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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

What great answers. I really like it.

I'd never even heard of @lextenebris but I now follow him. I'll dig deeper into him after the weekend! For the record I'm now following you, too and I have a suggestion. Change your header to reflect the current blockchain. It's been long enough :)

Nikola Tesla. What a stunningly perfect choice. I think I'd also like to spend an hour with the current "Tesla" Elon Musk. I'll bet that would be fun too.

It's cool with me if you want to waste your time sleeping, but I just love this:

To start over with another endless 18-hour predation session one more time. :p

Predation Session. I like it.

Thanks for playing.


I yet live, though my creative output has been cut back a little bit over the last 6 months. Still, pulling out of the hole slowly.