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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

I mostly try to use my time wisely, but sometimes I just do not care and spend my wisdom time in la la land just thinking. Oh well.

Sort of on that line I'm going to answer to #3 first. I make time, if that means an hour less sleep or what ever. My quiet hour starts the day, and has for quite a long time. It can include reading of devotional or meditative nature. It has a half hour of meditation (usually just quiet contemplation not formal meditation) and a 1 page journal entry. It's the most important hour of the day for me.

Wow. What I've seen so far I'm impressed with @deanndmatthews. A real live novelist. I have maybe 10 projects that were carried far enough along to call them 'attempted novels' and know just how hard that is. I'm really looking forward to 'making her acquaintance' on Hive.

My mom's family has a quite a good genealogy going back to the 1600s in Virginia with a bit of a notation about each member. There are some of those people that I'd really like to spend an hour with.

Thanks for participating this weekend! Always good to see you come to play!

 4 years ago  

That's great that you try to do an hour routine like that every day. These things are important to keep our mind fresh but at the same time it kind of is like a nice cleanse to give it a start.

I'd love to do some genealogy stuff if the companies wouldn't sell my info to the government. I know back a few generations but further than that I have no idea!

When I started in genealogy, it was so much to take in at once. I didn't know how to search or where to start. After about a year, I started to figure it out. But when you're so far behind in the dark about who and what to look for, it's almost impossible to locate anyone.

I have been known to venture off into la la land too many a time. Too many I want to confess.

You are lucky your quiet time can start your day. When I had to wake at 5am to start breakfast, rush off to school, then to work, then grocery shopping, rush home, fix dinner, help with kids homework, take care of minor injuries, listen to the days chatter from each one, cleaning, is there an hour left? Hubby worked shift work, so by the time he arrived, everything and everybody was all tucked away. Sorry...time to fall asleep and start over the next morning. Gotta luv it.

I've started projects also that I need to get back to. I also have a half completed novel from about 20 years ago. When I looked at it a few years ago, I realized I needed to do some more research.

Wow, back to the 1600s. That's awesome. And to have notations on each family members. My family had several old bibles from the early 1900s, but have no idea where they are now. Some family members don't seem too much interested in family history. Myself, I'm fascinated by it because I grew up without grandparents being constant figures in my life enough to ask questions. Yet still, to know what questions to ask, so I missed out on first-hand information that would have helped.

I appreciate your engagement with my comment response for this weekend. Have a good rest of your weekend and take care.

I'm the oldest son but I passed my Father's family bible on to my youngest brother (a biological child) and it's gone to his son. It was a present to the first holder from his parents when the son went to Russia to farm for Catherine the Great. Every member in the straight line is written in there from then to now. All we have is names there.

My Mom's family has kept records for a couple of hundred years, it's pretty cool. There is currently an active family tree on Ancestry and a very active FB group of my generation that publishes photographs and identities with complete regularity. It's actually a very good use of FB.

Many of us will post current photos of past places when we are traveling. I was recently at the site of my Great Grandparents store in Athena, Oregon. The place has changed some...

I certainly understand the time complications. Completely. After we both sobered up my best ex had a meditation room in every house we had. It was a little frilly for my tastes :) but when you were in there with the door closed nobody would bother you unless the house was on fire.

It was also a nice private place for conversation. She had some glorious antique furniture there and it was just comfy and perfect.

How lovely the settings and memories. The Ancestry is great. Locating information if you don't have a full subscription is a bit hard. Only a few databases are free. If a family can get together and pay for a subscription, then all can share in research. That would be cool to do.

Your ancestry is all you have of your past from centuries ago. It's to be cherished and also passed on to your descendants. I'm compiling my books now from what I can locate.

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful family history. A family member farmed for Catherine the Great. That's truly a great family find. Have a good week ahead.