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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

Sorry to hear about your grandma. I think We are women so We do have some similar connection. I could understand your feeling, when we were little we didn’t tell how much we love them. When we become adult, we understand everything and want to care and tell them that we love them a lot but they are not with us anymore. I do believe that your Grandma loved you a lot and always be with you.
It’s very simple of you with your ideal way to spend an hour of your time. Nice I like 😊


Yes, it is when we grow up that we realize that life sometimes passes very quickly and we should not leave or let anyone leave without them knowing how important they are to us.

Sometimes less is more, and for me that simple act makes me very happy. Thank you for commenting :)

You are welcome. Hope you had a great weekend. 😍