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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Oh dude. Speaking my language. You know where I'm staying now, we're ((surrounded-ounded)) by water. Pura and I have picked up about 3 or 4 kayaks now in stores, yard sales, etc and she still hasn't been able to say "yeah, I can pick this one up" so we could put it on top of the Subaru. Still looking @coloneljethro, there's gotta be one out there somewhere that's light enough for a little 120 pounder to help me get it on the top. You're not familiar with one like that by chance?


Put a roller (like a bow roller from a boat trailer) on the back of your Subaru. Lay the nose of the kayak on the roller, walk to the other end and roll it on. I used to manage a 10' fiberglass boat in a pickup by myself that way...

 4 years ago  

This response sent chills to my forehead! Tom, you're a genius!

Not offhand, I normally just rent or borrow one, the really light ones were always out of my price range anyway. Just have Pura spin around in circles a few times like they do in shot put and toss it up there...

 4 years ago  

I didn't know where you were going with the twirl and the shotput pieces it together. Dude that's funny.