Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

It's Friday y'all, and thanks to my location here in Australia I'm one of the first in the world to enjoy the beginnings of that most joyous and legit part of the week known as the weekend! 😁

week nineteen would you believe! Thanks to all of you who have supported the concept since its inception nineteen weeks ago!It's time to announce the #weekend-engagement topic for this week,

Last week's weekend-engagement week 18 topic was a musical theme, click that link back there to see it, complete with 677 comments which was a great result! I'm not sure how we'll go this week as it seems due to some Hard Fork recent happenings there's a few technical issues on the blockchain - But it will be nice to see you here if you can, and I hope you join in.

And now to the topic.

This weeks topic is a choice of three

  • Show us your current, or past, pet and tell us about it.


  • Tell us what animal (real or fictional) you would like as a pet and why.


  • Tell us whose pet you'd like to be! 🤣

You can choose one, two or all of the above to respond to and you'll need to leave your response below in the comments. You don't have to do all three, it's completely up to you.

Here's my answer to the first option.

Meet Dixie

This is a picture of Dixie, a much-loved cat that I gave to my wife Faith as a gift many years ago. I presented Dixie with a little bow tied around her neck when she was only just six weeks old and she fitted in the palm of my hand. From that day Dixie and Faith became the best of friends. She was a lovely little cat and we loved her very much pouring so much love and emotion her way; She had such a nice nature and loved us right back.

We used to bath her from a really young age and, whilst she didn't love it she tolerated it. This image is her after one such bath. Faith would dry her with a towel and then brush her until she was silky smooth, sometimes using the hair dryer on a low setting to help dry her off; She'd come out all fluffy and puffy and then find her way to her favourite spot and sleep off the trauma of being completely pampered.

We lost Dixie in tragic circumstances, someone kicked her hard in the side shattering all her ribs on her left side, and whilst we did everything we could to save her, to the tune of just over $2,500 in vet bills, she died in Faith's arms and we were heart broken. It took Faith a long time to get over her loss; Fortunately we had Merlin who helped with that process. We lost Merlin only three months ago now, at the age of twenty two years and the pain of losing my best mate still lingers.

We think of her fondly now though, and Merlin too, love them just as much as we used to and remember them well. We have a beautiful picture of Dixie and Faith above the fireplace which I was going to share, but I decided to keep that one private...This one works though.

Get engaged

The #weekend-engagement topic post is a place designed for hivers to engage with others in a fun environment and to help people open up new relationships. Engagement is the best way to build your account here and to increase your profile so stick around and engage with people on this post, you never know where it may lead.

I hope the recent Hard Fork hasn't caused you too many issues, I know a couple functions are not working so well, but I hope y'all come along and join in with the topic this week.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

Join and post in the Engage the weekend Community - A community dedicated to the weekend!


I'm very sorry for the losses of your friends, I know very well what it feels likeHello dear friend @galenkp good day. I love the theme of this weekend

This is Mr. Raúl, he is a cat that belonged to my neighbors, in a time when they were absent, Raúl had no choice but to earn a living on the street, that's how my granddaughter got hold of him and he lives with him in the mornings. us, since at night he loves to go out to meet his friends, you know, they do what cat friends do at night, walking on the roofs of houses enjoying the moon.

I would love to have a Bambi as a pet, I think they are the wild animals that best represent nature, in addition to being very cute, since I was a child I have longed to have one


I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend

If I had to be someone's mascot, I would choose our friend @meesterboom, I would never get bored there, I would have a happy life full of emotions, and every weekend I would be the beer tasting co-pilot.

Hi @jlufer what a nice pet you chose, it's tender, free and innocent.

All the qualities of a perfect pet 🤗

Yes, I think it is the cutest wild animal that exists
Thank you very much for your kind words and your kind visit
have a wonderful afternoon, happy start to the weekHello dear friend @soyunasantacruz good afternoon

Thanks equally.

Wow! Anita, it is almost as if you are describing me! 🤣


Hehehe you want to be bambi friend.

If you are that cute I adopted you, I promise to take care of you, bathe and feed you.

Thank you 😋😘 @stevenwood

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Isn't it funny how animals take to certain people. Out of all the individuals, Mr. Raúl is fortunate to have two places to call home. I've never had the desire to own or even be near animals raised in the wild. They have different instincts than domesticated animals. Thank you for sharing Mr. Raúl's story.

Yup you are so right about animals and people. I have often found dogs of a certain temperament to be an incredibly good judge of character. When I was very young, 4 maybe 5, I remember my first ever pet Shep the beautiful, friendly labrador growling viciously at the binman and pinning him up against the wall...

It transpired that in his 17 year life he had never before and never after growled at anyone ever. I always believed that either that binman (garbage or refusemen as they are known in some places) had either been nasty to Shep OR he was a very bad man in general, I always found that strange.

Hello. I believe that also that animals can sense good or bad in people. During my childhood when my mom had all the dogs, they would greet certain people differently. In most cases, they were the people we didn't like either.

If Mr. Raul is blessed, he has many people who love him.
I live in a small city in Argentina, here there are some deer of low stature, at some point I could have fulfilled the child's dream of having a pet deer, but I think like you, these animals are happy living in their natural habitat, why stress them and cut off their happiness for a simple wish.
Those are the things that I do not understand when people have these types of pets, now they are fashionable with the name of exotics, they cannot imagine how bad these animals go outside their conford area
I really appreciate your comment, I take the opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoonHello dear friend @justclickindiva good afternoon


Thank you very much for the engagement token. I truly appreciate it and talking with you.

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Mr. Raul has it pretty good indeed. He's got a good safe place to hang out and be loved and gets to go out and carouse with the boys at night. I could never quite pull that off, personally. :)

Mesterboom would be a great master, I think. Maybe not so much he personally but as long as the lady of the house was involved you'd get fed on a regular basis putting you in a position to participate in some of the wild adventures!

I hope you are having a good Raul like weekend my friend.

How are you dear friend @ bigtom13 good day
Yes, Mr. Raul is blessed, that's what I always say, from bad things, positive things also emerge, Raul stayed on the street and thanks to that he met Abigail and now they are great friends, and he lives very well, content and pampered by a whole family.

Being a pet of our friend can become very interesting
Thank you very much for your kind words and support that you provide to my post
have a wonderful weekend

Hello sir @bigtom13 excuse me for intruding in your conversation but you couldn't have fun with friends in the evening?

If you mention it it's because it's true, but it left a smile on my face.

It's never too late to have fun buddy, go out dancing tonight, just like that under the moonlight.

Ahhhhh. I'm not very good at night, I have to do my carousing in the daylight. The good news is that I'm not the only one so I generally have as much company as I want or need...

Of course, enjoying our presence and solitude is a good quality.

If we enjoy our solitude, others will enjoy our company.

Hmmm... Do I really want to know your definition of carousing Tom???

I imagine you would be exceptional company Tom, I imagine if we sat for an hour or two, (maybe with a drink or three, who knows???)you could share some stories that would amaze and enthrall me man, that would be a hell of an evening or even afternoon, it sounds like that would suit you better lol :)


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Lol, @meesterboom's pet...I can't think of a better place to be honest! One would always be entertained and have plenty of beer and snacks...This is a good choice!

Mr. Raúl seems like a character for sure, living the life and strutting his stuff and running the neighbourhood cats! 🤣

Thanks for playing along this week.


Have a wonderful weekendIt's a pleasure dear friend @galenkp, I really like what you do

That definitely has a 'if walls had ears' aspect to it though, right?

Imagine the potty mouth on Boomy when he stubs his toe??? It would turn the air a Scottish flag kind of blue!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Lol, I reckon he'd be a pretty good swearer too. Like me.

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@jlufe Mr. Raúl reminds me about my Mom's fatty cats. They spend daytime sleeping, eating all fishes that mom cooks and then running after each other around home and every night. 😃 all of them are black and sometime really scare me at night when I see them ...like “The nighttime 'zoomies' 😆😂

Cats are adorable creatures, during the day they are very lazy, take advantage to gather energy, since at night they are very active
it's good that it brought you memories
Thank you very much for your kind words and comment on these things
have a great dayhello dear friend @trangbaby good day

You are welcome. Have a great week

Your cat is cutee. I took the other day a quiz to see what is my ¨spirit animal¨ and i happen to be a tiger... hahahaha and if you are Bambi it makes us enemies by nature.

But since we live far away, what do you think if we make a truce?😂

Happy Sunday, I love starting the morning with a good vibe, I really appreciate this funny comment.hello dear friend @tripode good day

It is good that you have done your animal test and that you turned out to be a tiger.
To be honest I never did my animality test, but if it were up to my spirit, I would say I would be a lion

but these are felines that you would not want to have at home, they are complicated animals, you cannot trust them.

Have a beautiful Sunday and a happy start to the week

Have a great sunday too! But if i could! I would totally have a mini tiger in my house 😍 they are so cute.

That sounds great, hope you can get a bonsai tiger
have a prosperous week

Is that a plant? Hahahahaha


It just so happens that I have the best dog in Yuma, and possibly in the entire world.

Sam Alert.jpg

As you can plainly see he is always alert and attentive to my every need. He's not spoiled, really. He NEEDS that pillow to keep his head up and searching the surrounding for any threat to me. And yes, that is my couch, but I really hardly ever need it unless guests come when he abandons it with out fuss.

Sam and Don.jpg

See? My friend Don came for a cup of coffee this morning and Sam readily gave up his place. Good dog.

Sam is half Rhodesian Ridgeback and half something, probably boxer. I've had him 3 years, got him from the Pound. He truly is a wonderful dog, he's been incredibly easy to train because he really wants to be a good boy. He's gentle and loving and all I could ask for in a companion.

He does have co parents. Erv and Nancy split time with Sam so I can ride off on a motorcycle when I feel the need. I think Nancy spoils him mercilessly :)

He's roughly 2 feet (.67m) at the front shoulder and weighs about 70 lbs. (33 kg) just the perfect size.

I love that dog!
He makes sure you have your guests comfortable!
It looks like a great loyal friend.

He can be a pest when people visit, but he just melts everybody. He's so likeable and insistent that EVERYBODY caves in to him in minutes. Don calls him 'little brother' and they are famous friends. I actually think Don comes as often as he does to see Sam rather than me :)

Oh your dog looks like a really loyal and kind dog, so sweet!

He's just the best. I mean that entirely. He is a seriously good dog.

I have a low fence around my property. The first time I let him out (and watched from the house, he was on his own) he went over the fence to the neighbor's yard to visit with them.

I went and grabbed him and explained to him that he needed to stay in our yard unless I took him out. 3 years and he hasn't jumped the fence again. That's the kind of dog he is.

He learned so quickly!!! That dog loves you so much!!!

That's a good boy, always on the look out for threats. It's all about situational awareness Sam! :)


Sam is incredibly situationally alert. So long as the situation is right in front of him and he is awake :)

Haha, well, it seems he's got all bases covered then; You're safe as houses. :)

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I myself have never had a Big Dog, the biggest I was slightly less than half the size of Sam, but in a game of tug-a-war I would have put her up against any she was so strong, she was half Australian Shepard and half Alaska Husky.I had one friend who thought he was tough, and she almost broke his arm, he was foolishly playing over the arm of the chair, and he knew better.

