A good answer here; You always seem to come up with something a little different and interesting. Talking to animals would be a cool skill to have in one's tool box I think.
A good answer here; You always seem to come up with something a little different and interesting. Talking to animals would be a cool skill to have in one's tool box I think.
I think it would be especially if you get tired of the human chatter. I often wonder if dogs and cats have little gossip circles going like humans.
I'd love to be able to speak with my cat...I'd probably stop talking to humans altogether if I could talk to animals. I'm not actually joking. :)
That means your answer for @bigtom13 question is the ability to talk to animals, would you cope with the reality of being among people?
Hahahaha I would love to speak with cats, I can't blame you on that, humans are... Special.... But I think it will be kind of the same thing, aren't human an animals? A species from primates??? Maybe I need to choose with what animals I would like to talk
I don't think humans are classed as animals although in my experience many should be.
I was kidding a bit early, but i'm agree with you!
Humans have much to answer for and the way some of them treat each other, the way they let hubris, greed and ego drive them to bad seeds is despicable. Just my opinion. Not all people, just some.
I personally have had bad experiences with people, in the past they made me want to close myself to establish relationships with more people, I remember that I used to innocently think that evil really didn't exist, but it does, it is part of the balance of this world and it's very unfortunate! I try to give the same treatment to the people that I would like to receive
I agree with you 100% on what you say.