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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

  • Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why? - Just one please. (tag them)

  • Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?

  • What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?

Ok, I'm gonna go with the three. And for the same reason I'm gonna do this quick & short because I'm already running the last mile of the day to sink right away into my crypt for a good R.E.M. before sunrise. We predatory nocturnal birds don't get along very well with sunlight. :D

  1. Which hive user: Well, I will pick @lextenebris. Why? well, simply because even when he's been pretty quiet for a long time, I know he is kind of an unstoppable crazy parrot if you know how to pull his tongue hard enough to squeeze and extract a helluva load of knowledge and wisdom about anything and all for a very amusing, entertaining and nutritious conversation of at least one hour.

  2. Which person past or present: Oh! without thinking twice, this would have to be without a doubt Nikola Tesla. Why? Ha, although this might sound too obvious to you. Let's just say that for exactly the same reasons that I've chosen @lextenebris above. Only with the addition of holding the same type of conversations under a blanket of radiation, loose sparks everywhere around us and the risk of being electrocuted if things gets too funny. Hahahaha

  3. What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time: Oh! this 'for me' is without a doubt the easiest question to answer of all. Given what I said at the beginning of this comment and in honor of the most nutritious, useful, energetic, productive and healthy activity that you can now think of. Evidently that my IDEAL way to spend an hour of my time, it's exactly what I'm going to do right away after 18 straight hours of deep wakefulness. ¡SLEEP! And sleep well, long and profound. And there is no freaking chance that it wll be only for an hour. It will have to be at least until the sun goes down. To start over with another endless 18-hour predation session one more time. :p

Cheers!! :)


Which hive user: Well, I will pick @lextenebris. Why? well, simply because even when he's been pretty quiet for a long time, I know he is kind of an unstoppable crazy parrot if you know how to pull his tongue hard enough to squeeze and extract a helluva load of knowledge and wisdom about anything and all for a very amusing, entertaining and nutritious conversation of at least one hour.

Well – that's just terrifying. You poor creature. No sane person would invoke me and want to spend time! That's like saying, "you know what I really want to do? I'd like to summon a creature from the Outer Darkness and hang out with it because I am sure it has all whole lot of stories to tell me about the hideous, psychically damaging world beyond!"

I don't know what to say.

Actually, I do know that I'm currently preparing for the every-Friday podcast that I'm on, about the LBRY protocol and platforms associated.

If you're interested in catching up with some of that – and if so, there's probably something wrong with you, but at least you get to hear me occasionally ramble about things like the web of trust, the fundamental underpinnings of economics, and probably a lot of other things which could people try to avoid talking about, you can catch it.

I've sidestepped LBRY so far cos it's all I can do to stay meaningfully engaged on Hive. The Web of Trust sounds fascinating tho!!

Yes, I checked you out too... LOL... wasn't scared or deterred. LOL

LBRY is kind of a mixed bag when it comes to being "meaningfully engaged." While there is a comment system, it's not really built for that kind of architecture. It's not really a "social media platform." It really is first and foremost a "media distribution platform," and meaningful engagement is really better pursued using systems which are better at structuring conversations.

They are (according to some inside information that I have) working on making the comment system more distinctly threaded so that more conversations can take place and remain readable, but even as someone who is pretty well engaged – it wouldn't be my first choice for the place to talk about my work.

As a place to put my work? That's a different matter. Especially for video content, it's probably a safer place to put things in the long run. YouTube is on trustworthy and a lot of the other choices aren't as robust, so that is just sort of the thing. If you're a blogger, like I am, maybe a little more questionable because the platform really doesn't offer as many tools for blogging as I would like.

Because the whole thing is open source, however, there's no reason that some people with the proper motivation and interest couldn't take what's available and build a system using the LBRY protocol as the underlying transport mechanism and compete with platforms as blog-centric as Medium. It will just require some work.

Web of trust systems haven't really been properly implemented on any social media platform well yet, in my opinion. But I've been researching and writing about web of trust systems for years, and one of my most recent articles in the field leverages some of the work that I've done in thinking about integrating web of trust systems with the original Steemit platform.

One step at a time. Someone, eventually, will get it right.

Now you've intrigued me and I'm off to check out @lextenebris too!!

I do love that about Engage the Weekend - I am learning so much about people on chain. Nice one @galenkp.


What great answers. I really like it.

I'd never even heard of @lextenebris but I now follow him. I'll dig deeper into him after the weekend! For the record I'm now following you, too and I have a suggestion. Change your header to reflect the current blockchain. It's been long enough :)

Nikola Tesla. What a stunningly perfect choice. I think I'd also like to spend an hour with the current "Tesla" Elon Musk. I'll bet that would be fun too.

It's cool with me if you want to waste your time sleeping, but I just love this:

To start over with another endless 18-hour predation session one more time. :p

Predation Session. I like it.

Thanks for playing.

I yet live, though my creative output has been cut back a little bit over the last 6 months. Still, pulling out of the hole slowly.

 4 years ago  

As soon as I read that third part, sleep was the first thing that came to my mind as well. Two hours--different answer but one good extra hour of sleep is a no brainer.

Bah, you can sleep when you're dead!

 4 years ago  

Can I? How can you be certain @coloneljethro, I'm dying to know. Pass that thing, you're hoggin it!

Warren Zevon told me so!

Warren told you? Really?

Just before he died he told me his shit was fucked up :)

That was probably because he was in the house when the house burned down :D

Or he rubbed the pot roast all over his chest.

How can you manage 2hours of sleep for a day?

 4 years ago  

Nah, if the question was 2 hours, I'd respond something else but being 1 hour--first thing that comes to mind is that extra hour of sleep.

As far as managing time in general, I'm still working on that @jizzyjoe, it's next. First I gotta master being in more than one place at the same time--not quite there yet.

Hahaha, I thought you only sleep for 2hours.

First I gotta master being in more than one place at the same time--not quite there yet.

Can you keep up with it, it would be double stress.

 4 years ago  

Unlikely. One thing at a time. If you or anyone you know has managed to figure that one out, I'm all eyes. 👀 Just two places at the same time, I won't even push it to three, just two.

😂two places at a time can be possible through your mobile phone or laptop that is being online. I thinks that also works but for physical stuff, no idea.


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Tesla would be a great person to meet, both Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk. One hour with each, first question to Nikola, how do I make free energy. For Elon, how do I get a free ride to Mars to help build the Martian Community.

Just this morning I finished an Elon Musk biography. I'll bet my head would be just buzzing after an hour :)

Amazing and driven guy. The stacks and stacks of money he's making is just fuel for the fire that is what he wants to do. He doesn't particularly care to be rich, he just wants to save humanity from themselves. But he is INTENSE.

The idea of spending an hour sleeping, is something I can do all and free of charge. Unless you want to sleep for an hour in the Maldives by the beach, it would be extremely fabulous to wake up and be in a place like that.

Being around people that makes us laugh is really a privilege added to the fact that we get to learn from them. Nice choice

18hours of work means 6hours of sleep, you really need to rest. Now I understand why you choose sleep as your third answer

Your 3rd I feel you man! I haven't enough sleep recently it's costing me a lot lately sleep at least 8 hours.. 🥴

Keeping work aside, I can sleep for 10hour or even more

i want that !!! i need that super power

🤣🤣its not a super power, it just happens

I need that to happen to me

It will, if you put your mind to it

Well today I tried to take a nap bc I was all day without power, but impossible so much heat!!

Food- love- nature- ice cream- make-up
From your blog

These are so me, if all the stress of life can be taken away and I can be left with these. It would be a great relief.

You are totally right!!!!! Completely !! Imagine life like this, wow super different!