Hello. Thanks for stopping by to visit and view my response to the prompts for the weekend engagement. Yes, the Freewrite House Community is an amazing place for inspiration, engagement, and meeting new people who love to write.
I have ancestors on both sides of my family I need to research. But it's overwhelming. I have stacks and binders of info I've printed out that I found online. But the hard thing is trying to verify it. Every time I find a clue, it takes me in another direction.
The problem with me is that I find everyone else's family interesting too. I'll start looking at my family and see an unfamiliar name. By the time I'm finished it's several hours later, and I've gone so deep off into another family, I forgot what I was looking for. What I did find interesting and a bit dismayed is that small towns in the country communities, everybody is related in some way.
I'm sorry for your unpleasant interaction in the Church. However, I'm happy to hear it has not hardened your heart, and you are still open to learning. That is the key. Never stop learning.
Have a good rest of your weekend. Hope to engage with you again soon.