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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

It is funny (actually sad) how we all at some point have felt that we have wasted some time of our lives on inconsequential things. That realization is always done in retrospect, when there nothing we can do about it.
This weekend's topic has made me think abou that a lot.
There are a lot of hivers I admire and am curious about, especially the annonymous ones. It would be lovely to get to spend at lest one hour with them over a drink, a cup of coffee or some delicious meal, like the ones some of them display in their posts. But if I were to chose only one, that would be my daughter, @imabby17.


I miss her too much. It's been a year now since she left the country and I know she is struggling with many issues that keep her on an emotional rollercoaster.
She is a very smart and talented young lady, but life has not been easy on her and I admire her for her courage. At her age I was also away from home for college, but I could take a car any minute and be home in 3 hours. She can't do that and I know she needs family hugs quite often.
I'd love to spend that hour with her, preparing the sandwiches she loves, with some coffee and milk, and talk about her experiences abroad and all the things one hour can allow us to, but especially hugging her and letting her know how much I love and miss her.


You are such a beautiful Dad. I can feel your love for your daughter and she is lucky to have you in her life. Life is tough now for everyone, and I do believe with your uncondional love, huge support and sweet encourage ..Your smart and talented girl will overcome any challenge and struggle as you are always with her 💖💖
She loves a lot as well

Thank you very much. It is tough all over the world, I agree.It is also tough to remain possitive about things, but that's the current challenege everyone is is facing, I guess; every one from their particular realities and with the tools they have available.
You have a great rest-of-the-weekend

Nice. I would not care about these responses before. I have a kid now and I fully understand how difficult it would be for a dad to let their kid go on their own. It is specifically difficult if you cannot provide the care they need.

Thanks for your comment. So true. Children change us for good. They make us see and care about things we would otherwise be totally be oblivious about
The become our weakness but also our greatest strengh, especially in hard times where providing for them becomes a constant struggle

This is so touching! I can see how much you love your daughter that's beautiful!! She might be struggling now but everything will be fine in the future, it's hard but need for improvement in our lifes is stronger. I wish you guys the best!

You are right, as the saying goes, you gotta do what you gotta do, and sometimes that means to put family aside so that you can have a shot at success and independence.
Thanks for your goo wishes. Blessings for you too.

Your daughter is a remarkable young woman and I know she misses you too. I'm glad she got and took her chance to advance her studies, but it must be hard on you...

Thanks, Tom. It is
And it was a tough decision for us all. We put her future as a priority, even though we knew it would not be easy. Sometimes you may have material things covered but harmony and peace of mind are rarely provided by the same means.
She is remarkable indeed; she just can't believe it yet.

She is remarkable indeed; she just can't believe it yet.

Yes she is, and that was remarkably well said.


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I like this answer a great deal, it is loaded with passion and personality and a touch of sadness also. I am not a parent but can imagine being away from ones son or daughter might bring a strong sense of loss and some sorrow, although I am sure you're also very proud of her and take comfort in that.

Nice answer. I like this response a lot.