Believe it or not, Sam has a 'softer mouth' than even my springer. When I first got him I figured him for a 'tug of war' sort. I bought one of those woven rope things and just couldn't interest him in it.

The rope thing is laying out in the yard, I see it every now and again.

My aussie/husky mix loved her tug o war ropes, I had a friend who would visit, (our dogs got along well), but his dog just was not a tug-o-war dog either.

Ahahaha. Sam's idea is "If you want it, you can have it". He has another idea too. "If you want me to go get it why did you throw it away?" He doesn't fetch, either. :)

Good Sam, he knows what a Dog's Life is all about. Others doing for him. Like why scratch my own ear, when I can lay my head on this soft body and get a free ear massage.

Ahahahaha. Yes. I can tell which ear needs scratching by the direction he approaches.

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Haha. That dog looks like he rules the house. What does "got him from the Pound" mean. I am using a translator and I am not sure I got the idea there.

From the pound means he was in a rescue shelter. He was found on a busy highway and quarantined for two weeks until anyone could see him. I got him on the second day he was available. I KNEW I wanted that dog.

Oh, I see. Interesting all the controls and cares animals have over there. I can understand that kind of love-at-first-sight feeling. It's great when that happens.

Rescue pets are the best ever @bigtom13 You know exactly what I mean when I say my Sammi Jo rescued us.

sounds like Sam has hit the best human ever lottery like our fur kits have. I just wish We could save more of them...

Yep. Rescue pets are the best. Sam's done quite well with me and he thinks my training is near complete. :)

Sam has done well with his humans. I can't believe how good Erv and Nancy are with him, too. They are going to get him for a week or two starting Monday. They have a dog slobber deficit in their lives :)

Perhaps he may be the best dog in Yuma, but not in the whole world, hahaha on this side of the world would have competition with my little dog Dorie... SHE is the best of the world 😂

Btw, he´s gorgeous

Dorie might possibly maybe mentioned in the same breath as Sam but he's got to be the leading contender :)

Neeh i don´t think so😒😂

OK then. I respect your opinion and your right to it. It just so happens I don't agree with it

Hahahahaha ok i see you are funny😂 have a nice day friend!

Awww your dog is super cute 😍

He is a good looking boy. One of our neighbors called him 'her'. She said she just assumed he was a girl because she was so pretty.

I'm lucky Sam didn't need therapy :)

Wait till @scubahead calls Sam fat...

Sammi Jo is still in therapy over that bullshit. Lmao

I may have learned my lesson. I saw that look of pure undiluted hatred Sammi Jo gave me

She def has some weird looks @scubahead. I have learned, & I have the scars to prove it.

Now it is yes ma'am Sam, whatever you wanna do is fine.

Be glad your not a window squeegy. She hates those fuckers. I am gonna give her one soon. She has been trying to kill one for 10+ years... Lmao

Window Sqeegy 2 Screenshot 20190924.jpg

He is handsome actually 😃
You have such a great friend 👍

He really is a friend, and a handsome duck at that. ALL the girls like Sam (which works out well for me :))

I like him too 😃🤣

Ha, Sam sounds like he has the 'good dog' part down pat! Surely Sam would enjoy going on motorcycle rides too?

I have seriously considered buying a side car for Sam :) He does have the good dog part down pat. Long as there is food in the pan :)

If you ever do get the sidecar, please take photos, this I would love to see!

I have a mentor there. Guy I've met on the road a bunch of times. I'm going to give you a link to his website and let you fall down the rabbit hole at your leisure (or not). Side car and a dog are the start of the story...


I look forward to this rabbit hole, hopefully it doesn't make my wanderlust act up too bad :)

Nice pictures, I felt tenderness when I saw them, maybe because of your writing I don't know.

I like big dogs but for others I prefer small or medium ones for me

Thank you for sharing the photos @bigtom13

I'm sure it's more than his looks, but he inspires tenderness and good feelings in people.

I forgot part of his story: He spent several months being a service dog to a woman that was in long term Hospice care. He was so gentle and attentive it was hard to believe. The nurses were completely captivated by Sam too.

Sam's beautiful life was one of service and he was rewarded with an excellent father. 🤗👍

I love horses. I do not own any but at least I am lucky enough to have a friend who owns two of them and I happen to see them every once in a while. I love the link you get with them whenever you go back horse riding. The sensation of moving with no artificial engine, just you and the horse is unbelievable.


I was trying to take a selfie with her but it was hard :)

I grew up with horses. Most of them were rough stock, just working horses. My Dad always had a fancy mare and when I was about 12 I did too.

I have to tell you, I never considered a horse a pet, though I raised a colt that I was pretty attached to. Sold him as a yearling...

I haven't ridden in 40 years. I had to make a choice between horses and motorcycles. :)

I did have a weekend of cycling and horseback riding. It was loooooog ago when I was starting to practice mountain biking.I have to tell you my butt was hurting for a couple of weeks 😂

Ahahahaha. The last time I rode there was an attractive young woman involved in a 2 day trail ride. I borrowed a horse and tack and thought I was going to have a great weekend of outdoors and indoors activity.

After about 8 hours in the saddle the first day I had absolutely no inclination for any indoor (in tent) activity. My butt hurt for weeks and my ego hurt for years...

Hahaha, I can imagine, I took 4hr bicycle ride and 2h horse backriding and it hurt for two weeks!

I once had the chance to ride a horse. A really majestic horse! It was so big that my legs almost broke when jumping over it! Horses are truly noble animals.

Yes, they are.
They are big and sometimes scare you a little bit but as you get to know them and start interacting the link you create is amazing.

Oh wow! The horses are such powerful animals that can't be considered pets by everyone. I love them since I was a kid but never really got the chance to ride one or just spend some time closer to them :)

Horses are such great creatures, intelligent and so powerful too...Awesome things. I've done some horseback riding and I've mentioned before about Faith being the horse whisperer.

I know a couple people that keep them and it's not very cheap to do, here at least anyway, but we go for a ride now and then.


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Quite a pretty house. Never had I ridden a horse before. She's so cute. I would love a selfie with her as well.

Wow! That really is a fun ride. She would have already gotten used to you to have made you describe your ride with her like this

sensation of moving with no artificial engine,


That's some beautiful creature right there.
I grew up in a rurla town where horses, mules and donkeys were very commnon (they were mostly used by farmers to work the land and transport products from the hills around town), but I never leared to ride any of them.
My mother tells me I fell off one once when I was little. I have no reocllection of that event, but I certainly must have got traumatized because I always felt intimidated by them.

Bad experiences remain in our consciousness forever. You should try to overcome them as they are fantastic animals.

Oh, she is beautiful. I have never had the chance to spend a lot of time with horses, however, there are several ranches with horses close to the town where I live now.
One of my students (ok, her family) has a ranch with horses. And at their home, it was normal to see a pony, a goat, some chickens and five dogs next to the pool 🤣

Next to the pool! I hope they didn't jump inside the pool when the family was having a bath!😂

Yes, next to the pool 😂
The dogs were allowed to swim in the pool, but I don't know for the goat and chickens 😅

Beautiful horse. I've only ridden one a few times. Some family members who live out of the city own horses. They built a stall where several horses are housed. They even rent out stalls to others. We used to go there on the weekends to see them ride, groom, and take care of their animals. I feel as though our family members considered them as "pets", just one of the family. Come to think about it, all the horses had cut names, special saddles, and other embellishments. Truly, like a "pet."

Horse is a beautiful creature. I do have a special Love for them as well because the horse is my age 😀.

That is one stunningly beautiful horse! There is something to be said about the bond between humans and horses.

That is one fine looking horse. I have had the opportunity to ride about 10 times in my life, and have always enjoyed it.

Ohh, i love horses but at the same time i´m terribly afraid of them! I happen to be 5'2¨ heigh, i'm a minion... and i feel that at any moment i can jump off and fall from the horse and she step on me (I think i've seen many videos on youtube).

Btw, she has a name? she's beautiful.

I'm glad you enjoy the friendship of your friend and theirs pets, not everyone can say the same.

It was very nice the selfie and no offense, they have a similar air both, maybe the white of their hair 😬🤗👍 @santigs

ok ok, the white hair....nice compliment 😂

Hello! The tragic fate of your cat is very sad. I do not understand how you can offend someone who is weaker and cannot stand up for themselves. I'm sure your second cat was happy with you. Having a four-legged friend for 22 years and losing him is also sad. But I am sure that the good memory of her will forever be in your hearts. When we lived in Ukraine (this is our homeland) we had a cat, Charlie. We love him very much. It so happened that we left for another country to live, and Charlie's cat stayed with my husband's grandmother. We miss him. It is white and has eyes of different colors (one eye is yellow and the other is blue). Recently, we took a black kitten to our house in Slovakia, his name is Toffee!)) He is very funny and smart, he especially loves to ask for food at 4 in the morning. He comes in and starts rubbing his face against our heads. I hope he is as happy with us as we are with him.


We also have a turtle. Two months ago we let her out for a walk in the yard and she ran away. She had been gone for two weeks and was in intense heat. We thought she had died in two weeks and were very upset. But two weeks later she crawled under our house. Now we follow her very closely on walks.


What other animal would I like? Perhaps I want another kitten. And I really wanted a bear cub. But it seems to me that my husband will be against 😅. Who would I like to be? Probably a bird. Can you imagine how cool it is to soar in the sky and see the world?

What a nice looking cat and I love the different coloured eyes! I think Charlie would have a been a good friend for you guys, a shame he had to stay behind.

Now...I'm curious...You know turtles are very slow walkers. How the hell did it run away? Lol. Although the story ends well as it came back and you've been reunited. A happy ending after all. :)

If you get a bear cub for a pet you have to do a post although I think there's probably laws preventing you from getting one I guess. It would make a good post though for sure!

Thanks for joining in with Charlie, Toffee and the run away turtle! You should do a post about it in the engage the weekend community if you have the chance. The runaway turtle saga could be funny. :)


O yes, the turtles can "run" away 🤣 Happened to my family as well, they had a turtle which always wanted to escape, (sometimes with success, but been found every time in the next street) so they had to fix the holes in the fences and in the gate.

World's fastest turtle!

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I will definitely write!))) Our turtle is actually very fast!))) I myself am in shock. But I learned how to safely let the turtle go for a walk in the yard. You can attach a flag to the armor. But so far we do not risk it!))

The world's fastest turtle! I wonder if there's turtle races you could enter it into? Lol.


I didn't think about it 😁😅

We have turtles in our pond. And they do try to dig holes under our fence. Crafty little bastards...

But they are not fast, and do not run.

Planning his escape...

Your cat's eyes are wonderful!

Thank you very much!)))

Did you know that turtles can wag their tails? It's just so slow you can't see it 😂

The neighbor across the street has a tortoise. It doesn't run away, but it will dig in someplace to get cooler and they have days when they can't find it.

