I had a look at the post feed of @martinstomisin - Yeah, doesn't post too much but I'll take a look at what's there in greater detail and see what I find.
It's been a popular choice to spend an hour with a departed parent or family member so I'm not surprised to hear that's what you would do with your hour if you could. I think it's a good way to spend that hour.
I also like movies and so am with you on that one! I also like watching shows, like series and all. I'm watching Strike Back at the moment. Pretty cool.
Anyway, thanks for joining in this week and I hope you'll throw a post in the Weekend Community as well.
@martinstomisin is always at the comment section of your post, thats where you find him. He enjoys the interaction.
I love movies both series and non series but I don't really go choose series most times because I don't like seeing it halfway neither do I like getting interrupted when seeing one so in other to avoid that I spend time seeing non series that wouldn't take much of the time.
Am happy to participate in this weekend engagement, have read some interesting comment and also inspiring once also. Thanks for such a great question
Thanks for calling my attention to this
And so sorry. I haven't been active here for the last two days, due to the issues affecting us all... The PHCN refused to give us Electricity, and things getting tough. Hopefully it would be resolved soon...
Will be in touch soon. And sorry about your loss. Don't worry! You'll surely make it through
Its nice to have you back
Thanks dear @jizzyjoe
Send me your WhatsApp number pls
Come over to discord
Alright then
Thanks @galenkp
Nice meeting you here!
And you too. I see you post only sporadically but certainly enough to capture the attention of others and to to have someone mention you on my topic post last week. Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much @galenkp.
I just love spending most of my time reading,and commenting on post; I feel everybody's post deserves some love and all... Though, I don't have much HP or anything that can make me to reward their post, but I feel commenting on people's Post should do a little...
A comment on a users post can make a massive difference to them, especially if they only get a few, or none, usually. The vote isn't quite as important as the connection, the fact that someone took the time to read and comment...That's why I work so hard to promote engagement through initiatives like this.
You're definitely right, the commenting section is really the best thing. And what's the extent of writing posts (with a quite of effort) when no one reads them? What's the essence of the post then, when post driven by an emotion or inspiration is put out for the public to read, and no one is there to read and comment?
Yep, I agree. Unfortunately though, many don't understand it. They come here and think that writing with effort and quality is enough. Then they realise they're getting nowhere and instead of outbound-commenting to build relationships they do the easy option which is reducing their quality until what they produce is best placed in the sewage treatment plant...And they still wonder why no one comes to their posts.
It's a plague here to be honest and people need to wake up and realise that relationships are important.
It's best to start commenting, to build relationships and nurture them at the same time as producing some good posts so those where relationships have been built have something interesting to see...But that's all too much hard work for many people it seems. You know, the amount of people I have begging me for votes on Discord just because they think I have a medium sized stake...It's not a good look. The funny thing is, that I'd support them with everything I had if only they approached it the right way, through quality, and consistent, engagement.
Oh well, that's the way of the world. They do them, and I'll do me.
Thanks for your great words.
You're definitely right... I go with you. Creating relationship with others really matters a lot. Most people I have seen here so far write well, and are rewarded for their quality post, and they, too, always forget that writing a great content is not enough, but building relationship with others and commenting on other People's posts is absolutely great. Sometimes, we need to comment on other post to show some love and all.
I hope to spread these words to others so that they'd be aware of all these things @galenkp
Well, I have heard a story like that, like how people beg for votes, well, I don't blame anybody for that, I feel we should always spread the good news to them, telling them that it's not all about the rewards every time, but it's all about showing their interest on other post (commenting) and building relationship as well.
Right now, I'm still trying to build relationship with others by commenting, and I can't reward due to a low HP, and most time I try to upvote others, their rewards (SBD) drop, and so I stopped upvoting (unless no one upvote that post)
Keep up the good work spreading the engagement message, it is important work for the blockchain. Keep it up.