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RE: Weekend-engagement week 20: An hour with...

that's a nice easy one this week Galen, I may as well go through all 3.

  1. Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why? - Just one please. (tag them)
    Simples :) @scubahead who got me into Hive in the first place. And the why? He's the only person I know that will be watching the F1 qualifying in Portugal tonight, it lasts an hour and beer will be involved.

  2. Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?
    If I could spend another hour with Yve my late wife simply to tell her I love and miss her I would be the happiest person on the planet.

  3. What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?
    A single tank recreational dive lasts an hour give or take a few minutes either way. It's one of the few ways I can really relax and switch off. The relative silence, bubbles are so noisy, I do miss my rebreather, the weightlessness is what it must be like to fly. Being able to drift along with the current and watch the interesting interactions with the fish and undersea critters is the perfect way to spend an hour.
    If I'm going, to be honest, the worst thing about lockdown wasn't the not meeting people, and not going out it was simply not being able to go diving.

PS enjoy the shooting and good luck.


Ah yes, F1 qualifying...Faith will be watching it and I have it set to DVR so I'll watch when I get home later on Sunday night...Then the race.

diving was to be expected. Lol.So, you've answered well, and as I'd sort of expect although I didn't think you'd pick @scubahead to hang out with as you probably hang out all the time. I wish I had the power to grant every one in the world an hour with the person they would most like to spend it with...I think it would be a very powerful hour. I like how you answered thins one, and of course

Thanks for joining in. I am sitting here waiting for my turn to go and shoot a stage called Gallipoli Sniper...We have phone coverage up here, sort of on the side of a mountain, so I've answered a few comments in between action. :)

I hope you've had a good start to the weekend.


looking forward to Qualifying tonight!!

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

I admire your (all of you) the passion for F1. I had that for NASCAR for a number of years but they lost me when they turned into a spec series. Now I never watch qualifying and only occasionally watch some racing.

Some how I think you got your message to Yve.

You feel the same way about diving that I do about riding. The silence of the noise is part of it...

I've been watching F1 since the mid-60s miss the privateers and Garagistes

God, I miss the homogulated cars. I looked at a '68 Mercury Cougar last night (a friend is interested but he doesn't have enough money unless he wins the lottery). 101 of them were made to qualify the car for NASCAR.

I miss Smokey Yunik. He of the reverse rotating Hudson motor and the endless gas line that added 8 gallons to his usable fuel load.

I miss "Give them a little beep from the chromium horn" to pass.

I miss the pit girls from F1 :)

100% miss the grid girls thank god for MotoGP

And the winner is....

The Ducati girls for the 144th time in a row!

You are right about the worst thing about lockdown! Not doing what we want to or need to for our souls feel happy