That's a pretty exotic looking cat. I can see why you hated to leave it behind, but it sounds like toffee is going to be a good replacement. Thanks for sharing your cat and high speed turtle!

Thank you very much 😊 I never knew about the tail!))) Now I will carefully monitor her to see the movement of her tail! 😁

OMG! What kind of cat is this I have never seen such 😳;different eye colours, this is really amazing 😳

Thank you very much 😊

Wow! It's really cute

It's the first time when I see a cat with eyes of different colors, I'm used to see this kind of effect on dogs, but she looks amazing having white fur! As for the little turtle, I was actually thinking very serious about getting one for myself too since it doesn't make too much mess and it doesn't need too much attention. :)

Turtles are really easy to care for!)) And also, they are similar to cats. The turtle remembers the face of its owner and is always glad when he comes!))

Haha, didn't even know it, that's amazing!

The tortoise story made me lol, and yeah! it's really fun seeing the world from but really don't you have fear of heights ? 🤤😳

Thank you 😊 I am very afraid of heights!))) But, I think it will pass when I become a bird!)))

Yeah! That's right and I so much admire Eagles most expecially they are awesome, so which kind of bird will you wish to be ?

A two eye coloured cat, how cute. First time I'm seeing this. I love white especially, but hope the cat does not go about dirtying his body.

I totally understand the situation of the turtle. You guys can't go another heartbreak of losing it again 😅.

Thank you very much 😊

That's a heck of a cat. Those eyes against the white fur! Really impressive.
I share your view of how cool it would be to be a bird. Flying without any machines must be the most incredible experience. The world certainly looks different from above.

Thank you very much 🥰

I love the turtle. I used to have a local species a few years ago. Now they are protected and you can not have them as a pet anymore.

Thank you 😊

We don't have such a prohibition!)) So we could just get it at a pet store!))

Wow, those eyes!!! 🙀💛 What a beauty!!

Thank you 😊

Charlie's eyes are super gorgeous! I bet Charlie had/has a personality to match. I used to have a turtle as well and he did make an escape and ran away. They aren't always as slow as people think. hahahaha

I found a turtle in my yard many, many years later. My dog had 'em tucked in his shell and caught out in the open. It's hard to say, but i am almost positive it was the same turtle. They weren't native to the area we lived and i had brought him home from a few states over. Glad yours popped back up too. =)

Many thanks! Turtles really turn out to be nimble!)) I no longer believed in her return!))

Beautiful eyes on your cat, and the turtle looks pretty cool also. I almost cracked up laughing when you said the turtle ran away. I am glad he came back to you.

Thank you very much !)))

I love his eyeeeeeees, they are beautiful.

In my country there is a very bad joke, that the cat remembered to me. On this side of the world it is difficult for people to have colored eyes, usually they are black or brown... so there are people who relax by saying ¨ I have a brown eye and a blue one ¨... well, now that I think about it it is a joke in Spanish... so sad, I don't even know anymore when I'm talking Spanish or english.

Let me try to explain, ¨blue¨ translates to ¨azul¨... when a THING is blue we say ¨azulado¨, if we play with the word we can say ¨a-su-lado¨ which means ¨ next to ¨... so if I say: ¨Tengo un ojo marrón y otro azulado¨... a simple sight I say ¨ I have one brown eye and one blue eye ¨ BUT what I mean is ¨ I have one brown eye and one eye next to it ¨. Wooow so difficult to explain ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaaha i hope you get the joke... is not even that funny tho.

Btw love turtles, i always wanned to have one of those.

Haah!))) I liked about "the eyes are near!)))) I always dreamed of learning Spanish!))

Hahahah you are still in time to it.

Oh no!))) Now I am learning two languages. Although, who knows, anything is possible!))

Hahahaha which ones?

I like your cat. He is so handsome with beautiful colours on his eyes. And your little turtle is so lovely. You seems having best pets 😊

Thank you very much 🥰

I am Soooo in love with My Sammi Jo's eyes...

I could never leave her behind.

Charlie has those hypnotizing amazing eyes also. Mystical powers in those eyes.

Sammi Tongue Original 2013.png

And I laughed out loud again over the Turtle Walking!

But hey WTH. I walk my cat...

(Sammi Jo thinks she is a dog anyways, note the fire hydrant)

Fire Hydrant Dog Kitty 2015.jpg

Woowww what a beautiful cat, a beauty of nature. I love 😍

I didn't know that a cat could exist with eyes of different colors, I have seen dogs like that and humans too jejej excuse me but we are all part of the animal kingdom.

And about your new pet, turtles are eternal, Durán many years can even reach the century and pass, if your pet doesn't escape anymore he will see you grow old and meet your children and grandchildren.

Thank you for your beautiful photos @sokoloffa

Pets don't exactly fit with my current mobile lifestyle between the UK and the Philippines.
But I would like you to meet Saffie. Sadly she crossed over the rainbow bridge a number of years ago but she was my companion for about 17 years. IMG_0037.jpg

My late wife and I had been looking for a Mainecoon cat for a little while and on a visit to a local-ish cat breeder to look at some kittens we met Saffie at the time she was a 3-year-old show cat and breeding queen but over the last few litters, she had been getting a bit territorial and fighting with the other cats. So she had an eviction notice, It didn't take long, about 5 minutes into the drive home and Yve just said, 'It's OK you can have her we can get a kitten for me another day'. Yep, I was smitten and she could tell, and a couple of weeks later when her kittens had been taken we went to pick her up.

So it was years of waking up to fish breath and this face in the morning.

Do I miss her? Yep all the time.

My stepdaughter had a Maine Coon Cat. It was just a foul, nasty creature and I loved it :)

It was close enough to being a dog that I really did like that cat.

Yep, she used to bring sticks home all the time.
It didn't take long to give up being a posh show cat. She would mug squirrels she would hide in a bush on our back fence and as they ran along it she would jump them 25lb of cat landing on you from 6ft up never ended well for the squirrel.

I'm guessing Sam and that cat could be united in their taste for Squirrels :)

 4 years ago  

We had a coon cat, not sure if it was a Maine variety but the thing was huge! It also didn't like anyone but me since I raised the thing from a little stray I found under my neighbors car. Thing was a ferocious hunter but that got the best of him, went out one night and never came back. They definitely have an attitude and personality!

Yep. They don't suffer fools or prey easily :)

 4 years ago  

He was too funny, name was Leo. My mom and sister would always try to cuddle him or get him to sit with them and if they tried to bother him he would give them a warning swat. My mom got a good claw in her one day and she stopped trying since lol

There we go the right photo this time :)

Saffie looks nice and peaceful in the first picture and a little bit devilish in the second but sure was a nice looking cat! Are those Maine Coon's known for a particular nature? It seems Tom knew one that wasn't so nice but it's difficult to imagine that cute sleeping cat in the image above cold be like that.


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 4 years ago  

Cats cracked me up when they would stick out their tongue like that. I learned from my vet though that if they do it all the time it's a sign that they have teeth issues lol so it was cute but a little worrying sometimes!

Sorry to hear about your wife and the cat both being gone, that's awful!

Thanks for that, yep still miss them both loads

I love animals, I always did and I'll always do. Even more than people. But unfortunately, I never had a pet because I live with rent and I often change my homeplace once in a while so I don't have the right comfort to offer to an animal and there are also rules which don't allow me to bring pets in this house so.. I'm just dreaming away hoping that one day I'll be able to buy my own homeplace and have all the pets in the world.

But to answer the question of what animal it would be, most likely any I found on the street or in pain and which makes me feel like I could save them and offer a better living. But if I have to pick a breed by far it would be the Czechoslovakian Wolf!!!


I freaking love wolves, I've read tons of books about them and saw hundreds of documentaries about these animals and their behaviour. Everybody tends to say that monkeys have the most similar behaviour as people do, but very few know they are not even close to how many things in common wolves and people have. From thinking to behaviour, from acting in different situations to emotions, and so on. I will always love wolves and hopefully one day I'll become one of them having this animal part of my life.

People always think of them as predatory, vicious and stalkers BUT I believe they just do what they need to to survive an incredibly harsh existence, when I look in to the eyes of the wolf I see eyes that are very wise and knowing. They are such noble, beautiful creatures, how cool would it be though to actually tame one and make it a companion?

I must confess, I laughed when I saw this, I remember you saying there is more to Transylvania than the vampire, werewolf lore that we all think of and what did you choose? A wolf haha.

One day, you may be known as the wold whisperer, great t cross paths with you, hope the weekend was a great one for you and yours :)


Hey! Thanks for the wishes and I hope you had a great weekend too :)

As for the wolves.. maybe I don't remember right but I think I've talked on a previous post about Transylvania having some of the most bears from Europe, not wolves.

I'm not sure about the population of the wolves but there is a movie called Romania Neîmblânzită or Untamed Romania in English which is focused on the wilderness of my country and where you will see some spectacular shots with the wolves.

Lucky or not, I haven't met any wolf yet during my trips our there but I know they are somewhere in the woods and maybe starred at us without even noticing them.

Though, I don't feel too afraid of them after I learned so much about their behaviour and I know are predators only when they need food but definitely not with the people or those who don't have interests in haunting them. :)

An animal sanctuary. A great aspiration. That would be awesome. I applaud individuals and organizations that care for unwanted or rescue animals.

Yeah well, to me it doesn't really make any sense to throw away a bunch of money just for a specific breed of animals when there are tons unwanted by people and who need your love more than anything. Not to mention how pure their love for people is ..

I've had both. Multiple times. Purebred, specific dogs and mutley dogs. I've no argument with either. My top three in my life are a very specifically bred English Springer, a Rottweiler (also specifically bred) and Sam, half something and half something else :)

That Springer was a hunting machine-what he was bred for. The best upland bird dog I've ever seen (and I've seen lots) plus he was a just great companion dog. The Rott was enormous and the most gentle creature on earth. Sam just loves everything and everybody (except cats and squirrels).

I also love them!! I´m always mad with all series about wolfs and wherewolfs and stuff like that... Also the Husky Siveriano is very similar to them, they are gorgeous.


Oh yeah, rumours are what turn a beautiful story into a terrible one in just a few moments! That's really sad!

Huskies are amazing. I have a few friends who own this kind of pet :)

I have had 4 in my lifetime. They averaged 12-14 yrs. I do not know if my heart is strong enough to let another pass by. They are such a loyal and loving breed. They just do not live long enough.

Whaaaaaaat oh noo! That's so saaad.

Hey Gabriela, thanks for joining in this week.

I hope one day you'll be able to get a pet although I understand the difficulties as a tenant rather than home-owner as far as pets go.

I've heard of the Czechoslovakian wolfdog as a pet and that they are a very family-oriented breed making them a good pet. They certainly look like a wolf which is a good thing because wolves look cool.

I hope you get one someday as it seems you're pretty well set on it. I'll cross my fingers for you.


Thank you so much for the nice wishes! If I'll get one, I'll make sure to introduce it on Hive and offer a small corner for it on my blog too :)

Oh yeah, that would be cool! The wolf could have its own account too! Lol.

