend!


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Time. It is our lifeline to synchronized order in the world. We know time by changes all around us. We humans live our lives by the concept of how much time we have to complete given tasks. One can utilize time wisely or let it slip from their grasps. I try to utilize my time wisely, although I have been known to lose a certain amount of it.

Given one hour of my time, I've been asked to answer a question related to it and how I would spend it. I chose to answer all three questions below:

Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why?

Black, White, and RED All Over in 17 days. She writes daily on Hive; never waivering in her resolve to produce the best she is capable of. That led her to become one of the few successful writers on Hive to be published author. Her latest in the Red, White series, The Posture of Innocence is currently available in the Hive based bookstore sponsored by The Inkwell Community. You can also obtain her series in a free e-book on Amazon.@deeanndmathews is the person on Hive whom I would like to spend an hour with. You may not know her, but she is an accomplished author. She is well-known in the Freewrite House Community where she participates regularly. She has a no-nonsense approach to life that I can feel in her writings. She exhibits a discipline that I strive for, but have never been able to maintain for any length of time when it comes to writing consistently. Surely, she can impart some of her wisdom to me. Deanne was The Freewrite House's "Writer of the Week" in July, 2019, having completed her novel

Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?

My 2x maternal great grandmother is my elusive ancestor who, by family oral history, is a native American Indian born 1841. I'm just beginning to scratch the surface in my genealogy studies to attempt to locate concrete information that this may be true. The records during slavery in the U.S. will never be fully understood. This is why so much history is lost. My quest is to connect the past with the present.

What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?

About 20 years ago, I was cruising the Christian Bookstore near me looking for a quick study guide. The clerk recommended a book that I, in turn, would recommend to anyone interested. Reading my book entitled Time With GOD: The New Testament for Busy People is my lifeline. Time waits on no woman. Just when you take off one scarf, you put on another and keep going. I remember as a full-time, young working mother taking care of children, and helping with elderly parents. Just finding one hour to myself to relax and rewind was not easy. My book is a one-year devotional bible I can read daily when I have time. It's broken down in a daily scripture, then questions and answers part. The good thing is I can start and stop any time; then pick it up again on any given day. If I happen to need a particular theme, I can quickly jump to that section. I hope to one day complete the entire 365 days of devotional study.

I mostly try to use my time wisely, but sometimes I just do not care and spend my wisdom time in la la land just thinking. Oh well.

Sort of on that line I'm going to answer to #3 first. I make time, if that means an hour less sleep or what ever. My quiet hour starts the day, and has for quite a long time. It can include reading of devotional or meditative nature. It has a half hour of meditation (usually just quiet contemplation not formal meditation) and a 1 page journal entry. It's the most important hour of the day for me.

Wow. What I've seen so far I'm impressed with @deanndmatthews. A real live novelist. I have maybe 10 projects that were carried far enough along to call them 'attempted novels' and know just how hard that is. I'm really looking forward to 'making her acquaintance' on Hive.

My mom's family has a quite a good genealogy going back to the 1600s in Virginia with a bit of a notation about each member. There are some of those people that I'd really like to spend an hour with.

Thanks for participating this weekend! Always good to see you come to play!

 4 years ago  

That's great that you try to do an hour routine like that every day. These things are important to keep our mind fresh but at the same time it kind of is like a nice cleanse to give it a start.

I'd love to do some genealogy stuff if the companies wouldn't sell my info to the government. I know back a few generations but further than that I have no idea!

When I started in genealogy, it was so much to take in at once. I didn't know how to search or where to start. After about a year, I started to figure it out. But when you're so far behind in the dark about who and what to look for, it's almost impossible to locate anyone.

I have been known to venture off into la la land too many a time. Too many I want to confess.

You are lucky your quiet time can start your day. When I had to wake at 5am to start breakfast, rush off to school, then to work, then grocery shopping, rush home, fix dinner, help with kids homework, take care of minor injuries, listen to the days chatter from each one, cleaning, is there an hour left? Hubby worked shift work, so by the time he arrived, everything and everybody was all tucked away. Sorry...time to fall asleep and start over the next morning. Gotta luv it.

I've started projects also that I need to get back to. I also have a half completed novel from about 20 years ago. When I looked at it a few years ago, I realized I needed to do some more research.

Wow, back to the 1600s. That's awesome. And to have notations on each family members. My family had several old bibles from the early 1900s, but have no idea where they are now. Some family members don't seem too much interested in family history. Myself, I'm fascinated by it because I grew up without grandparents being constant figures in my life enough to ask questions. Yet still, to know what questions to ask, so I missed out on first-hand information that would have helped.

I appreciate your engagement with my comment response for this weekend. Have a good rest of your weekend and take care.

I'm the oldest son but I passed my Father's family bible on to my youngest brother (a biological child) and it's gone to his son. It was a present to the first holder from his parents when the son went to Russia to farm for Catherine the Great. Every member in the straight line is written in there from then to now. All we have is names there.

My Mom's family has kept records for a couple of hundred years, it's pretty cool. There is currently an active family tree on Ancestry and a very active FB group of my generation that publishes photographs and identities with complete regularity. It's actually a very good use of FB.

