Thanks. It was tough to put bad memories behind and love him for what he was. He always meant the best for us, his methods were just too unorthodox, at least by today's standards. Men of his generation learned about life without many words and through even thougher methods.There was not self-help or therapy back then. You just had to man-up, as they say.
But once you forgive your parents for whatever flaw you think they had, it is easier to see all the good stuff.
Thanks. It was tough to put bad memories behind and love him for what he was. He always meant the best for us, his methods were just too unorthodox, at least by today's standards. Men of his generation learned about life without many words and through even thougher methods.There was not self-help or therapy back then. You just had to man-up, as they say.
But once you forgive your parents for whatever flaw you think they had, it is easier to see all the good stuff.
Although I recently learned that parents are not forgiven, they are honored and blessed.
Because they have given us the greatest and most valuable thing, Life.