Good morning, friends
This is a great topic that made me think about something we do not think about every day.
I'll start with the option that made me feel more nostalgic.
If I were to choose to spend an hour with someone from past or present, that would be my twin brother, Andrés Eloy. Maybe you would not be able to tell we are twins from this picture, but we are and we used to be very close.
He is also a musician like myself and we used to spend a lot of time together, have barbeques, drink, etc. Those were very good times we had together and would be great to relive them at least for one hour. He left Venezuela three years ago looking for a better future for him and his children and I miss him a lot, especially because I know he has not been very lucky in Perú.
Now, if I were to spend one hour with a fellow Hiver, that would be my cousin @hlezama. Even though we live in relatively near cities, we have not been able to see each other in years. He used to come over quite often and even stayed for a couple of days at the time. It would be great for the whole family if he could visit us again. We have a lot to catch up with.
My ideal way to spend an hour is doing what I love, which is producing music and if I do it with my children, whom I love above anything else, then it is the perfect hour spent. Whe I rehearse music with my sons, I leave them my knowledge, but mostly a print that they will hopefully cherish for the rest of their life.
Hey, primo
Gracias por eso. Yo también me encantaría visitarlos. Extraño a mi sobrina, a mi madrina ya tus talentosos hijos. Siento que me estoy perdiendo mucho de sus vidas. Crecen tan rápido y en algún momento esta distancia puede endurecer o adormecer cualquier sentimiento familiar que puedan tener por la falta de exposición a sus parientes. Lo veo así con mis hijos, que en su mayor parte se han criado lejos de su familia paterna. Conocen a sus familiares, pero no sienten mucho porque no comparten recuerdos de cosas compartidas. Estoy de acuerdo con tu forma ideal de pasar una hora. Compartir con nuestros hijos no tiene precio.
Thanks for that. I'd too love to visit you guys. I miss my niece, my godmother and your talented sons. I feel I am missing so much of their lives, you see. They grow so fast and at some point this distance may harden or numb any familial feelings they may have for lack of exposure to their relatives.
I feel like that with my children, who for the most part have grown detached from their paternal family. They know their relatives, but there is not much feeling because they do not share memories of time spent together.
I agree with your ideal way of spending one hour. Sharing with our children is priceless.
You're a good chap mate. Just saying; You have a good heart.
Muchas gracias amigo
Doing what we love it's always a great way to spend our time
Así es mi amiga y definitivamente me siento muy bien haciendo lo que me gusta, gracias por comentar. Saludos desde Carúpano.
Increíble Carlos, de Carupano, esperaba algún día visitar por allá
Well. That was unexpected and very touching.
Families scatter and move, I get that. But long absence is hard to take. I hope you see them all soon!
Yo también espero verlos pronto. Muchas gracias por pasar. Saludos
I too hope to see them soon. Thanks a lot for stopping by. Greetings
I hope you get to see your brother again soon. My own are many thousands of miles away and I see them rarely so I understand how you feel.
Also, @hlezama would be on my short list of Hivers to meet; I think he would be a fun character and I know he is intelligent. I think I could learn much from him.
Thanks for joining in this week.
Yo también deseo que tú puedas ver a tus familiares pronto. Mi primo siempre ha sido súper inteligente un orgullo para la familia y ejemplo a seguir. Recuerdo que se graduó con honores el mejor de su promoción y recibió una beca para ir a realizar su maestría en los Estados Unidos. Estamos muy orgullosos de él y siempre es grato recibir sus conocimientos y ayuda en todo momento sobre todo en la colmena lugar que nos ha permitido mantenernos en contacto todos los días. Gracias por la oportunidad brindada. Un abrazo desde Carúpano.
I also wish that you can see your relatives soon. My cousin has always been super intelligent, a pride for the family and an example to follow. I remember that he graduated with honors, the best of his class, and received a scholarship to pursue his master's degree in the United States. We are very proud of him and it is always a pleasure to receive his knowledge and help at all times, especially on Hive, which has allowed us to keep in touch every day. Thank you for the opportunity offered. Receive a hug from Carúpano.
Thank you for your wishes and kind words. I hope you're having a good weekend. 🙂