Many of us will post current photos of past places when we are traveling. I was recently at the site of my Great Grandparents store in Athena, Oregon. The place has changed some...

I certainly understand the time complications. Completely. After we both sobered up my best ex had a meditation room in every house we had. It was a little frilly for my tastes :) but when you were in there with the door closed nobody would bother you unless the house was on fire.

It was also a nice private place for conversation. She had some glorious antique furniture there and it was just comfy and perfect.

How lovely the settings and memories. The Ancestry is great. Locating information if you don't have a full subscription is a bit hard. Only a few databases are free. If a family can get together and pay for a subscription, then all can share in research. That would be cool to do.

Your ancestry is all you have of your past from centuries ago. It's to be cherished and also passed on to your descendants. I'm compiling my books now from what I can locate.

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful family history. A family member farmed for Catherine the Great. That's truly a great family find. Have a good week ahead.

 4 years ago  

These are some interesting choices here! I will have to check out the free write section a bit more often. A novel in 17 days is crazy! I think she sounds like a great candidate for someone to spend an hour with!

Thank you so much for stopping by and viewing my choices. I appreciate your support. I participate in the Freewrite House projects whenever I have the time. The daily freewrite prompts do help with writer's block. Some interesting topics to get you going. I thought I had seen your writing there. If not, please join in soon. Take care.

I also try to use my time wisely and I try to make the best of life.

Wow, I was unaware of that community here, i need to check it out ! is incredible how much we can get to know by reading other people's comments.

Very interesting about your great-grandmother, I understand why you want to find out more about it, I would also do it until I can find something that tells me the truth

I used to congregate in a Christian church and for reasons between the pastor and myself I stopped attending ... Very personal matters that I did not like, however I am still open to everything, in fact there is a book that some people also recommended me to read about God, but I think it is something where they put all the points of view, I don't remember the name but I know that I have it written in my notebook

Hello. Thanks for stopping by to visit and view my response to the prompts for the weekend engagement. Yes, the Freewrite House Community is an amazing place for inspiration, engagement, and meeting new people who love to write.

I have ancestors on both sides of my family I need to research. But it's overwhelming. I have stacks and binders of info I've printed out that I found online. But the hard thing is trying to verify it. Every time I find a clue, it takes me in another direction.

The problem with me is that I find everyone else's family interesting too. I'll start looking at my family and see an unfamiliar name. By the time I'm finished it's several hours later, and I've gone so deep off into another family, I forgot what I was looking for. What I did find interesting and a bit dismayed is that small towns in the country communities, everybody is related in some way.

I'm sorry for your unpleasant interaction in the Church. However, I'm happy to hear it has not hardened your heart, and you are still open to learning. That is the key. Never stop learning.

Have a good rest of your weekend. Hope to engage with you again soon.

Thanks for joining in this week, for selecting a fellow hive user to highlight for others and sharing how you like spend a snippet of your time when you can find it.


Thank you for such interesting topics to choose from. I appreciate the chance to engage.

You're welcome and your input is appreciated.


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If only the question was if we could go back in time, when would we choose I have a lot of questions to ask concerning my past and that of my country but we just have to rely on the history we are told.

The bible or devotional is a good choice of spending your time, its nice to see you here


Unfortunately, he died two years ago, so I will never have a chance to meet him. It always has amazed me how someone who spends so much time in prison could be so peaceful. I was grown while the Apartheid legislation was still ruling SouthAfrica and he was still in prison. Finally, he was released and became president of the country when the 1994 general elections took place, I knew about his story but I was not captured by his figure until I read John Carlin book "Playing with the Enemy" and watched the movie Invictus based in the book.
Luckily he left a few books I still can read to better know the story of this amazing leader.

Yeah, Invictus was great. It is amazing to see him go through the ordeals as a freedom fighter.

So many have endured terrible things, pain and injustice, but Mandela is one that stands out - I think, despite everything he went through, he would look back on his life and feel content with how he conducted himself. I think we could all learn a lot from him.

I watched (from afar) in real time. Nelson Mandela was just an incredible hero for me. What a terrific choice. Thank you for it.


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I think a person could learn much from Mandela. Not just about leadership but about perseverance, persistance, ownership and how to take ownership of self.

This is a good choice; An hour spent with Nelson Mandela would be an hour well spent.

 4 years ago  

That's an interesting choice to have Mandela as the person. There's a lot to learn from him, both savory and unsavory information. I think it would certainly be an hour that goes by fast!

It is funny (actually sad) how we all at some point have felt that we have wasted some time of our lives on inconsequential things. That realization is always done in retrospect, when there nothing we can do about it.
This weekend's topic has made me think abou that a lot.
There are a lot of hivers I admire and am curious about, especially the annonymous ones. It would be lovely to get to spend at lest one hour with them over a drink, a cup of coffee or some delicious meal, like the ones some of them display in their posts. But if I were to chose only one, that would be my daughter, @imabby17.


