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RE: Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Raething sounds like a magical creature...I wonder if she has magical properties?

As I was reading this comment I was reminded of a creature called a firedrake from a book I read (about 20 times) called Magician by Raymond E Feist. A small dragony thing really, but really intelligent. I always wanted one.

Also, the squirrel tail she has...Dixie used to do this thing with her tail where she'd puff it all up, I guess to look more menacing, when other cats were sniffing around the back door...We'd call it fluffy tail and found it so hilarious because she was the most placid cat ever, certainly non-threatening. We found the tail thing cute!

I would like to have seen a photo of Raething, and if I could draw I would have a go at drawing her, but alas, I'd need more than magic to help me draw something.

Thanks for joining in and having some fun.



Raymond E Feist a good author I enjoyed a few of his books, and likely in the back of my head it is a smallish dragon, cat person, a mix of lots of fantasy critters I have read through my life.

Our cat fluffs her tail out a lot, but we have one squirrel that visits our deck and it has the biggest fluffy tail I have seen on a cat or a squirrel. Drawing is a talent i am sorely lacking in, I have no imaginary vision issues, I can see things clearly in my mind, but putting to paper, nope not a clue.

Stick figures are about all I have...beautiful in their own way...Beautifully horrible. :)

Feist is one of my favourite authors...So descriptive, leaves the reader with a vision, and yet has an economy of words, no floury three page descriptions of what a room looks like...He keeps the storyline moving and captures the reader. He did with me anyway. Great writer.

Fuzzy tail, or fluffy tail is one the funniest things on a cat.