My ideal thing to do in one hour. To read. I love to read because it relaxes my mind while also helping me putting things into perspective.
With who would I like to spend an hour? I pick past. Ernest Shackleton. Why? To ask him about his source of power for enduring hardships.
With what user from Hive I would like to meet? I would love to meet all of those who supported me from the very start, since I joined Hive on March. So I would have to nominate too many. You're one of them you know, and you come with Faith too, the best package to represent a power couple.
What's your preferred reading for killing an hour or two with a book?
Books about the brain, human behavior and real life inspirational stories.
Nice! I read a lot of history, human behavior and real life stories are a big part of it but they're usually not very inspirational...
Great! Some stories are impressive. Check Ernest Shackleton
Well. If it wasn't for motorcycles, reading would be my choice too!
Good answers. Thanks for playing this weekend!
Thanks so much! I would love to own and ride my bike and travel like a nomad!
Good answers, although you cheated with the which hive user one as you never nominated a single individual...I did that on purpose to make people think about it...But that's ok, thanks for joining in of course, I appreciate it. :)
tokens.I can't spend a single hour reading , I need more time for that !! When I start reading I can't stop where I want to
Oh I totally understand you, I am the same. It has happened quite often to me once I caught a good book to be wonderfully trapped in it for hours