I miss her too much. It's been a year now since she left the country and I know she is struggling with many issues that keep her on an emotional rollercoaster.
She is a very smart and talented young lady, but life has not been easy on her and I admire her for her courage. At her age I was also away from home for college, but I could take a car any minute and be home in 3 hours. She can't do that and I know she needs family hugs quite often.
I'd love to spend that hour with her, preparing the sandwiches she loves, with some coffee and milk, and talk about her experiences abroad and all the things one hour can allow us to, but especially hugging her and letting her know how much I love and miss her.

You are such a beautiful Dad. I can feel your love for your daughter and she is lucky to have you in her life. Life is tough now for everyone, and I do believe with your uncondional love, huge support and sweet encourage ..Your smart and talented girl will overcome any challenge and struggle as you are always with her 💖💖
She loves a lot as well

Thank you very much. It is tough all over the world, I agree.It is also tough to remain possitive about things, but that's the current challenege everyone is is facing, I guess; every one from their particular realities and with the tools they have available.
You have a great rest-of-the-weekend

Nice. I would not care about these responses before. I have a kid now and I fully understand how difficult it would be for a dad to let their kid go on their own. It is specifically difficult if you cannot provide the care they need.

Thanks for your comment. So true. Children change us for good. They make us see and care about things we would otherwise be totally be oblivious about
The become our weakness but also our greatest strengh, especially in hard times where providing for them becomes a constant struggle

This is so touching! I can see how much you love your daughter that's beautiful!! She might be struggling now but everything will be fine in the future, it's hard but need for improvement in our lifes is stronger. I wish you guys the best!

You are right, as the saying goes, you gotta do what you gotta do, and sometimes that means to put family aside so that you can have a shot at success and independence.
Thanks for your goo wishes. Blessings for you too.

Your daughter is a remarkable young woman and I know she misses you too. I'm glad she got and took her chance to advance her studies, but it must be hard on you...

Thanks, Tom. It is
And it was a tough decision for us all. We put her future as a priority, even though we knew it would not be easy. Sometimes you may have material things covered but harmony and peace of mind are rarely provided by the same means.
She is remarkable indeed; she just can't believe it yet.

She is remarkable indeed; she just can't believe it yet.

Yes she is, and that was remarkably well said.


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I like this answer a great deal, it is loaded with passion and personality and a touch of sadness also. I am not a parent but can imagine being away from ones son or daughter might bring a strong sense of loss and some sorrow, although I am sure you're also very proud of her and take comfort in that.

Nice answer. I like this response a lot.

Which Hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why?

First of all, to thank him in person for all the support and faith he has put in me, obviously, this is my friend @stevenwood. Who since he arrived on the platform has taught me several important things, I also know that he is a very interesting person and I think that an hour would not be enough. The big problem would be the language, since I speak very little English.

Which person from the past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?

I never had the chance to meet my paternal grandfather, because when I was born he was no longer there, and I knew very little about this part of the family would ask him many questions or just lie on his shoulder to listen to some sermon.

@stevenwood is another great choice for hive friend. He has really helped a lot of people.

That would be interesting to meet a relative you'd never met. Really good choice!

 4 years ago (edited) 

There's a couple of good choices here for sure. I wonder, what would be the first question you ask each of those you mention above?

@Stevenwood would initially ask him what he saw in me to support and teach me, I also know he leads a busy life, we would exchange organisational tips.

and my grandfather the secrets of a full life, how he met my grandmother and the most beautiful advice he could give me. However, listening to what he has to say would make me very happy

Good questions to ask. I think both would have much information of value for you.

gppappy.jpgthat's something that never occurred to me a relative that had passed and you'd never met. Wow that really open up a whole new arena right there. @galenkp that's a great topic for a future engagement. Wow I'm thinking of so many. Would love to chat to my great great grandad. US Civil war Capt. That would be awesome

My Great Great was a Sargent, he worked for a living. In the 110th Illinois. He moved from Virginia (what is now West Virginia) to Chicago to fight for the north. The net result is they migrated to Oregon after the war (and took some time doing it). His kid (my Great) rode two years with the 7th Cav and my Grandfather was a fireman on the old USS Iowa when it went round the world.

That might be a great idea for another weekend!

That's him? I don't know you personally, but I'd say a reasonable likeness.

Yeah, this could be a good one to do...It's difficult to know what topics to do these days as I think interest is waning...Still, I'll push on and hope people still enjoy it. For me I don't really care as long as I get a couple comments back. :)

I think the HF has put a dent in activity recently. But yeah that my GG Grandad. Was shot in the Battle of the Wilderness, lay in a hospital tent writing about the weather mostly and then died. I own his leather bound issued diary which had 2 photographs in it this was one. When I get back to the uk i intend to dig it out and do a post on this as well

Yeah I think that must be it; The HF hasn't been sorted out still I think...Hive is still really slow and it's not showing comment-counts properly...I don't think the wallet is working right either.

