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RE: Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

What a nice looking cat and I love the different coloured eyes! I think Charlie would have a been a good friend for you guys, a shame he had to stay behind.

Now...I'm curious...You know turtles are very slow walkers. How the hell did it run away? Lol. Although the story ends well as it came back and you've been reunited. A happy ending after all. :)

If you get a bear cub for a pet you have to do a post although I think there's probably laws preventing you from getting one I guess. It would make a good post though for sure!

Thanks for joining in with Charlie, Toffee and the run away turtle! You should do a post about it in the engage the weekend community if you have the chance. The runaway turtle saga could be funny. :)



O yes, the turtles can "run" away 🤣 Happened to my family as well, they had a turtle which always wanted to escape, (sometimes with success, but been found every time in the next street) so they had to fix the holes in the fences and in the gate.

World's fastest turtle!