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RE: Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Sounds like my Cleo. She was a tough, nasty bugger to everybody but me :) I also had a German Shorthair and Cleo absolutely dominated that dog... She got ringworm when she was young and we had to give her pills. 3 to 5 per day for a month. I bled pretty freely until we figured out to grind the pill on a little piece of steak. She'd lick the powder off before she ate the meat :)

Some dog breeds are pretty suited to being left alone. Some aren't. My Sam does OK (I don't leave him long) long as he has food and water.


We can't agree on dog breeds with my husband. I like more cute ones. My husband insistently wants a french bulldog.

We had a friend on that other chain that raised and showed and bred (and photographed) English Bulldogs. They were her life. They had a neighbor that got a French Bulldog and asked the woman to help with training. She turned out to be absolutely captivated by the little Frenchy. It was actually pretty amazing, actually.

Hmmm, you are always free when they are settled 😅😁