Pretty cool about your Great Grandfather, but not the dying part obviously...That you have the photo, his diary and an idea of what happened to him. That would make a good 1 hour meet-up I reckon, you and him.

yup for sure. Be very interesting to actually converse with someone from that era. As for the HF you're right there's wallet anomolies and all sorts. Pretty sure it's being dealt with as PEAKDhas improved a lot in the last days

I think people from that era would look at us and be like WTF is going on in this mofo! The world is a little out of control. But yes, I would love to speak with someone from that era, even 120 years ago...My mum's dad was born in 1902 and I'd love to have a chance to hang out with him in 1922...He was somewhat of a character I've heard...Much like someone else you may know...(Me.) Lol.

I generally use hive.blog for comments, I find the interface more simple than peakd, but use peaked for posting. I've been using peakd more lately though as the replies on hive.blog are so slow. I hope they sort it out soon...The 1 comment symbol on everyone's posts isn't a good look...Doesn't make the landscape look dynamic and engaged...Makes it look, well...like shit!

I don't think interest is waning much. Hive was broken for me for 4 hours again yesterday. I still can't see my comments but I believe the first message (comment published successfully) rather than the second on (problem with posting entry). I think this week is doing really well all things considered.

You're probably right; It's not fun waiting around for comments to load or post so if people are having trouble it makes sense that they minimise their contact for the moment.

I assure you that it will have many interesting stories for you. It would be very good to know an ancestor. Thank you for stopping by.

was a great idea. It had me thinking about it today as well of the family ancestors I know of.

Hey. Finally, I have the opportunity to write a few words. There is still a lot of work ahead, so it won't be possible to write a million words. Alas! 😁😅 I'll be brief today. So!!! From the hive, I would like to meet you and your wife. Our families are similar and I'm sure we would have a great time. From the past: I would like to see my first teacher, Bodrova Lyudmila Ivanovna. This woman put a lot of goodness into the hearts of young children. The perfect way to spend time It will definitely be nature: mountains, a small cozy house in the mountains. There will be crackling wood, there will be a guitar. We will grill, sing songs and sit by the fire. That would be great!))) I look forward to visiting !!!



Hey ya! I've been wondering when you'd show up. Glad to see you.

Yeah, I'll grudgingly admit that I'd like to meet Galen and Faith, too. The mountains is always great and spending an hour with your first grade teacher? Priceless.

My first grade teacher was a monster, but my second grade teacher, Mrs. Williams, probably saved school life. Her husband was a custodian that all the kids called 'Gorgeous George' and he looked out for all of us. I kept in touch with Mrs. Williams right up until she died.

I'll probably leave a flower on her grave this summer. She's buried in the same little town that my birth mother is and I'll be going there for sure. Thanks for reminding me of Mrs. Williams.

Now pass me some of that chicken. I'm hungry! :)

It'd be good to hang out with you mate, I reckon we'd have some fun!

I'm thinking we would have some fun. Maybe we ought to consider a W-E fest in absence of Hive Fest?

Lol, that would work.

I really regret not going to Poland for it you know, it's a long way from home though and I'd only been in Europe a few months earlier...Going back again was not possible.

Who knows, maybe one day huh?

I certainly hope so. There are a really lot of people that I'd like to meet in person...

It would be cool and I often think about it.

Hey. I am also very glad to see you. The earth is round and no one ever knows what will happen tomorrow. Perhaps very soon we will all raise a toast to our meeting!)))) I will cook a chicken with pleasure!)))

I'd love to head up your way, take a look around, guided by you guys,and see the sights. Of course, I think we'd have some nice BBQ's and fun times for sure! A cabin in the woods sounds good too...It seems you've paid attention to my posts, know what I like! ✅


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Oh you got me!! I love your way to spend time it's just perfect! Having a nice chatting with people we love , singing songs would be great idk how to sing so listen to others !! This is something you would definitely love @ligarayk

Btw I'm looking at your food and now I want some BBQ 😄

Thank you very much. I would gladly treat you a barbecue!)))

Ohhhh this is so cool! Its so cool indeed. Singing and jamming thats my thing hahah

Hahaha I was having an idea that you could love this one


How nice a way to spend an hour in the mountains. What is the white looking package on the grill? I love small grills like that.

This is Brie cheese with mold specially for barbecue!)))

OK. Sounds wonderful I love Brie cheese with mold, but haven't had it roasted. Thanks for responding.

I love this concept, especially that of the mountain and the grill😋. Don't mind having a piece of that chicken, that's chicken right?

Oh yes!)) You're right!) This is chicken and cheese!))

Oh boy! Before I started giving my answer I started to go down a bit and started reading everyone's answers because they were interesting, they are exciting, entertaining and even emotional, for the first time I could not contain myself and I began to read them all and respond, hahaha, I started to 12:34 to read everyone's answers, it's 2:20 pm and I finally feel at peace because I was able to read everything until now, it was super great to read everyone's answers, I think so far this has been my first favorite #weekend-engagement time I feel the need to get involved with everyone!

