Which hive user would you like to spend an hour with and why? - Just one please
Which person past or present would you like to spend an hour with and why?
What is your ideal way to spend an hour of your time and why?
Had to wait to be less busy before I reply.
I would say @tripode because presently she has become the closest friend I have on hive right now plus she's funny too. Most importantly why I want to see her is because she hides her identity and doesn't want to share a single Pic 😅. Not online or not privately to me. She says she is a dancer but even after I try tell her to make a video to share on hive, she's probably waiting for my grandchild's grandson to have his granddaughter before she does that. 😂😂😂
I would love to spend an hour of my time with a long time friend but she's no more anyway. She was my high school crush, let me say first love 😅 but she left the school to another school then I didn't see her again even after I finished I high school. I tried to be in contact with her while in college but two years ago I had plans to meet her again to see how she had changed so far after so many years of no see but unfortunately, I got a bad news she died after an appendix operation. I felt pained and cried, still hurts as I am typing this story.
I'm a musician, oh let me say an instrumentalist because I don't sing but the best way to spend an hour of my time for me is with fellow musicians jamming or making music. There is no greater fun than that to me. In this kind of situation an hour is too small for me. Maybe a 6-12 hours will do 😅😊.
Great answers. Seriously.
@tripode is a wonderful choice. She's really leaving a mark on Hive plus she kicks ass.
I don't know your exact pain, because no one can ever know another's pain, but I'm feeling it for my best ex wife today. I wished her youngest (that occasionally calls me Dad) a happy birthday and thought of her mother... I miss her still.
Your music and my motorcycle. I certainly get it. It's cool to have a clear and present passion.
Thanks for playing today!
Sending you a hug, @bigtom13. I love that some men are able to setp up and be fatherly towards kids who are not their own - the single mama in me salutes you and wishes we could clone you. x
I´m the new ass kicker they say. hahahahaha JK
Wow a motorcycle, I have personally considered buying one, it is much faster to walk on the street, and I hate traffic.
You should visit Nigeria 🤣
I can bet that I might be the first friend @tripode made when she joined hive because I met her when she recently published her introductory post and I asked why no picture of her on it 😅.
Presently, I just uploaded a video on 3speak. I played a simple guitar solo line over the song No Woman No Cry. When it shows on hive, I will come back to paste the video here 😊
She caught me with here design the logo posts. It was cool to watch her go through the process in real time.
She won the engagement league last week-that's the reason for the kick ass comment. She certainly kicked mine :)
I´m glad you liked it!! I enjoy the process too.
Let´s see if this week i kick yours too😂😂
I'd say there is a solid chance.
With Galen gone for the weekend we will know the process is fixed if HE wins. :)
I'm sorry to say no, that was my friend @librepensadora, she caught me with one of her philosophical posts, and it was my first reblog too, priceless...
But don't feel bad, you are one of the first good and valuable friends I have!
Lol.. I actually said might because I was not sure but anyways it's nice to know 😊
That's nice that you have a decent relationship with her and she will call you dad. That's not easy for a kid to say so I know she cherishes you!
I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your first love @starstrings01 - that is harsh. It happens more and more as we get older, and as this happens more frequently I am learning to say it all, in the moment, and not hold back. Cos sometimes tomorrow never comes.
I pray her spirit soars and that she feels your loss and pain and knows she was loved in that pure first-love-never-can-be-repeated way.
Thanks for the reply 😊🤗🤗
Nice try, hahahaha sit down and wait, because it's not going to be for now. @starstring01
How nice that you appreciate me like that! It's true that we've talked a lot lately, and i enjoy it too, if we spend that hour together you're going to have to teach me how to play guitar. I need some classes.
Lol... It would be 30mins for guitar classes while the other 30mins you will give me dance tutorials. I'm horrible at dancing 😂😂😂
Moreover I don't know when your now would reach. 😅🤣 @tripode
We have a deal!😂
tokens.!ENGAGE 20
Check this cover I made: No Woman No Cry
We all want to meet @tripode is a great Hiver with a beautiful personality and a lot of talent. She is a friend who I always listen to in Discord and with her sympathy and effort has gone far on the platform and I know that also in her daily life.