What would you name it though? And if you say Wolfy I won't believe you. :)

Having his own account sounds cool!

Haven't thought about the name yet but it won't be something boring or too common for sure :)

.. wait, what? Wolfy? Did you say it random or.. because that's my nickname for at least 10 years lol. Now I'm really shocked and confused, do you read minds or something? haha

I'm a mind reader!

Nah, just a random guess actually...But I'll tell you what, Wolfy is a cool nickname!

Haha, nice guess! And thank you🐺

You know? I read some goofy stuff from time to time. But there is a current debate that is going on in anthropology circles about the domestication of wolves. There is a splinter group that believes people didn't domesticate wolves, wolves domesticated humans. Showed them how to hunt and joined packs together. Interesting concept.

Anyway, I think a wolf dog would be an amazing pet if you have space and time. I have a good friend that had a wolf hybrid that was good friends with my Rottweiler. They had some legendary 'play days'.

I'd hope you get to your pet goal sooner rather than later. They are an amazing part of life.

In most of the cases animals are more domestic than people. Unfortunately. But yeah, I can't wait to get this beauty part of my family someday.

For me, having a dog in residence just is the completion, or keystone to a full life.

I'm so glad I have my Sam. I can't even really explain.

I can't wait to have my own little buddy and share my love with him. I can feel your happiness through your words. And I'm sure his a lucky one to have you.

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Wild animals are fantastic to observe. I love when I have a chance to see them whenever I am in the mountains.

Oh, that's for sure! But the one that I made my comment about is not a random wolf from the woods, it's a mix between the wild animal and dog which became a really popular breed of dogs

They are really awesome, I really enjoy watching them too 😁

Awesome animals for sure!

Yeah! I love wolves but can't keep them 😂🤣😂 I rather prefer a monkey to a wolf 😁

Haha. I'm sure we all have our own character which feels more comfortable with different species of animals. That doesn't make it weird or something, it's just the connexion we manage to tie with them.

Yeah! That's really true, we can also be the course of how people see them but a little hate from them is OK 🤣😂😅

Funny enough, when I read this post I thought of writing I would want a wolf but as I scrolled down, I found it has been taken. Painfully 😪

Wolves are cool.
Pity you have not had the chance and stability to have pets. Pets are a great thing to have. Animals of any kind tend to provide the kind of companies and emotional comfort we humans may not be able to give other humans.
I had once a dog, I think it was the first one I remember clearly, that was like a wolf. It was a redish brown huge dog called Bobby. Unfortunatelly, he loved eating from the trash,no matter how much fod he got at home,so he was usually smelly and my mother chased him away. He was afraid of fireworks,like most dogs are, and one day hid under a car that was about to move. He did not die right there,but my father had to put him to sleep. Not the best ending for a wolf-like dog

The dog needed a little more taming, so sorry it didn't go well

That's a horrible story! If you say it was looking like a wolf maybe it was a mix between wolf and a dog and his behaviour was harder to be controlled by people and that's why his instincts asked to be the one who searched for his own food instead of receiving it so easily. But the way everything ended is really sad and I'm sorry about it..

It is. and you're right. We never understood his nature and motivation to procure his own food. For many years we did not have a veterinarian in town. Animals were loved, but people did not develop much attachment and no much was done for them where they were sick or had accidents. It was tough

That's horrible. And I'm really sorry..

My father was pretty harsh with the farm dogs. No Dog was allowed inside the house until my sisters convinced him that they needed a Chihuahua. He tolerated that dog (my sisters adored him) but it was a gift poodle that melted his heart. The little buggar thought he was a big dog but would sleep on the arm or headrest of my Dad's chair. It was actually quite weird.

By that time I was living on my own and he always said something about my dog (s) being in the house when he was at my place. To him there was no contradiction about his poodle. Amazing.

Hahaha. Well, isn't that typical of parents. I have relatives who always questioned pampering attitudes either towards children or animals, only to find themselves becoming pampering champions!
In his old age my father got the company of a cat, Chapulín. It was probably the most antipathetic cat we ever had, and yet...

A cat? My dad never mellowed out that much :) It was actually a miracle that he had the poodle in his house.

I had my Springer during that time and the Poodle would run right with him for hours. It was amazing!

Having a wolf as a pet would be really cool, for me I can only consider it if I had it when its at a tender age. It would really be lovely because he would be my pet and also a scare to people who wants try nonsense towards me 😂

Haha, never thought about it but that could work too, lol!

Definitely will

I think a lot of people can feel an affinity toward wolves, I know I do also. And they are one of the most human animals out there. I do not know much about monkeys, but wolves an be very loving, controlling and protective of each other.

Oh yeah, indeed! Unfortunately I don't know too many people who love those animals but most likely be afraid of them. But I'm happy you do know some.

one of my fave animals are the wolf breeds.

Here is a pic of the family dog Barkley. He's an English Black Lab.

He was trained along with his liter mates by Guide Dogs of America to be a seeing eye dog. Unfortunately he was disqualified at the very end of his training because he has a drooling problem. Now he lives here in south Carolina with my family and is a therapy dog that visits the elderly and children who are sick in the hospital.

Here he is at the lake up the street. Its one of his favourite places to go for a walk. Usually because he likes to run into the flocks of geese there and be a goof ball.

Personally i think being a cat would be pretty spiffy as a pet. Nobody telling you what to do and just about any of your behaviour would have to be accepted because youre a cat and what are you gunna do.

Barkley sounds like a good dog, probably really social and intelligent I'd say, considering his line of work. A shame he didn't get to help out blind people but the job he's doing now is just as important I think.

Oh yes, being a cat wold be a pretty good life, I guess provided one had a good family to look after them. My cats are treated better than human beings to be honest, the best food, medical care and the ability to do what they want, when they want...I think being one of my cats wouldn't be too bad at all!


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Happy weekend dear friends
Since I was a child, I have always had a love for cats, they are my favorite pet. One of my cousins gave us some time ago one similar to the one we have now, but it was more beautiful. Unfortunately, one day he disappeared from home and we did not know more about him.


Our sons Edgar and Adrián were crying over his absence. Years passed and a neighbor’s queen had some kitties and was looking for an owner. He gave us one and then another neighbor gave my son Adrián another. Two days after they were at home, Adrián's kitten, who was more restless, approached our dog Sari's while she was eating. Without thinking it twice she bit him, unfortunately the kitten did not survive. Adrián cried a lot and was very upset with the dog. Edgar, seeing him sad, gave him the other cat, so he was happy. The cat ended up having many names: Rays, Lian, Tiger and in the end we were calling him Misium. He also had several fights with Sari but with his claws he was able to defend himself and earn the dog’s respect. Currently, they are friends and they get along well.


From this photo it looks like neither car or dog is very happy about the situation although the dog is tolerating it quite well. It's a bit sad that your other cat didn't survive, I can't imagine dying from dog bites is a nice way to go, but at least you have the multi-named cat you have now and he seems to know how to defend himself which is good.


Haha. You're right. They get along but not so much as to pose for a picture voluntarily.

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That looks like my kind of cat. One that can earn the respect of the dog. It's sad that the other kitty had to learn a lesson about eating when the dog was. It's a pretty common occurrence, really.

Even Sam is pretty jealous of his food. He's got a friend Rocky that comes to visit from time to time. Rocky is welcome to all the water he can drink but he best not stick his nose in the food pan...

Haha. Food is sacred, eh?
I know some humans who defend their food like dogs (or cats), especially now that it is so hard to get.
That violence that they show sometimes, even when they are "domesticated" give us mixed feelings. I guess instincts cannot be controled.

Sam is really a mellow dog. Really. But he just considers it bad form when Rocky takes a bite or two :)


Hello guys, the first question flashed me back to a good time memory I had with a monkey me and my friend kept right from her tender age.

Actually, it was really fun taming her, although it was not mine but my friend's but I had this connection with her that made it looks as if it was mine also.

He found her in his area; at that time he and his family lived close to a valley, so one day him and his dad decided to go for a walk and on their way they found her, so he decided to take her home as she was lying hopelessly on the floor.

Although, before then I had wished I had one but after he told me about what he found I was very happy, because of her, I will go to his house almost everyday just to see her.

When ever I'm not around he gists me on how she is becoming more intelligent day by day, especially how she hids to his instructions.

There was a certain day she surprised us, we gave her food, after she finishes eating she rinses the plate and keeps it one side😁 and sometimes she could be very funny; we tried making her drink water from its sachet, when we have opened it and had given it to her she would turn it upside down trying to repeat what we did and all the water will just spill on her but our smart monkey would drink from it while it's still upside down 😂🤣

How I wished I had a phone at that time I would have taken several pictures with her.

One faithful day when I came by, I ran towards where we kept her but I didn't see any traces of her, I was surprised, not knowing the reason she wasn't there course my friend's dad already told us not to take her out yet course she was not yet that mature in order to keep her safe but not knowing we were actually wrong, the people around never stopped coming and the place they were at that time was not there very home; so they had neighbours living with them. At the time I saw him I asked him about her, then he was silent, I knew something was wrong then after a while he told me she was dead. I was very sad to hear this that she died of food poisoning, we couldn't do anything about it has it was already late before he knew, we just had to let go but we will never forget our best friend.

A pet monkey sounds like fun, although I think I'd not be able to keep one here as it might be against the law. Having said that if I could I'd train it to do the household chores for me, the dishes, mow the lawn and do the laundry...Of course it would also know how to bring me snacks as I was watching TV and the biggest trick I'd teach it would be to go to work for me at the office...I doubt the other workers would notice it wasn't me to be honest. :)

Just joking of course.

It's a shame this one died of food poisoning and I can imagine your friend was a bit upset. Pets become like treasured friends.

Thanks for sharing this and joining in this week.


I was thinking for a second,how would you train it to do all that. It may be possible if it was from a baby monkey though but you were joking anyways. 😅

All I had said really happened,😀 do you know that one of the reasons I love them is that they are almost like human in IQ and many more.

Oh.. Would love to train one then

😂😅🤣 I bet you will like it, I plan on getting another one in the nearest future.

My baby brother worked for a guy that just loved exotic animals. He and his brother owned a series of title companies (one of which my brother worked for) AND an exotic animal ranch/refuge in the center of Washington State. My brother worked at the headquarters office with the boss who had a couple of personal 'friends' that he kept around. Specifically a Wallaby that went to the office with him every day.

For what ever reason the goofy bugger loved my brother and spent most of his time under his desk. Harry would take off his shoes and use the Wallaby as a foot rest. Everybody was happy!

Once one has had a wallaby footrest one will never want to be without. Lol.

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Had no idea people can keep monkeys as pets. At least in my country is illegal, but I'm sure it's hella fun and a nice experience!

For sure it's really fun, hmm, how I wished it was legal in your country.

I would love to want a monkey, maybe one that would grow to be my best friend and protect me if anyone tries rubbish as I can not fight. So sorry for losing that monkey. People can be so cruel to kill such an adorable animal.

Hmmm, my brother it's not their fault, sometimes is better keeping them away from people.