My answers

1st I have a person that I would like to meet but I prefer not to mention it so I will pretend that this question does not exist, LOL 😬

2nd I never had the opportunity to really meet my real grandmother, since I was little I really always had the desire for the love of a united family, I wanted to have my father, who wanted to spend more time with him, recently I am meeting him but it was not as I expected ... there was not much difference in my life just to give an example and I don't know if maybe I have feelings of resentment or something, I really think I don't know but it is not so comfortable to be so close ... Well I continue and have grandparents, I always wanted to have a granny to hug, play, laugh and spend time with. My mom was a very hard-working and busy woman, my childhood was a total confinement hahaha, I'm not lying, I felt like Rapunzel until I was a teenager and I tried to do a mischief, I tried to run away from home but that didn't work very well but at least the things changed, I think I was always looking for closeness and family love, now as an adult it is easier to understand what I felt.

3rd My ideal way to spend an hour, I don't think there is an activity to which I only dedicate an hour, it is very little time to enjoy! But it would be exploring a new place 🤔 btw I really like hiking, it is an activity that I do quite often, so I will choose to explore a forest and camp there but that would be more than an hour, hahaha, this was not easy for me, so many outdoor activities and you only give me an hour

I know the feeling. A part of me wants to scream "what a waste of time" but it isn't. It's just really enjoyable reading and feeling what others wrote.

I feel sad for people that don't know their grandparents. It's such a quick look at your own parents and who they have become.

I like to hike, too. Nature has a way of recharging me...

It's such a quick look at your own parents and who they have become.

It is indeed!!! That is how things turned out 🤷🏻‍♀️

I feel the same about nature!! I'm in love with nature environments, I feel so calm, relax, everything's so peaceful

One of the things I really like with a motorcycle is that I am in nature not protected from it. Cold or hot, wet or dry I'm in it.

There is a place at the foot of Banner Grade where a bee keeper has his honey operation. It always smells so good it's unbelievable.

I love to hike, too. Don't get me wrong.

his honey operation? Wow! I have never been to places where people do beekeeping, I would love to be around just to smell that!!

No worries, hahaha, I'm not get you wrong! I don't like to stay with just one thing when I can do so many


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A shame you couldn't mention even one hive user to showcase for the rest of the community but that's your prerogative. Thanks for joining bin though.

 4 years ago  

I'm glad you found our little community here! It's a lot of fun with a lot of great people to interact with. It's challenging sometimes because you do go down those comment holes and have to read all of them! I can definitely go down one of those on many of the posts, it's so much fun!

Ah I too never met one of my grandmothers so I know how that is. My other one I was about 5 when she died so I know that it's tough not knowing important people like that!
Good choice of a person!

In the past I used to not interact with people because I was thinking that it wasn't my thing but I decided to change that, some people are very pleasant to talk!

I have pictures in my head about how grannies are, lol, I imagine a lovely person

Good morning, friends
This is a great topic that made me think about something we do not think about every day.
I'll start with the option that made me feel more nostalgic.
If I were to choose to spend an hour with someone from past or present, that would be my twin brother, Andrés Eloy. Maybe you would not be able to tell we are twins from this picture, but we are and we used to be very close.

He is also a musician like myself and we used to spend a lot of time together, have barbeques, drink, etc. Those were very good times we had together and would be great to relive them at least for one hour. He left Venezuela three years ago looking for a better future for him and his children and I miss him a lot, especially because I know he has not been very lucky in Perú.

Now, if I were to spend one hour with a fellow Hiver, that would be my cousin @hlezama. Even though we live in relatively near cities, we have not been able to see each other in years. He used to come over quite often and even stayed for a couple of days at the time. It would be great for the whole family if he could visit us again. We have a lot to catch up with.

My ideal way to spend an hour is doing what I love, which is producing music and if I do it with my children, whom I love above anything else, then it is the perfect hour spent. Whe I rehearse music with my sons, I leave them my knowledge, but mostly a print that they will hopefully cherish for the rest of their life.

Hey, primo

Gracias por eso. Yo también me encantaría visitarlos. Extraño a mi sobrina, a mi madrina ya tus talentosos hijos. Siento que me estoy perdiendo mucho de sus vidas. Crecen tan rápido y en algún momento esta distancia puede endurecer o adormecer cualquier sentimiento familiar que puedan tener por la falta de exposición a sus parientes.
Lo veo así con mis hijos, que en su mayor parte se han criado lejos de su familia paterna. Conocen a sus familiares, pero no sienten mucho porque no comparten recuerdos de cosas compartidas. Estoy de acuerdo con tu forma ideal de pasar una hora. Compartir con nuestros hijos no tiene precio.

Thanks for that. I'd too love to visit you guys. I miss my niece, my godmother and your talented sons. I feel I am missing so much of their lives, you see. They grow so fast and at some point this distance may harden or numb any familial feelings they may have for lack of exposure to their relatives.
I feel like that with my children, who for the most part have grown detached from their paternal family. They know their relatives, but there is not much feeling because they do not share memories of time spent together.
I agree with your ideal way of spending one hour. Sharing with our children is priceless.

You're a good chap mate. Just saying; You have a good heart.

