A topic to reflect.
Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?
I would like to be with my grandmother again. She passed away several years ago and I would like to tell her how much I loved her when she was physically with us and how much I still love her, because when she was alive I don't think I told her that enough. However, I like to believe that she currently knows that and is watching me write this with a smile on her face.What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why? I'll go for something simple but I enjoy doing and that is to be in front of a screen watching some series, movie or podcast, with a cup of tea (and maybe cookies, never are too much), totally concentrated on what I see, without having any worries in mind.
Success in your competition @galenkp, I hope you have a great time. And happy week to everyone!
I'm of the opinion that we should put more effort into saying how we feel about those we love because in time they may be taken away from us, especially grandparents. I'm sure you spend plenty of quality time with yours when she was with you and I think she probably knew how much you loved her. Keep in mind she's everywhere you go now, as you carry her in your heart and memories.
That's a lovely consoling thought, @galenkp. Growing up in Australia and physically separated from my Dutch Oma who visited only very occassionally, the communication was more difficult and the words with feeling hovered but I was shy to speak them. I shall speak them out loud, in Dutch, to the Thai stars one day soon and know she will feel and hear them.
This made me smile heaps. Much gratitude.
You're welcome, making you, or anyone, smile makes me smile...We're all smiling. :)
tokens.I actually think Grannies know that there grandkids never tell them often enough that they loved them. It's sorta understood. At least I hope my grandmother understood...
I'm not much for TV but I could darn sure go for the tea and cookies! Nice choice.
Haha, anyway, it never hurts to remember them that. Tea and cookies are convenient at any time! So you can enjoy them by doing anything. Thanks for your comment.
tokens.One hour immersed in total relaxation, that is a good hour, the tea and cookies a plus.
Totally, we really need to relax these days. The diet for another day 🍪.
I used to have a small "coffee spot", (plastic chair and table), out my kitchen door I would sit and sip my coffee and watch the birds and squirrels from.
The temps are just getting to where I can activate my coffee spot. I took a chair out of my living room when the friend that occupied it for years died and set it right outside the house. When the weather is right Denny and I have coffee together there listening to the mockingbirds and waiting for the sun. Even Sam is pretty cool with it...
Sometimes it is nice to just sit and chill in the morning, I used to love it, no TV, no Radio, just the coffee and street noise and nature.
tokens.Oh, I have the same feeling towards my grandmas. I hope that they know it 🤗
I believe that just as "all mothers are right", all grandmothers acquire the superpower of being the most incredible and loving people in the world, so they are one of the most painful losses we can have. Thank you for commenting :)
Sorry to hear about your grandma. I think We are women so We do have some similar connection. I could understand your feeling, when we were little we didn’t tell how much we love them. When we become adult, we understand everything and want to care and tell them that we love them a lot but they are not with us anymore. I do believe that your Grandma loved you a lot and always be with you.
It’s very simple of you with your ideal way to spend an hour of your time. Nice I like 😊
Yes, it is when we grow up that we realize that life sometimes passes very quickly and we should not leave or let anyone leave without them knowing how important they are to us.
Sometimes less is more, and for me that simple act makes me very happy. Thank you for commenting :)
You are welcome. Hope you had a great weekend. 😍
Now I'm imagining myself watching a movie while I'm eating ice cream it's so relaxing too 😊
Yes, it's an excellent plan too :)