Totally right bro

Sad ending for a fun animal.
I love monkeys, but here in Venezuela people do not trust monkeys. They fear them because they are either too naughty, which they can be, or they are afraid of diseases caused by them.
Even though we have plenty of forest and a great variety of monkeys, they are rare as pets. It is actually illegal to trade them or own them in captivity.

I have memories of a monkey that was kept in a cage at a lady who lived on the way to school. Sipriana, was the lady's name. Every kid would give the monkey somethign to eat. He was always hungry. He could be fun most times, but he was also a lustful and shameless bastard, so often times you'd see concerned mothers scolding their small daughters to stay away from that indicent animal. And they declaired war at Sipriana to keep that monkey away from kids' eyes.
The moneky died of old age.
No kid that I know was corrupted by his lustful ways. TV, alcohol and drugs did more harm.

It is true because it will be that the monkeys have that lustful behavior 🤔

They are cute, but should not be held captive as pets, almost always have it chained, to have a pet like that. @hlezama

When I was a kid, a friend from school owned a monkey.
I remember going to his house to play with it. It was cool when he was a small but as he grew up it was too much of a problem to live with him at the house and they had to donate it. I felt sad but happy for the animal as he ended in a much better place to live.

Wow! Funny enough that's how we humans are, we are very adorable when we are tender but when we grow up we 🙄 I think you know what I mean 😀😅😂🤣

This post makes me think about my (wrong) assumptions about monkeys. I always thought that I would not like to be close to monkeys, I guess there is some unjustified fear in question. Thank you @rickardoh.

It's my pleasure @mipiano

Wow, so sad you had to loose her at that time. She must have been a nice friend to be with

Yeah! She was very playful but nevertheless it's all in the past now😉

That's right

That story was at first so uplifting and happy and at the end so sad. I actually understand the joy AND the heartbreak.

Yeah! Indeed it was really heart breaking but I will surely have another one 😄😉

It seems animal cruelty knows no boundaries. I am so glad I have never ran across it, I don't actually know of anyone losing their pet to violence or intentional poisoning.

Hmmm, 🤣😅😂, it's really fun having one.

Monkeys are fun. They can be very smart, and very clumsy too. Sorry this one ended so tragically.

Thanks, I really really appreciate your comment 😅 😂 🤗

Every time i go to the pet store i play with a little monkey just like the one in the picture, he is beautiful and he knows too much.

Btw, have you seen FRIENDS the comedy series?

Hmmm, I hardly watch series movies, is there a monkey in it ?

Yeahhh, hahaha in a part of the series, Marcel


I recomend you this series one, that is my favorite comedy series.

Wow! Then It's a must watch 😍 🤣😂

Excellent the challenge of this weekend, I was a little late but I arrived.

I love plants, I think my ideal pet would be a Saman or a Captus. I also like farm animals, I would have a huge cow that I would call "Susy"

For the time being I will talk to you about "Sasa", an educated and affectionate little dog that makes our life at home happy, she is small but fierce, she is not afraid of heights and loves to take care of the house from the roof.

This dog is one more in the family, I love it when she plays with me.


I've heard of roof rabbits (what the English called cats in WWII) but not a roof dog. Well, except for the dog house roof, that's fairly common...

Dogs always seem to be family members sooner or later, even if they are the crazy uncle that everybody just puts up with:)

Cats have staff. Looks like a really cool dog. I like that posture.

I took that picture because of the position she was in and it represented her personality at home.
It's very interesting what you tell me (i didn't know about the roof rabbits).

Thanks for saying hello you are a committed friend.

not afraid of heights and loves to take care of the house from the roof.

So, Sasa is on *overwatch huh? Lol. She looks attentive so I'm sure she does a great job.

Also, I know people who have pet plants and they talk to them, care for them and worry about them just as much as one might do with an animal. Why not I reckon too right?


Lately the work has been a little strong but the commitment to Hive is something I am passionate about, so here I am.

I think I would be one of those who speak to plants, seeing their growth is magnificent... and SASA is also a character, a fabulous little dog.

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I used to have a cat named Dixie as well! Then the vet informed my mother that Dixie was a he...Dixie quickly became Tom after that until Mom got mad and forgot the new name. I know we've talked about the kitties before and it's a bit late in the weekend but I still couldn't pass up a chance to post about what has to be my favorite cat ever, the Tito.

Floof and his shadow s.jpg

TIto What s.jpg

This cat is fearless and will eat just about anything (bugs, flowers, plastic, kale, cardboard, just about anything you don't want him to). He's also the floofiest thing I ever did see, his fur makes him seem twice as big as he actually is. All Tito ever needs is a bowtie and some bugs to chase...

Tito the everything eating cat! And cat that can stomach kale get's a brownie point from the old G-dog...Something I can't manage. Lol.

Is it ok to make the observation that Tito has dem crazy Samual L Jackson eyes? :)


Lol, I don't think I would have ever noticed that but you are on the money, Tito is the feline Samuel L. Jackson.

Kale ain't my favorite either, I'm beginning to suspect that Tito was a rabbit in a past life. ..

Tito the crazy-eyed rabbit-cat! :)

Lol, I will have to remember to call him that! I'm pretty sure he's been called much worse...

Lol. I'm sure he won't mind. He'll wear it like a badge of honour. (honor).

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That Dixie/Tom story reminds me of a Dennis the Menace cartoon. He and Joey each have a kitten in hand and Dennis says "I don't know. My Dad tells by looking at the bottoms of their feet."

Tito is a good looking if slightly dingy cat. Probably the very best kind.

Lol, that sounds like as good of a method as any I've heard! Tito thanks you, I believe he considers dingy a compliment. I'm still not sure what a 'normal' cat is like but he is the very best :D

Yup it does indeed seem as though each week you get unrestricted, priority VIP access to the weekend before the rest of us, what the hell is that all about??? Bloody elites!

This is Lady, she was with us for close to 15 years when she developed pyometra we took her off to the vets on Friday morning and she was to have an operation that day, we were led to believe she would recover and although she was old her case was fairly routine and she was in very good health.

We received a phone call that afternoon offering an impossible choice. Lady had reacted badly and her organs were beginning to shut down... Our options were two and neither was very palatable tbh.

The vets was due to close and we could not come to be with Lady if the vet was to put her down.

They could keep her going till the following morning although she would be suffering and in pain.

Obviously we chose the first option as we could not even contemplate her being in pain and suffering needlessly, I'm very sad to this day that from dropping her off at the vets that morning we never got to see her again, there was a real unresolved feeling within all of us. The pain was so intense I swore I would NEVER have a dog ever again as it was so difficult knowing that we would likely outlive it and I thought we could never endure that grief again...

The year after I had come to realise that like all relationships in life the pain of loss is part and parcel of all the wonderful gifts that are the opposite side of that coin. That year we found Holly and she became our second family dog, sadly am unable to upload the photo of her as I am having severe issues with Hive today, ((I have been trying to upload this post for hours))

Here is Lady, the fifth member of our family and the love of our lives for so many years.


What a heart breaking story. and choice to have to make. I can totally imagine how you felt, having just had to put Merlin down. He was looking at me as I cradled his head in my hands...It's still pretty raw. Such a terrible experience. I don't know what it must be like not being able to be there though. I think maybe that's better and worse at the same time.

Death is the counterpoint to life and you're right, time with a pet is joyous, but the pain of loss is almost always accompany it. Tragic really.

I'm glad you guys found the courage to bring Holly into your lives, and whilst at some stage you will lose her too, you have the good times to look forward to also.


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So sorry to hear about your beloved Dixie. I can feel from your writing how you guys felt about her and still cherish her memory. Those eyes are captivating. It's good you have a private photo that captures the essence of your life together. To lose a beloved member that's been in your family for so many years is especially heartbreaking, and you will never forget Merlin.

When I was young, my mom didn't care for cats. Her love of dogs extended beyond our neighborhood. It seemed as though every dog in the city knew about my mom. We weren't rich or anything to be able to feed numerous dogs, but she found a way. Whatever we ate, they ate the leftovers. They would sleep under our porch; anywhere they could find an open space. What was so amazing about it, they would go elsewhere to do their business, then return. They were her protectors. No one else in our neighborhood experienced this. My siblings and I would see her in the backyard talking to them. And they seemed to be listening tentatively. But she would have us feed them.

I promised myself that once grown, I wouldn't have pets because I'd had enough to last me a lifetime. Oddly enough, my siblings didn't feel the same. They too adopted the love of dogs..not cats.

However, having my own family changed that. I tried not to mention animals to my kids. But they kept pressing us for a dog. We relented, and were fortunate enough to have a friend give us a Chow.


From the moment we got him at, I think 2 - 3 months old, the kids fell in love with him. Rocky was so cute and a wonderful companion and playmate. The kids would take turns carrying him around all day. Rocky had a deep purple tongue that fascinated the kids. The color of a Chow's tongue can be either black, blue, or purple. This depends on the individual dog. I understand they originated in China. This breed of dog has thick fur and can grow as large as 90 pounds. His ears always stood erect with his round face, and tongue always hanging out.

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Rocky grew to about 80 lbs. And he was so furry with his cute tail lying on his back. We built him a dog house. I started to notice that I and two of the kids were having severe allergy problems. When we got tested, we found out we were allergic to cats and dogs. The kids were older then, so we made the decision to find Rocky a good home. He was sent to live with another family who gave him lots of love too.

To this day, we still think about Rocky sitting on the swing, his flying around the back yard at warp speed just running in circles. Of course, he'd stop to rock the swing with his paw. He started doing that when he was small. The first time he did it, the swing came back and hit him. He was stunned. After that, he'd push the swing, then run, stop, and stand back and look at it. He was a wild one.

Are you sure your mum wasn't Dr Doolittle?

I think it's nice to have a connection with animals, the ability to have it. Faith is like that with our cats, always have been; They adore her, but then again we shower them with so much love it's unsurprising. Faith is like that with most animals though, especially horses..

It's a shame you guys were allergic and had to find Rocky a new home, but you had him for a while and I'm sure have some good memories like the swing and him tearing around the yard.

Thanks for sharing this picture and the story behind it. Much appreciated.


Lol. Nope, she wasn't. But I think she was forever trying to make up for her dislike of cats when she was young. She had a not-to-good experience, My mom was not only that way with dogs, she was the "big mama" to all the neighborhood children too. I never knew her to turn away any dog or person in need.

Have a good rest of your weekend on call. Hope all goes well so your wife can start feeling better soon. Take care both of you.

I imagine your mum to be the type to be a good cook and always have some cookies in a jar for the neighbour-kids right? Kind of nice.

OMG, how did you know? Louisiana cajun and Southern cooking. Also, we used to get the 20lb. bag of sugar. She'd made "teacakes" we called them. They would melt in your mouth. Today, they're called sugar cookies. And with the remainder, she'd make popsicles with popsicles sticks stuck in old-fashioned ice cube trays that pulled up with the handle in the middle. Finally, she'd make preserves and jams. It's a wonder we didn't overdose. But we played outside all day burning off those calories. Enough of that...but those were the days!