Muchas gracias amigo

Doing what we love it's always a great way to spend our time

Así es mi amiga y definitivamente me siento muy bien haciendo lo que me gusta, gracias por comentar. Saludos desde Carúpano.

Increíble Carlos, de Carupano, esperaba algún día visitar por allá

Well. That was unexpected and very touching.

Families scatter and move, I get that. But long absence is hard to take. I hope you see them all soon!

Yo también espero verlos pronto. Muchas gracias por pasar. Saludos

I too hope to see them soon. Thanks a lot for stopping by. Greetings

I hope you get to see your brother again soon. My own are many thousands of miles away and I see them rarely so I understand how you feel.

Also, @hlezama would be on my short list of Hivers to meet; I think he would be a fun character and I know he is intelligent. I think I could learn much from him.

Thanks for joining in this week.

Yo también deseo que tú puedas ver a tus familiares pronto. Mi primo siempre ha sido súper inteligente un orgullo para la familia y ejemplo a seguir. Recuerdo que se graduó con honores el mejor de su promoción y recibió una beca para ir a realizar su maestría en los Estados Unidos. Estamos muy orgullosos de él y siempre es grato recibir sus conocimientos y ayuda en todo momento sobre todo en la colmena lugar que nos ha permitido mantenernos en contacto todos los días. Gracias por la oportunidad brindada. Un abrazo desde Carúpano.

I also wish that you can see your relatives soon. My cousin has always been super intelligent, a pride for the family and an example to follow. I remember that he graduated with honors, the best of his class, and received a scholarship to pursue his master's degree in the United States. We are very proud of him and it is always a pleasure to receive his knowledge and help at all times, especially on Hive, which has allowed us to keep in touch every day. Thank you for the opportunity offered. Receive a hug from Carúpano.

Thank you for your wishes and kind words. I hope you're having a good weekend. 🙂

 4 years ago  

Thanks to all of the sponsors for this weeks topic I and many others appreciate the ability to come here for this type of stuff!

I’m going to have to go with number two here. I would like to spend an hour with a guy I’ve watched on the Joe Rogan show a few times. I just honestly got into the show after hearing about it for years but @chekohler recommended an episode that fascinated me and I’ve been addicted ever since.

The guy i would love to spend an hour with to just pick his brain on all the crazy stuff he knows so much about is a guy by the name of Randall Carlson that’s been a guest on the JR show a few times. I can give you the link to the videos if you’re interested but he’s a very brilliant guy who is trying to challenge the mainstream paradigm on the history of America and what we know about the last several thousand years. He’s got a lot of years of research into what he thinks is an impact hypothesis of what killed off lots of huge animals in the America’s as well as who really settled America. I’ve gone down an amazing rabbit hole and I’ve listened to about 16 hours of completely different perspectives on what historical events have now been rethought by more and more people. It was in a large part by how extensive and thorough Randall is, and a friend of his I’ll find the name of a little later. He did a follow up episode where they had a scientific battle on the air and he dropped so much knowledge it was incredible. He at the same time though wasn’t condescending or negative to his opponents he actually welcomed their criticism and critiques and thanked them for all of it! He’s a remarkable guy in a time where there’s so much fighting and arguing that just goes in circles.

This goes to show one doesn't need to denigrate others to gets ones message across. I've listened to some Rogan podcasts but to be honest I prefer the Jocko Podcast (Jocko Willink) however I'll look up the RC episode you mention and give it a listen.


I've seen some of his videos, my wife loves the guy. Have you checked out any of the videos he has where it looks like he is just sitting at home talking to and show a small group of people things, he is a pretty amazing guy, make it so even a layman can understand what he is saying.

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I have made quite a few friends here on hive and there many hivers I really like and would love to spend some time with them, but if I had to choose only one it would be you! :) (I can't get the silly emojis to show).
You are so funny and you have made so many people come and interact and share their stories. I have talked to my parents about what it would be like to talk in person with different hivers (some of whom we do not even know what they look like) and we come up with all kinds of crazy responses.
We all agree that sharing some time with you must be very funny and informative. You have traveled a lot and must have tons of stories to tell, but above all you're smart and funny.
I think we all need that in our lives these days. So many bad and frustrating things happening. It's scary to think about the present or the future, so, we might as well just try to have a good time being silly and making fun of things.Hi, Mr. @galenkp

You also know about music and play the piano, right? We can have a concert at a cafe and tell anecdotes in between.

coffee me.jpg

I think it would be nice to spend some time with other Hivers and it would be hard to narrow down just to one single person.

Maybe I could just narrow it down to your family instead? I only made a comment today about how I'd like to meet your dad in person and I might as well expand it out to the whole family. We could make some music, tell funny stories and sing...Well, you'd not want to hear me sing because I am terrible at it, but I'll be happy to have a go and make people laugh. I can play the piano though, so maybe I'll do that and you can do the singing? Deal?

Of course, no gathering of that kind would be complete without snacks so I'd bring a whole lot of Australian foods for your guys to try. I think that would be a nice gathering.

Thanks for your kind words, it means a great deal.


