- Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?
While he is not a real person, (at least to the best of my limited knowledge), I would like to spend an hour with Dr. Dolittle. I have always liked animals, and I think it would be great to be able to communicate with them on an understandable level. I would ask him to show me how to talk to the animals, and how to understand them.
That would be a great choice, Dr. Dolittle. Just one hour would not be enough.
The strange thing with the animals is that sometimes they do understand us, not just the commands but other things as well.
We had a dog that if we wanted to bath him and even didn't mention with any word that he could understand, he would just hide and wouldn't show up. He knew it without words 😅
Yeah that word or though of bath time, funny though I had a dog that didn't like the bath, but outside being squirted with the water hose he loved it would try to bite the water stream.
Oh yes, so tipical for dogs. Maybe because outside they play with the water stream and when bathing they feel bored? 🤷
As soon as you can meet and chat with Dr. Dolittle, please ask him :)
tokens.Oh very cool, original and thought-provoling response @bashadow!! What a gift it would be to talk to the bats flying into the house on hot nights, to the snake hiding in the cool bathroom - to tell them I wish no harm but they really need to move right along now back out into the garden. LOL.
I agree with @bigtom13 that there ARE days when I would seriously give up my human verbal connections to be able to talk to the animals.
That would be a nice part of it, and when you are lost and need to find your way home you could have a lot of guides and companions helping you along.
That would be some serious skill, wouldn't it? I could really go for that too.
Would you trade? The ability to talk to animals and the ability to talk to people?
I'd have to give it some pretty serious consideration.
Well I don't talk to people to often... Hahahaha, sometimes I don't want to talk to people specially when everything they say are like negative words... But instead animals are so kind and lovely even without knowing you, yesterday i found a dog or she found me hahaha and she stayed with me until I leave the place so awesome and so lovely it was my first time seeing that dog but she was kind
Now I'm pretty sure I could talk to that doggy. At least I could relate :)
You probably will!! She seems so kind and open for everyone's love
I would want my cake and want to eat it too. I can not imagine not talking to people, even though I don't do it often, but to be able to help people with their pet issues, problems, and to be able to make life more comfortable for both the animal and human.
Hahaha, that's a serious question. I can't trade any if there is a chances to have the two, I would take it with both hands😉
Both would be better, no doubt. But....
🤔🤔but... I don't like suspense
tokens.A good answer here; You always seem to come up with something a little different and interesting. Talking to animals would be a cool skill to have in one's tool box I think.
I think it would be especially if you get tired of the human chatter. I often wonder if dogs and cats have little gossip circles going like humans.
I'd love to be able to speak with my cat...I'd probably stop talking to humans altogether if I could talk to animals. I'm not actually joking. :)
That means your answer for @bigtom13 question is the ability to talk to animals, would you cope with the reality of being among people?
Hahahaha I would love to speak with cats, I can't blame you on that, humans are... Special.... But I think it will be kind of the same thing, aren't human an animals? A species from primates??? Maybe I need to choose with what animals I would like to talk
I don't think humans are classed as animals although in my experience many should be.
I was kidding a bit early, but i'm agree with you!
Humans have much to answer for and the way some of them treat each other, the way they let hubris, greed and ego drive them to bad seeds is despicable. Just my opinion. Not all people, just some.
That's interested. When I was little, I watched many cartoons..(can't remember name now🤣) and I wish I could be able to talk to animals as well. It would be great and miraculous to connect and be friend with them aye
That was an interesting movie, if there was a way to communicate with animals the way he did. It would make life an interesting one, that's a good choice even though its not in reality
We all have dreamed of talking with animals from cartoons we watched on tv when little. I would've loved to talk with Bugs Bunny 😁
Just don't forget to take the left turn at Albuquerque :)
Oh man this would be awesone, can you imagine something like that! You know I like to speak to animals waiting for someday they reply me back, haha, but I do this when I'm alone I don't want people around me think I'm crazy, but I feel you!
Yeah, one day I think one of the critters I talk at are going to say something back, of course that would probably give me a heart attack and I would not be able to let anyone know what the squirrel said.
Please don't die ! Hahaha you need to live for that moment
Yeah. The day Sam looks at me and says "F You. You blame me for everything and have since the day I came here." I'll know that I have just died and St. Peter is probably going to have harsh words for me too....