As for the music I love to hear it (I like instrumental music very much), you can spend your hour playing and I can listen.
Excellent weekend, my friend !!!!
Ayyy what beautiful words Rafael! You really made me blush! You are also a wonderful writer, and how nice that we met in many of the Discords, your presence is wonderful.
One day we will all meet! I have hopes on that.
Wow... Does she sings on Discord?
Three pretty good answers here. I think it's quite common for people to want to spend more time with those that have departed although, quite clearly, we cannot. It's a good endorsement for being more present in one's life and for cherishing those around us a lot more...After all, everyone we know, knew, or will know will pass away at some stage.
Yeah thanks 😊😊😊. Your words are true. No one lives forever 🙂
I'm just taking note of the fact that @tripode have not really posted any of her photo, maybe she will but in your grandson or great grandsons generation😉, let's just wait till then😂.
Sorry about you friend, most times we lose our loved ones at an unexpected time or incident. Do take heart.
But why can't you sing? Am just curious🤷
Lol.. Funny lady.
My voice is too deep. I can sing actually but not sweet to hear 😂😂
Who told you that its not sweet to the ears, I am to judge, record a song and post lets rate it. After our judgment you can then decide, but I promise not to laugh much😛
Lol... 😅😂😂😂
You need to check out the Blues. Deep voices are welcome there...
Probably trained voices not mine that's untrained. 😅😂
You need to check out the blues. I'm serious.
Check out John Lee Hooker or Howlin' Wolf. Don't give me that 'trained voices' crap.
Maybe even better with your love of the Guitar check out Joe Bonamassa or Albert Collins.
Hahahahahahaah maybe one day i will 😂😂😂😂
I also told him he should practice to sing, there's good songs with "deep" voice.
I'm waiting for that day, he should record a song let's know how his voice sounds
We are the same, we both don't know how to sing but I am sure you have your talent as well. I sure know of good photography but I bet there would be more.
Haha. There are many hivers who do very well hiding their identities, which is a pity. they sound like very nice people. But I respect that.
I agree with you on the musical topic. I think that all musicians enjoy jamming and sharing musical knowledge and inspiration the most, even with people who are not musicians. About the school sweetheart, I guess you need closure. That has happened to everybody I think. Lucky those who get it.
Yeah totally right about the identity part. I checked your profile, you are a musician as well. No wonder you could relate to the jamming aspect.
Ohhh I saw you guys engage hahaha I'm not surprised then 🤔 but you two guys are amazing @tripode I'm starting to know you!
Thanks, we doing our best to monitor ND engage on the blogging challenge posts by comments and upvoting posts with low rewards on it.
I can see that!! You are a really nice guy!! Im going to find so time to chatting on discord with you all ;) ! I'm like always busy lol
Yeah would love that, I am trying to get the server active. Would love to see you around. Thanks for the compliment ☺️😊
Good choices here, although from someone who doesn't share pictures on hive I can see where Tripode is coming from. Sometimes you just don't want to do it, so little is anonymous today that I cherish my pseudo-anonymous ability here.
It's unfortunate that you lost your friend, but what I've come to live by lately is you have to just step up and do things to try it. You should find a girl you like and ask her on a date! I was shy before but now you have to realize life is short. I just wish you could have gotten a chance to explore the relationship with her, sorry she passed!
I just went through your profile, you are in with @tripode in been anonymous. I will be in the lookout to know more about your personality.
@Starstrings01 must have gotten a date by now, isn't that right @starstrings01?
So sorry to hear your long time friend passed away. It's a bit sad to lose one that way after an operation to get better.
I knew you would include your guitar as a way to relax if you had an hour to spare in your busy schedule helping others.
Thanks for sharing your choices. Take care, and have a good start to your busy week ahead.
Yeah, you sure have gotten to know me well with my guitar. I wish you a great week ahead also 😊🤗