Oh my God!😍
It is the best deal that I have ever been offered. Done deal! you'll play the piano and I'll sing, while your wife, my mom and my dad hear us and clap their hands.🎼🎶

we'll have a nice time together sharing and of course EATING hahaha OMG I'm hungry,😂 I'll take the arepas stuffed with shredded meat, and for desert the guava jam...😁 and it would be fantastic that @bigtom13 would show up on his motorcycle. 👍 🤗

I'd like that. I'm not much for making music (I can barely play a radio) but I love music and I'm really good at eating. Maybe my other superpower!

Hahaha "play the radio"
I'd be very happy if you teach me how to ride your motocicle. 😁🏍️

Having eating as a super power isn't such a bad thing. What would be your super name>? Captain Eato? Captain Consumption maybe? Lol.

Barely play a radio. Lol.

I think Super Gordo works pretty well :)

I sort of liked Captain Consumption myself, but Super Gordo is also a legit super name...One any super hero would be proud of.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Yeah, that's a good idea, Tom can come...And maybe he might have a dance, sow us how it's done! Lol. Seems like a good time would be had by all.

See? There's some of the coolness that can happen when people really interact with each other. You might even call it engaging :)

I'm an advocate of engagement as you know, and yes, there is a lot to gain from it, emotionally and from an account-promotion perspective.

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So we can mention more than one hive user right. 😊... I have many in mind 😅😂😂😂

One please.


Many people makes it too easy. Pick one and explain why...It will mean more to that individual.


Weekend-Engagement #20___An Hour With The Departed Ones

If given the chance, I chose to spend time, even for an hour with my departed ones this weekend. I've already lost three of them: My eldest daughter, next to her was my eldest son and the third,my hubby. It will be a joint meeting of the departed and the parted.

I would like to ask for forgiveness, that I was not able to know what was the real cause why she did it, leaving behind her 8-month old baby. She would have enjoyed the joy of being a granny at a young age! My son on the other hand died due to cardiac arrest. I would like to ask for forgiveness for not saving him. He was far from me and we just couldn't find a rescue in the middle of strong rain that night. I want to hug them close once again, to say that I love them both, that I missed them so much. I want to tell them that their kids are both doing fine. That they both are their spitting image. God knows how I missed them so. I can't help my tears falling down while uttering this simple wish.

I would also like to tell my husband that I have already forgiven him for all the heartaches he had given me. An hour is not enough but it would be priceless. This is my wish and I only hope that it will be granted even in my dreams only.

Well, All Soul's Day is coming and I hope that we will be allowed to visit our loved ones in the cemetery.

What a charming wish for an hour. I can feel your pain.

I really don't have the words here. Thank you for this wonderful entry.

Thanks! Yeah, just feeling the blues. There are times when I dream of them in different time and I felt that short moment of happiness to see them so alive even if it's a dream. Sigh..


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 4 years ago (edited) 

No links here, just comments. How about reading my post and following the rules huh? This is not the place to drop links to your posts, it's a place to comment with your response to my questions and engage. I say this in the post above, as part of the rules. Take a look.

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 4 years ago  

What a great topic this week man, good luck at the competition! I haven’t read the whole post since in half asleep but just got to the topic. Let’s see what others want to do with this one!

It should be pretty easy, that was the plan. At least everyone hasn't said @galenkp in response to number one...I was worried people would. Lol.

Nah. Just admit the fact that you wanted your name in every answer :P :D Now I am worried that nobody will say that. Nobody wants to meet someone who wants to shoot and play with guns. Who knows, I am not taking my chances.

Again, you suggest I'm narcissistic.

 4 years ago  

Sorry man this is where we disagree, firearms are an important thing for our society today. The more people that own them the better. Not sure if you’re being comical with the response or not.

What's happening today? That was a joke. I should make it more explicit next time lol :P :D

I want to learn how to shoot, lol ! I need to be around people who actually knows how to shoot!! Hahaha 😂

It is cool. I learned how to shoot a handgun. Two things I noticed
1- How heavy those handguns are compared to how pros handle it so effortlessly
2- The sheer force it generates when a bullet leaves the gun
I enjoyed those rounds :)

Oh, that sheer force! I'm awake about that, I'm too weak so I need to be careful with that

It is easy for everyone. You write some amazing engage the weekend posts.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

Which hive user: Well, I will pick @lextenebris. Why? well, simply because even when he's been pretty quiet for a long time, I know he is kind of an unstoppable crazy parrot if you know how to pull his tongue hard enough to squeeze and extract a helluva load of knowledge and wisdom about anything and all for a very amusing, entertaining and nutritious conversation of at least one hour.

Well – that's just terrifying. You poor creature. No sane person would invoke me and want to spend time! That's like saying, "you know what I really want to do? I'd like to summon a creature from the Outer Darkness and hang out with it because I am sure it has all whole lot of stories to tell me about the hideous, psychically damaging world beyond!"

I don't know what to say.

Actually, I do know that I'm currently preparing for the every-Friday podcast that I'm on, about the LBRY protocol and platforms associated.