Talk to you later.

Now why wasn't I your next door neighbour! I would have been over for treats every day! :)

You know, this is how it used to be back the small country town I grew up in, exactly the same. I miss those simple times.

Yep, me too. Have a good weekend.

My mom too. Long as they lived on the farm, the neighbor kids were welcome-Even when they weren't kids :) The first thing every one of them did was check the cookie jar.

My brother and I both had numerous friends that would stop in to see if we were around-even when they knew we weren't. They'd have a cup of coffee (and cookies) with my mom and move on.

Hello @justclickindiva that race was in a fashion in my country years ago, I always found them beautiful, they are called Chinese lion.

Because they look like lions but they come from China, it must have been difficult especially for children to separate from their pet.

This is something painful and that marks the memory forever, your story made me remember a German shepherd that was the pet of my family, it was enormous and beautiful but my neighbors did not like it, they were afraid even though the dog had never done anything to them.

There was trouble and trouble about the dog, and so much insistence that my dad ended up sedating and giving away (brando) that's what they called a fireman.

And the pain of his departure diminished when we learned that he was a firedog, happy and free.

Hi @soyunasantacruz. How have you been doing lately? That's interesting name for them, "Chinese Lion." I can see it in the face.

I'm sad for your pet. Sometimes neighbors and others are spitful, jealous, or for whatever reason, hurt others pets. I'm happy your pet got to become a first defender. A firedog. Do the firedogs in your country get to ride in the firetruck? I know he is happy now.

Thanks for sharing your story. I appreciate it and your support. Hope you have a nice rest of your Sunday evening and a good start to your week ahead.

Thanks, I'm fine! If brando was one of my pets, and fire dogs in my country can ride on the fire truck.

Although here they are in extinction. Human firefighters, hehehe because there is no water to put out the fire and the trucks are no good either.

My story was from years ago, when Venezuela was different, if those neighbors always bother about our pets, they do not have and do not know what they are missing by living with a little animal.

Nowadays I have another dog that is my favorite. His name is Duke and his story is below in another commentary.

Thanks happy evening, happy week @justclickindiva

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Thanks so much for the Tokens. Appreciate the support of my post and the engagement this weekend.

My Mom hated cats, stemming from an incident in her youth. Sensing that hatred my cat Cleo just fawned over my Mom. She'd rub on her, and sit next to her when she was visiting. She didn't do that with any other human!

Mom had a particularly close relationship with my Springer Fatty. I swear she could tell him something in English and he did it, what ever it was.

It's sad about your family allergies. Animals have been such an integral part of my life that I can't imagine enforced separation from them.

HE'S QUITE A TEDDY. A chubby cuddly teddy bear.😂

I have a friend who has a VERY similar dog, and his name is also Rocky hahaahha what a coincidence.

Yes, they are very fluffy. And they look like a teddy bear. Thanks for the reminder. The kids loved him to death. Chows are very friendly breed to have as a pet. Appreciate you visiting. Have a good week ahead.

IMG_20200527_161610.jpg This is my pet and I love her so much, I was affected whenever she refused eating maybe due to illness. This particular picture was taken when she was sick and was not eating and was not happy, I started feeling maybe she might have eaten poison. She plays alot also.

Who's Pet I will want to be 😅😅

I love cats and I love to be treated same way I treat my cat and I happen to know who loves and treat cats as family @krazzytrukker

This post right here by @melissaofficial is a winning entry Mister @galenkp !

Not bias or anything... LoL

But I am an Awesome Cat Daddy!

Pookyville Cat Ranch are Royalty, Feline kings & queens.@pooky-jax will testify to that, these kits here at the

Nose Job Video Screenshot.jpg

Good looking kitty. Perry. I like it. Named after the Antarctic explorer I presume 😂

krazzytrucker would be a great choice as cat master, I agree!

What's your cats name?


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What a nice topic 💛
I am sorry for your loss, the eyes of Dixie was so beautiful. Pets can be sometimes more than just pets, like a family member or friend, and we feel sorry if we lose them.
But the memories of them can live in us, so as the memory of one of my cats I had. About two weeks ago I wrote a short post of my favorite childhood cat, Mica. I just have a real photograph from an album, not a digital one, as it was from the time before smartphones and digital photo cameras.


So, she was my best ever cat when I was a child. In my post I mentioned one "accident" that happened. Our neighbor had a breed of fighting dog, which one day escaped to the street from his yard. My cat had kittens at that time, and her protecting instinct made her chase the dog away. She was protecting her kittens. OMG, the neighbor came and complained that my cat attacked his dog 🤣 It was little bit funny that a fighting dog can be afraid of a cat 😂
I mean, look at her, she sleeps so peaceful in that blanket 🥰

I have to go to work now, but I saw some nice photos already in this topic, so in the late evening (my time) I will be back 👋

Mica looks nice and peaceful here...But it wold have been hilarious to see a big old fighting dog cowering in fear at her rage and protective instinct!

I really love cats, that's not to say I don't like dogs or other animals, just that cats require a person to put effort into gaining trust and affection where mostly dogs just require dog biscuits and are then 8anyone's friend*. although having said that Faith and I had a massive Rottweiler and the only people he was interesting in being friends with was us...He'd tolerate others if they seemed non-threatening but was always watchful over us, especially Faith. A good dog.

Thanks for showing us Mica and sharing this funny story. I hope work was ok, and that you have a great weekend!


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I guess some dogs just do not like cats. I bet your neighbor made sure to keeps his fighting dogs safely on his property after that. Mica looks so relaxed in that photo so hard to believe they can be so protective when needed.

I don't remember if his dog escaped again to the street or not, but I do remember that it was "the story" that had been recounted again and again between the neighbors, as that was the happening of the village 🤣🤣🤣 Mica was famous after that 🐱😇 ..lol 🥳

She looks relaxed, of course, I took the photo when she was sleeping. At that time, you had to choose wisely how to take a photo, you could not check immediately if the picture is good or not. So the best option to photograph a pet is when it is resting 😴

Yeh getting pictures of cats sometimes is not easy, they don't sit for long with out a swishy tail or twitching ears.

Great Story, great cat friend Mica, Gone but never to be forgotten.

I could see my Sammi Jo doing this. But will protect her the best I can. As Galen will agree I am sure. Some threats do not present themselves. And as in Dixie's case how could you see that coming. We can only do our best to protect the ones we love. Animal or human.

Yes, we have to do our best to protect/save them.
Mica lived for 9 years with us ☺️ She was my favourite cat 🐈

My Cleo chased off all comers. My brother came to visit with his blue heeler that had a reputation as a cat killer. He left the dog in his pickup even though it was -30C (-20f). I told him to bring the dog in and we'd watch them carefully.

The cat whipped up on the dog and made him lay under the coffee table to stay safe. Every time he visited :)


Poor dog, I imagine it didn't like the visits..

He was mighty careful around my house.

Cleo would fight anything. We had a neighbor call one evening and ask if we could call Cleo home. She was keeping their poodle from coming up on the porch and getting in the house :)

She would come when called, particularly if you rattled a potato chip bag. She loved potato chips and cantaloupe. I'd take my cantaloupe to the bathroom and lock myself in to eat. I'd give her the rind and she'd eat the whole thing by the time I got home from work.


Here is our cat Mousy in black and white. We’ve had him for about 5 years or so. I used to be allergic to cats in the past, but that allergy seemed to disappear as I got older.

A cat called Mousey. I love it. He looks like a pretty fluffy thing, a bit mischievous too.

It's odd that your allergy seems to have gone although I used to get hay fever pretty badly but don't seem to get it so much anymore...Getting old has its advantages it seems.


That might be the only one.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Yes, old-dude superpowers are rather thin on the grounds I'd say...Although being a grumpy bugger could classify as well. :) (For me at least.)

Oh, no. When you get old enough you get the superpower of choosing when the weekend actually is.

It's a shitty trade for the rest, but us truly old buggers have to take what we can get when we can.

Finding light in the dark...I like it.

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Pretty cool looking cat. I mean for a cat and all. (Sam's reading this as I type and don't want to tip him off to the fact that I might actually like cats)

Nice picture of Mousy, I think as we get older we just ignore those animal allergies and deal with them. Animals make for great company. Mousy certainly looks like a very fluffy cat.

Probably some truth in that. He is fluffy and sheds a little too much.

 4 years ago  

I love those looking cats, the fur gets all over the place and you end up eating a kitten's worth of it by the time they leave the earth, but they look so cool! I had one like that for a few years until he went out and didn't come back one day, he was a really cool looking fur ball!

The only downside to owning a cat is the fur-ball issues.

Hi @galenkp ! I was looking forward to this! :) I'm a little sad that I couldn't attend last week. First of all I'm so sorry for what happened to Dixie!



This is our cat, Duman. So, Smoke. :) I guess that's the only name given to gray cats! :p Actually Duman is my sister's cat. She found it on the street while she was studying in college. It used to stay with us during the summer holidays. It was a very naughty cat. It made a deep wound on my wrist. I still have a scar on my wrist. People might think I cut off my wrist for suicide! :D My sister hadn't had any of the cat's vaccinations. So I had to get rabies and tetanus vaccine. Cause Duman was constantly running from the house and fighting with stray
cats. It ran away from home several times and we found it difficult. Last escaped again and we couldn't find. My sister cried a lot. That was about 4 years ago. My sister is still sad looking at it photos.



But I guess the pet hayc I wanted to feed would definitely be a dog. I love dogs! Owning a dog is a big responsibility. I don't know if I'm ready for this. Because my husband and I are working. I don't want the dog to be alone at home. My friend's dog in the first photo. In the second photo, I'm playing with my aunt's dog Tarçın. So, Cinnamon. :) I hope one day we have a dog. :)

Cats can be stubborn and naughty. And in few minutes angels, like Duman is in the first photo. About having a dog and working long shifts, it can be difficult for the dogs. I hope that one day you can achieve your dream of having a dog

I hope :) I really want this!

Duman sounds like a naughty little bugger - Cute cat though. My parents had a grey cat like Duman when I was a teenager called Smokey, so I guess you're right about the grey cat name thing. :)

It's a pity Duman ran away but you know he's probably living the good life somewhere, chatting up all the ladies and livin' la vida loca. :)

I'm sure you'll have a dog someday and it's good you'd not want to leave it alone whilst you're at work although I figure the little thing would entertain itself right? Then when you come home you could play with it, give it a lot of attention.

Thanks for stopping by and joining in this week.


Ah yes, pretty a naughty little bugger! More than anything I want to have a dog! :( I hope one day it will be!

Well I'm sure if you want one enough you'll make it happen.

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Sounds like my Cleo. She was a tough, nasty bugger to everybody but me :) I also had a German Shorthair and Cleo absolutely dominated that dog... She got ringworm when she was young and we had to give her pills. 3 to 5 per day for a month. I bled pretty freely until we figured out to grind the pill on a little piece of steak. She'd lick the powder off before she ate the meat :)

Some dog breeds are pretty suited to being left alone. Some aren't. My Sam does OK (I don't leave him long) long as he has food and water.

