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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

Hey, I'm back. I missed the topic last week, however; I did enjoy seeing many cute pets from other participants.
What a great topic for this week. A choice of three, or do all three! If I'm not wrong, I am able to pick one of them. I would go with the second question: "Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?"
Due to the recent situation and few lockdowns happened here over last few months, I have to stay home and no work for months. I found it stressful and fragile sometimes but luckily, there is someone who lightening me up and playing with me. He is a little 4-years old boy, cute and naughty 🤣- he is my Nephew -Ken

I used to think I'm not patient enough to play & cater with kids. 🤣 But now I love to spend my time teaching my nephew how to count from 1 to 10 and speaking some words. It's definitely worth and he makes me laugh and be silly with him many times. I'm so happy to see he learns how to interact with people around and grows up day by day.


I love being with him so I take him with me to coffee shop and beach sometimes. Oh, now he likes being in front of camera (just like his auntie 😃) and knows how to make a pose, not a good pose but really really realy cute.

Time is precious and more meaningful when you spend it with your beloved.
He is just too small to understand everything going on the world at the moment. However, he brings much "Joy and Hope" to me as well as members in my family. Playing with him makes me want to be a kid again- carefree; happy-go-lucky;silly ...🤣That's why I really cherrish him and love spending with him as much as I can.




What a wonderful and unexpected answer to the question. I'd have (and maybe will) answer with Einstein or Socrates or somebody like that. I'm really touched that you answered with your nephew.

Is he big enough to ride with you on your motorcycle? Break them in early and often :)

I can tell you what. You've made me rethink my possible answer to that question. Thank you!



I guess your answer will be handsome Sam 🙂Thanks a lot @bigtom13. I wish He could be big enough to drive me around 🤣 he enjoys sitting in front but never wants to drive. All my friends now busy with their family and business so my nephew is my friend now 🤣

Oh, that's cool! Really cool.

That's a nice guess, but you made me think things through a little better. Thanks for that.

My pleasure.
Have a great weekend @bigtom13 and help me say Hello to SAM 🙂

You mentioning Greek philosophers and motorcycles reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask you: have you read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?

Yeah, I've read it. Though it's been at least 40 years and I should probably revisit it (I'm doing some of that-revisiting. I like it)

In fact, it should be on my Kindle before I finish typing this response. Thanks for reminding me of a true classic in my life.

Welcome! Revisiting can be rather nice, that's one of my favorite books to take along on road trips, so it gets revisited regularly :)


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

How nice your answer is, you can see that he is a very happy and funny child. Even though sometimes they make us lose our patience (in my case) the innocence of children is so valuable. Speaking of time, sometimes I wish I could go back to my childhood and experience the world as I did then, with a smile on my face and not worrying about anything but being in front of the TV at the time of my favorite show.

Thank you @readmymind for your engagement and such a nice comment on this. Yes, he is funny and happy boy. It's annoying sometimes 🤣 but I have to say that the innocence of child is super cute. Childhood is always the great period in life when we are so carefree, just eat sleep and play...😃

Going back to childhood is a nah for me. My childhood wasn't fun at all and was filled with less TV and more strokes of cane 📺😂

It's sad to read that. But is it worse than dealing with the responsibilities of being an adult? Hahaha I'm kidding.

Lol 😅. Okay then

Those that mean you were very stubborn at that time😀 but even if there should be some fun part of your childhood

Lol I was a nice little boy who wanted to have fun but I had a very strict and overprotective parents. Can you believe I was not allowed to make friends in school back then. Not to talk of friends visiting my house. See ehn, there are plenty things if I start typing, I would type still tomorrow 😅.

I love the freedom I have now and can't trade it for anything 😅

😂😂 can't help to laugh, sorry you had to go through that. Its nice you are making up for the lose you had then but its just that you can't play the games that was played then for you are way beyond that😋

Lol... I still played police and thief in my secondary school. I enjoyed my senior secondary school the most actually.

I was even in the head prefect of my set which made it more awesome. If I am to go back for a day, it will be my time in senior secondary school but not more than a day. 😅😂


Children are fun to be with and they can be troublesome most times which balances the equation, for me I would love to have a day of my childhood, just eat, play and lots of cartoon

Absolutely. Adult life can be a little hard hahaha

There is no going back, we just gat to live it the best we can😂

hahaha is true

Sounds like you have a hell of a sidekick! Your nephew reminds me of my best friend's little boy, before I started doing stuff with him I didn't think I had the patience to play with kids either. When are you going to sign him up to the hive?

Hey @coloneljethro thanks for engaging on my comment here, lovely question and yes UNCLE coloneljethro, he already had account on Hive 🤣 @kenoneday but no hive power yet 😆 to do anything except supporting his auntie by" reblog" her post 😆

Nice! Good to see he's getting an early start :)

Yea better than his auntie 😅

He already have an account. Does he have a phone yet?

his auntie will be working hard to buy him a phone in the future 🤣 but for now I'm happy to let him play with toys only 😃

He is cute. I bet he would be disturbing you most times when you are on your phone because I know kids of his age would love to play with phones.

Moreover, I always know you with quality pictures. These pictures are awesome.

Yea you are right, he disturbing me all the time and I prentend to ignore but he always find way to get my attention 😃
Aww thank you very much, very sweet of you. Those pics were taken with my old IP7 plus 🤣
Have a great weekend 💖

What a great answer. I love the picture of him looking like he is trying to take your picture as you take his.

Have a wonderful weekend 😍Thank you @bashadow Yea I love it too and now I like taking pictures for him more than my selfie Haha

woooo someone has discovered a new side, the same goes for my nephew Stephano. he is someone I love very much and sometimes I make 4-hour trips to see him and play with him.

Thanks for your engagement on this, 💖 4-hour trips worth driving to meet someone you love yes, I'm sure that Stephano loves you lots too. 🙂 I flew back to my country a couples of times last year to see Ken and now due to the pandemic so I have more time with him 🙂
Nice to engage here with you and have a great weekend 😍

Its nice spending time with kid even though most times they are troublesome but they are always about play, play and play, if you are ready to play at all time then you have no trouble with them. You have a cute nephew, all thanks to the lockdown, you have enough time to spend with him.

Thank you very much for your engagement on this and such beautiful words 🌺❤️💐 I can't agree with you anymore. Kids just want to play play and play all the time except when they are sleeping 😃. I’m leaning being more patient since I have spent time with him 😊 And yes, due to the covid19 I have more time with him that I will cherish.
Nice to see you and have a good weekend ❤️

You are welcome and its good to know that you are learning to be patient, add tolerant to it because those are what you get from being around kids

Reading your answer gives all of us a nice relief realizing the pandemics have brought you something beautiful which will remain forever. You both will grow and the chances to spend time with him will disappear so enjoy it.

Hello @santigs, thank you very much for writing your comment here and I much appreciated. Yes you are right now I have a chance to witness him growing up and I do enjoy it at the moment. Once the pandemic over and I will pack and fly again, not easy to have such a long time to be with him again. Have a blessed weekend :))

Girl! You are sooooooo sweet !! I want to hug you !!! You guys have an strong bond ;) that's super sweet, feeling like a kid again it's wonderful indeed hahaha, you right time is precious we need to know how to spend our time

Yea, being with him makes me feel like a kid, younger and smile more 😃
Thanks for your comment here and have a wonderful week ahead. Love from Viet NamThank you @josehany. I guess all women are sweet 🙂 and so you are. Hug 💖