If you're interested in catching up with some of that – and if so, there's probably something wrong with you, but at least you get to hear me occasionally ramble about things like the web of trust, the fundamental underpinnings of economics, and probably a lot of other things which could people try to avoid talking about, you can catch it.


I've sidestepped LBRY so far cos it's all I can do to stay meaningfully engaged on Hive. The Web of Trust sounds fascinating tho!!

Yes, I checked you out too... LOL... wasn't scared or deterred. LOL

LBRY is kind of a mixed bag when it comes to being "meaningfully engaged." While there is a comment system, it's not really built for that kind of architecture. It's not really a "social media platform." It really is first and foremost a "media distribution platform," and meaningful engagement is really better pursued using systems which are better at structuring conversations.

They are (according to some inside information that I have) working on making the comment system more distinctly threaded so that more conversations can take place and remain readable, but even as someone who is pretty well engaged – it wouldn't be my first choice for the place to talk about my work.

As a place to put my work? That's a different matter. Especially for video content, it's probably a safer place to put things in the long run. YouTube is on trustworthy and a lot of the other choices aren't as robust, so that is just sort of the thing. If you're a blogger, like I am, maybe a little more questionable because the platform really doesn't offer as many tools for blogging as I would like.

Because the whole thing is open source, however, there's no reason that some people with the proper motivation and interest couldn't take what's available and build a system using the LBRY protocol as the underlying transport mechanism and compete with platforms as blog-centric as Medium. It will just require some work.

Web of trust systems haven't really been properly implemented on any social media platform well yet, in my opinion. But I've been researching and writing about web of trust systems for years, and one of my most recent articles in the field leverages some of the work that I've done in thinking about integrating web of trust systems with the original Steemit platform.

One step at a time. Someone, eventually, will get it right.

Now you've intrigued me and I'm off to check out @lextenebris too!!

I do love that about Engage the Weekend - I am learning so much about people on chain. Nice one @galenkp.


What great answers. I really like it.

I'd never even heard of @lextenebris but I now follow him. I'll dig deeper into him after the weekend! For the record I'm now following you, too and I have a suggestion. Change your header to reflect the current blockchain. It's been long enough :)

Nikola Tesla. What a stunningly perfect choice. I think I'd also like to spend an hour with the current "Tesla" Elon Musk. I'll bet that would be fun too.

It's cool with me if you want to waste your time sleeping, but I just love this:

To start over with another endless 18-hour predation session one more time. :p

Predation Session. I like it.

Thanks for playing.

I yet live, though my creative output has been cut back a little bit over the last 6 months. Still, pulling out of the hole slowly.

 4 years ago  

As soon as I read that third part, sleep was the first thing that came to my mind as well. Two hours--different answer but one good extra hour of sleep is a no brainer.

Bah, you can sleep when you're dead!

 4 years ago  

Can I? How can you be certain @coloneljethro, I'm dying to know. Pass that thing, you're hoggin it!

Warren Zevon told me so!

Warren told you? Really?

Just before he died he told me his shit was fucked up :)

That was probably because he was in the house when the house burned down :D

How can you manage 2hours of sleep for a day?

 4 years ago  

Nah, if the question was 2 hours, I'd respond something else but being 1 hour--first thing that comes to mind is that extra hour of sleep.

As far as managing time in general, I'm still working on that @jizzyjoe, it's next. First I gotta master being in more than one place at the same time--not quite there yet.

Hahaha, I thought you only sleep for 2hours.

First I gotta master being in more than one place at the same time--not quite there yet.

Can you keep up with it, it would be double stress.

 4 years ago  

Unlikely. One thing at a time. If you or anyone you know has managed to figure that one out, I'm all eyes. 👀 Just two places at the same time, I won't even push it to three, just two.

😂two places at a time can be possible through your mobile phone or laptop that is being online. I thinks that also works but for physical stuff, no idea.


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Tesla would be a great person to meet, both Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk. One hour with each, first question to Nikola, how do I make free energy. For Elon, how do I get a free ride to Mars to help build the Martian Community.

Just this morning I finished an Elon Musk biography. I'll bet my head would be just buzzing after an hour :)

Amazing and driven guy. The stacks and stacks of money he's making is just fuel for the fire that is what he wants to do. He doesn't particularly care to be rich, he just wants to save humanity from themselves. But he is INTENSE.

The idea of spending an hour sleeping, is something I can do all and free of charge. Unless you want to sleep for an hour in the Maldives by the beach, it would be extremely fabulous to wake up and be in a place like that.

Being around people that makes us laugh is really a privilege added to the fact that we get to learn from them. Nice choice

18hours of work means 6hours of sleep, you really need to rest. Now I understand why you choose sleep as your third answer

Your 3rd I feel you man! I haven't enough sleep recently it's costing me a lot lately sleep at least 8 hours.. 🥴

Keeping work aside, I can sleep for 10hour or even more

i want that !!! i need that super power

🤣🤣its not a super power, it just happens

I need that to happen to me

It will, if you put your mind to it

Food- love- nature- ice cream- make-up
From your blog

These are so me, if all the stress of life can be taken away and I can be left with these. It would be a great relief.