We can't agree on dog breeds with my husband. I like more cute ones. My husband insistently wants a french bulldog.

We had a friend on that other chain that raised and showed and bred (and photographed) English Bulldogs. They were her life. They had a neighbor that got a French Bulldog and asked the woman to help with training. She turned out to be absolutely captivated by the little Frenchy. It was actually pretty amazing, actually.

Hmmm, you are always free when they are settled 😅😁

Wow! Your pets are really cute.

But actually I don't have any clue about those two, will the accept each other?

Awesome little ones! It can be easily seen how much you love them and they love you back! :)

Absolutely! :) I was feeding fish in my house. The seller gave me sick fish. And my fishes recently died. :(

That's really sad :( I'm sorry to hear it...

The white dog is cute, I really like it. Your sister must have really liked duman to take care of her. BTW Is duman male or female?

I used it wrong! I should have said "She" instead of "It". My fault. :)

Oh okay 🙂

I like both photos of Duman. The first one just reminds me of how I feel on a summer weekend just before waking up, the gaze of his second shows how concentrated it is upon something going on outside the window. I wouldn't want to be in the middle of the way!!! 😂

She was constantly watching the cats outside. She even had a lover outside! Her lover would always serenade her! :D Meow! :D

Have a great weekendhey @ssygmr, Duman is soooooo cute, most cats are naughty..hehee. I often trim tmy cat's nails to avoiding being cut by their sharp nails. 😃 I love dog too, they are great and loyal friend. Hope you will adopt a dog soon and Duman will have a new friend

Maybe one day I can adopt a dog when I have a child. :)


first photo that i took with DSLR and probably the smartest cat we had. He came to a local cafe as a kitten and i adopted him. He was an outdoor cat, that loved to spend time inside when cold days came. He even had a tactic, he sat at the window of the office, and when the client parked his car, he would just got ready and sneaked in when the client opened the door. His first thing would be to try to clime on your head, keyboard, table... but when you moved him, he knew that he should not bother you. He never tuoched anything on the table, he could be in the kitchen and alone, and not try to eat anything :D
Even my father did not complain about him being inside, so yap it was a special cat :)

Yard cats tend to not have a long life spam, and he was with us for a decent amount of years. yard cats also tend to just disappear, so one day he was just gone, and we never seen him again.

Great photo, and a nice looking cat. (I'm a cat lover so all cats are nice.)

You know, we were so worried towards the end that Merlin would simply disappear and se we didn't let him out much. My cats have always been indoor cats but we'd let them outside to play sometimes, supervised by us, and they'd never run away. At the end though we were so afraid he might just slink away that we didn't let him outside; Losing him like that, not knowing where he was would have been terrible.

It sounds like yours was a clever cookie, like most cats are I guess, and knew where he was better of...Inside with the humans!

Thanks for sharing this photo and the background. Nice work.


now i have two cats that are kinda ours. Mother of the older one was probably a half wild and fully paranoid, she just showed up whit him and was in the yard but always hiding. And she was just gone after a while. But he has that paranoia in his dna. and he has that attitude of, yea human you are ok, you give me food, and you could touch me sometimes, but i am not really fully happy with that, most of the times.

And second one came from somewhere when he was maybe 5-6 months old, and thought to himself there is food here, this older cat does not really love me, but he tolerates me, i think i will stay here :D

It's funny how cats tend to attach themselves to people like this...They tend to maintain their standards though...You can feed and shelter me, but only touch me when I say! Lol.

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Beautiful. Looks like ours, although of a more intense golden color.
Yes it is a pity that cats live such risky lives. Sometimes thye get hit by cars or by bad people. Sometimes, they just get used to other places and move on from one place to another.

yes yard cats are a bit careless. and they are territorial so the fights don't help in their health.

I've had a couple of 'outdoor first' cats. I always enjoyed them. It looks like you enjoyed yours, too.

yes, at one moment we had 9 :D


The topic this week is very funny, i want to introduce my doggy Dorie, she is a mix of Poodle and Yorkie.

We like to say that she improved the breed because as she is a mix of them... she has the energy, enthusiasm, hair and colors of a Yorkie, along with the intelligence, size and love of a Poodle. The perfect combination.

I wanted to dedicate a post to her because she deserves that and more, here i leave the link in case anyone want to see her mischiefs.


And also a small Christmas gift in advance.🤣

Dorie looks like a trouble maker, do you have any funny stories of her shenanigans?


I talk a little bit about what she does in the post, but now that you mention it... the first time she met a dog in the street, she ran away... don't ask me how she got off the leash, (she had one that have tied to the chest that are even more resistant) or why she ran from a chihuahua, because i have no idea, but she was so scared that she ran away, and disappeared. We lasted about 3 hours looking for her, and at the end we found her under my dad's car hidden.😒 She used to be a chicken.

Don't tell anyone. Sam is a chicken too. He's been bitten twice by dogs that escaped their fence while we were walking by. I gave one of them a pretty sound kick (sorry Galen, the little shit had it coming) the other's owner was right there and was so apologetic. She said he'd never done that before. We were really close, she was right in the corner of her yard raking. I think her doggy perceived a threat and I don't have a real problem with that.

Whaaat oh nooo! If a dog bites my baby it's going to deal with me😒 Sorry not sorry.

¨She said he'd never done that before.¨ Why i don't believe her? hahahaha i got upset and it wasn't even me.

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Oh I am sorry to hear about Dixie! The loss of a pet is a heartbreak.

Hm my favourite pet would be..... A tank of fishies with a mini octopus in it. And I would love to have this just because it would look awesome at night, illuminated, with colorful fishies swimming around. It would just relax me.

If I would be an animal.... I would pick tardigrades because... Look at wiki

Tardigrades are among the most resilient animals known, with individual species able to survive extreme conditions—such as exposure to extreme temperatures, extreme pressures (both high and low), air deprivation, radiation, dehydration, and starvation—that would quickly kill most other known forms of life. Tardigrades have survived exposure to outer space.


I like fish tanks too...Never had one, but I like them. They can be a lot of work though. I contemplated getting one but considering we travel so much I decided against it as I wouldn't trust anyone to look after it properly...Besides, I'd want a marlin in it...Would need a big tank.

So...Tardigrades...Who wouldn't want to be one of these...


They are indeed quite difficult to be maintained. I think that a big tank which would somehow be built inside the walls would look exquisite at night

Ohh about the tardigrade. One cannot be picky when it comes to resist radiation and space travel😂 This little one might have better chances surviving Mars than we do. I think looks really don't matter as much as a strong arsenal of survival skills. So yeah, let's say it is not Milano fashion friendly. But who cares on Mars anyway? 😂

I know people who look like a tardigrade...They're nice people though, so I don't make an issue of looks.

Hahahaha, that's cool. It's never good to judge a book by its cover

Hi ,i am also a pet lover but i am not so good in english so i feel difficulty to explain , let me try it google translator😊Few years ago, we also had some animals. Me and my daughter are very fond of playing with cats. , Brought a pair of 2 cats.We named one Tiger and the other Maano It was really fun when i throw something to floor Maano
suddenly follow it to catch .But after sometime my responsibility increased and i was not able to take care of them so i gifted both to my cousin

And also i had a parrot named Mithoo

But now i dont have both becouse of very much busy life . I saved that photoshots in my computer and today in the morning after reading your post i transfered all in my smartphone . I had a plan to make a post but i saw comments so its better to share here ..

Pets can be such good companions and fun to play with. It's a pity you had to give your cats to someone else although it's best they are with someone who can look after them effectively and give them the affection they deserve. It's also nice to expose your daughter to pets at a young age as it teaches tolerance and a caring nature towards other creatures.

Thanks for joining in this week.


My cousin taking good care of my pets she is also a pet lover .. she lives in other city .
I m happy becouse my Tiger and Maano are living a good healty life in safe hands 😊Thanks @galenkp🌹

It's nice to know they are cared for and are enjoying a healthy life. Thanks for letting me know.

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Aww pets are always good company, that cat was so pretty, I'm in love 😍

Thanks @josehany ,🌹you can see me and my daughter were so happy with that cat

Pretty amazing hat cats can, will and do tolerate so much from kids with out so much as even a tiny claw prick, but let an adult man handle a cat like a kid, and the guy is gonna be all scratched up. Cute little parrot also.

It's sad when life changes and pets have to relocate. I'm glad you found a good home for your kitties!

i do not have a picture of my pet, she is somewhat camera shy, kind of like a vampire, you simply can not get a picture of her, she just does not show up. She is called a Spryling and they are a very beautiful critter. They don't take to humans very often, and I am not sure why she became attached to me. I call her Raething, don't know why it was just the name that popped in my head when she first landed on my shoulder.

She is about the size of a small 6 pound cat. In fact she kind of looks like a cat, a cross between a cat and an angel. She has wings, they are so bright and iridescent, and very flexible form fitting, they land down as if becoming a part of her body. She has two legs, and unlike a cat two fully functioning hand paws with thumbs. When not flying she walks like a regular person only a very very short person standing only about one foot high.

The other thing about her that is kind of cool is her tail, yes, like a cat she has a tail, but it is more of a fluffy squirrel tail, it is just so dang cute. Her tail holds a big secret too that I just can not tell. Maybe one day i will tell the story of how she chose me, and of some of the adventures we have been on and lived through, she really is a remarkable little creature.

I will be back tomorrow to read and look at and respond to some of the comments and give a few of my measly votes on.

Raething sounds like a magical creature...I wonder if she has magical properties?

As I was reading this comment I was reminded of a creature called a firedrake from a book I read (about 20 times) called Magician by Raymond E Feist. A small dragony thing really, but really intelligent. I always wanted one.

Also, the squirrel tail she has...Dixie used to do this thing with her tail where she'd puff it all up, I guess to look more menacing, when other cats were sniffing around the back door...We'd call it fluffy tail and found it so hilarious because she was the most placid cat ever, certainly non-threatening. We found the tail thing cute!

I would like to have seen a photo of Raething, and if I could draw I would have a go at drawing her, but alas, I'd need more than magic to help me draw something.

Thanks for joining in and having some fun.


Raymond E Feist a good author I enjoyed a few of his books, and likely in the back of my head it is a smallish dragon, cat person, a mix of lots of fantasy critters I have read through my life.

Our cat fluffs her tail out a lot, but we have one squirrel that visits our deck and it has the biggest fluffy tail I have seen on a cat or a squirrel. Drawing is a talent i am sorely lacking in, I have no imaginary vision issues, I can see things clearly in my mind, but putting to paper, nope not a clue.

Stick figures are about all I have...beautiful in their own way...Beautifully horrible. :)

Feist is one of my favourite authors...So descriptive, leaves the reader with a vision, and yet has an economy of words, no floury three page descriptions of what a room looks like...He keeps the storyline moving and captures the reader. He did with me anyway. Great writer.

Fuzzy tail, or fluffy tail is one the funniest things on a cat.

