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RE: Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

I love horses. I do not own any but at least I am lucky enough to have a friend who owns two of them and I happen to see them every once in a while. I love the link you get with them whenever you go back horse riding. The sensation of moving with no artificial engine, just you and the horse is unbelievable.


I was trying to take a selfie with her but it was hard :)


I grew up with horses. Most of them were rough stock, just working horses. My Dad always had a fancy mare and when I was about 12 I did too.

I have to tell you, I never considered a horse a pet, though I raised a colt that I was pretty attached to. Sold him as a yearling...

I haven't ridden in 40 years. I had to make a choice between horses and motorcycles. :)

I did have a weekend of cycling and horseback riding. It was loooooog ago when I was starting to practice mountain biking.I have to tell you my butt was hurting for a couple of weeks 😂

Ahahahaha. The last time I rode there was an attractive young woman involved in a 2 day trail ride. I borrowed a horse and tack and thought I was going to have a great weekend of outdoors and indoors activity.

After about 8 hours in the saddle the first day I had absolutely no inclination for any indoor (in tent) activity. My butt hurt for weeks and my ego hurt for years...

Hahaha, I can imagine, I took 4hr bicycle ride and 2h horse backriding and it hurt for two weeks!

I once had the chance to ride a horse. A really majestic horse! It was so big that my legs almost broke when jumping over it! Horses are truly noble animals.

Yes, they are.
They are big and sometimes scare you a little bit but as you get to know them and start interacting the link you create is amazing.

Oh wow! The horses are such powerful animals that can't be considered pets by everyone. I love them since I was a kid but never really got the chance to ride one or just spend some time closer to them :)

Horses are such great creatures, intelligent and so powerful too...Awesome things. I've done some horseback riding and I've mentioned before about Faith being the horse whisperer.

I know a couple people that keep them and it's not very cheap to do, here at least anyway, but we go for a ride now and then.


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Quite a pretty house. Never had I ridden a horse before. She's so cute. I would love a selfie with her as well.

Wow! That really is a fun ride. She would have already gotten used to you to have made you describe your ride with her like this

sensation of moving with no artificial engine,


That's some beautiful creature right there.
I grew up in a rurla town where horses, mules and donkeys were very commnon (they were mostly used by farmers to work the land and transport products from the hills around town), but I never leared to ride any of them.
My mother tells me I fell off one once when I was little. I have no reocllection of that event, but I certainly must have got traumatized because I always felt intimidated by them.

Bad experiences remain in our consciousness forever. You should try to overcome them as they are fantastic animals.

Oh, she is beautiful. I have never had the chance to spend a lot of time with horses, however, there are several ranches with horses close to the town where I live now.
One of my students (ok, her family) has a ranch with horses. And at their home, it was normal to see a pony, a goat, some chickens and five dogs next to the pool 🤣

Next to the pool! I hope they didn't jump inside the pool when the family was having a bath!😂

Yes, next to the pool 😂
The dogs were allowed to swim in the pool, but I don't know for the goat and chickens 😅

Beautiful horse. I've only ridden one a few times. Some family members who live out of the city own horses. They built a stall where several horses are housed. They even rent out stalls to others. We used to go there on the weekends to see them ride, groom, and take care of their animals. I feel as though our family members considered them as "pets", just one of the family. Come to think about it, all the horses had cut names, special saddles, and other embellishments. Truly, like a "pet."

Horse is a beautiful creature. I do have a special Love for them as well because the horse is my age 😀.

That is one stunningly beautiful horse! There is something to be said about the bond between humans and horses.

That is one fine looking horse. I have had the opportunity to ride about 10 times in my life, and have always enjoyed it.

Ohh, i love horses but at the same time i´m terribly afraid of them! I happen to be 5'2¨ heigh, i'm a minion... and i feel that at any moment i can jump off and fall from the horse and she step on me (I think i've seen many videos on youtube).

Btw, she has a name? she's beautiful.

I'm glad you enjoy the friendship of your friend and theirs pets, not everyone can say the same.

It was very nice the selfie and no offense, they have a similar air both, maybe the white of their hair 😬🤗👍 @santigs

ok ok, the white hair....nice compliment 😂