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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

gppappy.jpgthat's something that never occurred to me a relative that had passed and you'd never met. Wow that really open up a whole new arena right there. @galenkp that's a great topic for a future engagement. Wow I'm thinking of so many. Would love to chat to my great great grandad. US Civil war Capt. That would be awesome


My Great Great was a Sargent, he worked for a living. In the 110th Illinois. He moved from Virginia (what is now West Virginia) to Chicago to fight for the north. The net result is they migrated to Oregon after the war (and took some time doing it). His kid (my Great) rode two years with the 7th Cav and my Grandfather was a fireman on the old USS Iowa when it went round the world.

That might be a great idea for another weekend!

That's him? I don't know you personally, but I'd say a reasonable likeness.

Yeah, this could be a good one to do...It's difficult to know what topics to do these days as I think interest is waning...Still, I'll push on and hope people still enjoy it. For me I don't really care as long as I get a couple comments back. :)

I think the HF has put a dent in activity recently. But yeah that my GG Grandad. Was shot in the Battle of the Wilderness, lay in a hospital tent writing about the weather mostly and then died. I own his leather bound issued diary which had 2 photographs in it this was one. When I get back to the uk i intend to dig it out and do a post on this as well

Yeah I think that must be it; The HF hasn't been sorted out still I think...Hive is still really slow and it's not showing comment-counts properly...I don't think the wallet is working right either.

Pretty cool about your Great Grandfather, but not the dying part obviously...That you have the photo, his diary and an idea of what happened to him. That would make a good 1 hour meet-up I reckon, you and him.

yup for sure. Be very interesting to actually converse with someone from that era. As for the HF you're right there's wallet anomolies and all sorts. Pretty sure it's being dealt with as PEAKDhas improved a lot in the last days

I think people from that era would look at us and be like WTF is going on in this mofo! The world is a little out of control. But yes, I would love to speak with someone from that era, even 120 years ago...My mum's dad was born in 1902 and I'd love to have a chance to hang out with him in 1922...He was somewhat of a character I've heard...Much like someone else you may know...(Me.) Lol.

I generally use for comments, I find the interface more simple than peakd, but use peaked for posting. I've been using peakd more lately though as the replies on are so slow. I hope they sort it out soon...The 1 comment symbol on everyone's posts isn't a good look...Doesn't make the landscape look dynamic and engaged...Makes it look, shit!

I don't think interest is waning much. Hive was broken for me for 4 hours again yesterday. I still can't see my comments but I believe the first message (comment published successfully) rather than the second on (problem with posting entry). I think this week is doing really well all things considered.

You're probably right; It's not fun waiting around for comments to load or post so if people are having trouble it makes sense that they minimise their contact for the moment.

I assure you that it will have many interesting stories for you. It would be very good to know an ancestor. Thank you for stopping by.

was a great idea. It had me thinking about it today as well of the family ancestors I know of.