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In a previous life I had two dogs, Dingo and Max.
Dingo was a breed between a big Doberman and a von Sophia Rottweiler. Intelligent and very strong, in fact I have never seen a dog like him again. After my divorce, I had no place to keep him as he needed large grounds and as I left the house to my ex-wife, I had to find a place for Dingo.
A security company wanted him and they came with muzzles and other stuff to take him away.
Sadly I heard a few months later that they had to put him down, as they couldn't handle him.

Max was a Staffordshire bullterrier of the long legged type and he was like my twin. Even slept on my bed lol.
The new wife's father and uncle were old and deaf and dumb.
So when I departed, I left Max with her to protect the old guys, as he grew up with Dingo and no burglar or criminal would want to tangle with Max.
He grew old and very fat and the sad thing is both of the old guys passed away and eventually it was also Max's time to go to dog heaven.
Such is life!

That's a sad story about Dingo and a pity they couldn't handle the little bugger.

We had a dog at home when I was a kid called King, @tarazkp will remember that mad dog well. He was completely mad as a cut snake all the time, as fast as a bullet and would go after things like a heat-seeking missile. In truth he was out of control and even though we had a lot of land for him to utilise due to his nature he went back to where we got him. I can't recall however I think he was shot as he mauled a few sheep on the farm. Crazy bastard that he was.

It sounds like Max had a more fulfilling life of food and sleep...Sounds good to me!


Yeah, Dingo was also a guy not to mess with lol.
The postman and a "brave" and stupid friend found out at their cost lol.
He was a big boy with the streamlined build akin to the big Doberman dogs, but one could also see the Rooty in him. I was the only that could control him and the wife and kids stayed well away from him.

Of course max was a stupid Staffy and Dingo used to run him ass over kettle many times, but as Max grew, his chest broadened and he had huge muscles all over. Funny thing is that he and Dingo never got stuck into each other, but woe to the one that those two would storm at lol.
I took Max to a dog training "expert" and when he saw Max he said "Oh no, a Staffy".
He was right, as Max bit him and that was the end of Max's dog training effort lol.

Some dogs like Dingo and your dog just get born with that mad streak in them.

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I've left a lot of things with a lot of women. Some would even say my soul. But I've never left a dog. I've had to find a couple places to live, but no dog left behind (unless like Max. I get that).

I'm old and fat. There are worse things to be. I had one dog (and one childhood dog) that nobody would mess with for anything. Neither one of them looked particularly the part. My Rottweiler was an absolute gentle soul that looked like big trouble.

On the farm we had 'farm dogs'. Always a couple of herd dogs that could be a real handful if their animals were threatened.

I had no choice with Dingo Sir Tom as I moved into a 1 room apartment and could only take Max. It would be cruel to keep a dog Dingo's size cooped up in a place where he cannot run.

I'm old and ugly, but not entertaining the idea yet to get fat lol.
We also had about 7, or at times even 10 dogs on the farm, a veritable congregation of all sorts, fox terriers, jack russels, alsations and rhodesion ridgebacks.

I understand the necessity, I really do. I was lucky with a greyhound/boxer cross that I was able to find a 'farm home' for. Worked out good for everybody.

Thank you and yes it's a heartsore story, but such is life Sir Tom.
Hope that you will have a good Sunday!

I'm very sorry to hear the story of Dingo. I used to grow up with the dogs of my cousin and almost felt them like they were mine, so when they passed away the situation really broke my heart into pieces. But I heal my soul with the thought that they are in a better place now and they still play with us spiritually

Thank you and I don't cry often my friend, but I did shed a tear for Dingo.
To lose a beloved pet is never easy and you are so correct, as they are indeed in a much better place where there are no chains or boundaries!

I made an unapologetically long post. It may take up the rest of your weekend to read it... but it turned out alright. Thanks for the opportunity to cathartically participate in this week 19. Here is the post for anyone interested...

Flying Castro's Caturday.jpg

I hope everyone is having a great weekend Pondering over or Spending time with their families and pets.

Unapologetically long posts are fine with me. I've blocked out time for it :)

That's only one reason why you sir, are the man!

Damn bro! Y'all are some strong people to have been through so much and continue to endure such tragedy. 22 years is a long time for a cat... but that still isn't/wasn't long enough. Sorry to hear about Dixie. That part of the post caught me off guard to say the least. I will be participating this weekend. I don't want to spam... so i will work on my post on My Friday, which will be tomorrow. I have an interesting thing to share about my pets you may appreciate more than most. Hope y'all have an awesome weekend with Nurse G-Dog on call!

You have no idea how much enjoyment I get from seeing cat-attack memes and videos like this! Lol.

Yeah, it was tragic, and worse that I knew the person...And to this day haven't been able to attitude-adjust them in the fashion I would like. Cruelty to animals is never ok.

I'm glad you'll join in...I wasn't sure how we'd go this week with the HF scenario but wanted to give people the chance nonetheless. I'll look out for it.

Just one final comment about this meme...Sucked in kid, you deserved that! Lol

Nurse G-dog over and out.

That little bastard should have gotten the CLAW! I doubt he knew what he was doing... but yes, animal abuse is never ok. I am sure that person will have their time to answer for what they've done.

Y'all have a great weekend and a much-deserved rest (if you can)! Except in the snack and nursing category. That is on call until further notice. hahahhaa Let's find another...

Over and Out...

Ah yes, the old rhino horn to the ass ploy...I'm fortunate enough to have been spared the indignity but know many who deserve it.

You ARE the rhino horn.....

Rhinoman, they call me. Move over Superman, rhinoman is here!

That video ends but it looks to me like Mom is coming around with the idea of turning that guy into a grease spot in the grass.

Good eye... mom did look like she was moving in for the finish! hahaha

Hopefully that kid learned a valuable lesson. He had it coming.

lol! hillarious

RIP Dixie and Merlin. Sad to Hear about these two furry friends. Some say animals go to heaven. I would bet on that.

They were much loved. Merlin had a good run, 22 years, but Dixie...It was pretty tragic and very upsetting. Still, the time we had with them was so special and we are fortunate to have had them in our lives. I like the heaven theory, they both deserve it...Although Merlin was a devilish little fellow at times. :)

Boy, I hope you are right that animals go to heaven. Even if I don't. Most of mine have deserved it. I did have one crazy bastard of a dog for a time but that's another story.

Honestly, I believe that.

God is Love... and Animals are well-loved. I believe that they will be in Heaven myself. Animals are also innocent, most of the time! hahahhaa

A shame some people are just so cruel. A good topic, I think I will take the fantasy route when I get around to it, It is hard to believe another weekend is upon us time does fly. I hope all is going well with Faith and her Mother.

Most people like pets so I thought it's a chance to showcase one's pets, or like in your case, get creative, hence the three-pronged option. I might have a go at whose pet would I like to be later...Could be fun.

All is well wit Faith at the moment. I'm administering injections each morning which I absolutely hate doing, but she needs me to and so I do it. She's resting up and getting a little dismayed with all the bruising but it's just part of it I guess. We're looking forward to a very sedate weekend.

I'll keep an eye out for your entry and hope you have a great weekend.

Shots are bad enough, but when you need to self administer them it really sucks. My Vitamin B levels dropped real low at one point and for twelve week I had to give myself a shot in the stomach, not a fun thing to do at all, so you have my sympathy about the shot thing, I can't imagine having to give my wife shots just because of the pain they cause.

Exactly. She's a brave girl, stoic, but it hurts her. It's only for a few more days though and so I'll get it done.

I'm diabetic, type 2, and self-injected for a couple years...It's not a good thing and luckily I don't need to at the moment.

Yep, same here, every now and then my B levels for some reason plummet, even if I take vitamins. Fortunately not to often.

Is there a reason that happens? I suppose it's quite important to recognise the issue and address it and if an injection is required it's at least better than the alternative.

It mostly happens when I have to go on a super low carb diet for a few months, where daily carb intake is as close to 45 grams as I can get it, which is about 3 slices of bread. So about every two years.

Dayum. You are giving Faith shots? You are a better man than I am. I spose I could, but...

I've had to give cows and horses and pigs shots. Our vet showed me how and I was pretty good at it...

Yep, it's pretty shit man, I'm not liking it and of course she's not really into having injections either. Oh well, a few to go and hopefully that's it.

So sorry about the lose of your cat. For me, I would love to have a dog. I have never really had a pet for a long time now, we once had a dog but that was when I was really young because I can't remember much about the dog. Dogs are regular pets in my country unlike cats.

I can't get a dog now because I won't give it the attention it deserves at the moment but I intend to get one in the nearest future. I would love to get one at the puppy stage where I can pamper, train and teach him some fun stuff we can do together. Its going to be my play mate, I would love my dog to be white in color. He would go by the name Joe

 4 years ago (edited) 

A white dog names Joe huh? Well, I'd say that's a good plan although you know what dogs are hard to keep clean right? Maybe better to have a dark coloured one? Nah, go white...Best to get what you want first time so you're happy with it.

White has always been one of my favorite color, so white it is, I may reconsider on the name but that will be when I finally get one

 4 years ago  

Cute little dog there but hopefully you adopt a dog instead of purchase one. There's lots of fantastic little dogs looking for a home, both puppies and mature dogs!

That's a nice idea

I just realized that I forgot to turn the music on at my place this morning. How did I realize that?

I'm singing "Hey, Joe. Where you going with that dog in your hand."

Sounds like a plan to me. Joe is a good solid name even for a girl dog.

Hahahaha, its a good name. But its good my post reminded you of that song

@Galenkp I'm sorry about what happened to Dixie, it for sure would have been really painful losing such a cute cat, she really looked awesome😀😍, one the other hand mine was not good at all, I really had so much hope but yet it turned out the way it had turned😪😢

We miss Dixie very much and it makes me angry that she met such a tragic end. She deserved more than that.

Hmmm, at least having a good memory with her is a thing of joy.

Those gorgeous, big, green eyes! 😍

She was a cutie...Loved her a lot and was completely devastated when she died. I was so angry at that guy who kicked her...He's very fortunate I had no way to reach him...It wouldn't have gone well.

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Hello @galenkp I have finally had a decent weekend, so I thought and the best way to share it is in Engage The Weekend Community

Please don't just drop links here...That's not the point of it.


That's ok, it's just not why I started the #weekend-engagement. It's a place for comments and interaction is all.

Sorry that I could not participate in this weeks post. You know that this subject has been at the forefront of my life at the present time, so it should be no surprise to you that your story hit home. I can relate to the loss of Dixie, but not to the abuse part. Although I have never experienced this with one of my pets, I have seen and heard about countless stories. I get so infuriated with this cruelty. Sick, sick people are living among us and it makes me sick that this kind of thing happens.

I am so sorry for the loss of your buddy. I bet at one time it was hard to look at that picture over the mantle.. but now you forget about the bad and smile at the beauty in that personal memory.

Have an awesome week!

I thought of you when doing the topic and figured you'd probably sit this one out. Understandable of course.

Cruelty to animals is never ok and what happened to Dixie makes me very angry. We miss her so much and she deserved much better than she got.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

Missed the mark here...Music was last week.