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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Yep, I agree. Unfortunately though, many don't understand it. They come here and think that writing with effort and quality is enough. Then they realise they're getting nowhere and instead of outbound-commenting to build relationships they do the easy option which is reducing their quality until what they produce is best placed in the sewage treatment plant...And they still wonder why no one comes to their posts.

It's a plague here to be honest and people need to wake up and realise that relationships are important.

It's best to start commenting, to build relationships and nurture them at the same time as producing some good posts so those where relationships have been built have something interesting to see...But that's all too much hard work for many people it seems. You know, the amount of people I have begging me for votes on Discord just because they think I have a medium sized stake...It's not a good look. The funny thing is, that I'd support them with everything I had if only they approached it the right way, through quality, and consistent, engagement.

Oh well, that's the way of the world. They do them, and I'll do me.