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RE: Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Great photo, and a nice looking cat. (I'm a cat lover so all cats are nice.)

You know, we were so worried towards the end that Merlin would simply disappear and se we didn't let him out much. My cats have always been indoor cats but we'd let them outside to play sometimes, supervised by us, and they'd never run away. At the end though we were so afraid he might just slink away that we didn't let him outside; Losing him like that, not knowing where he was would have been terrible.

It sounds like yours was a clever cookie, like most cats are I guess, and knew where he was better of...Inside with the humans!

Thanks for sharing this photo and the background. Nice work.



now i have two cats that are kinda ours. Mother of the older one was probably a half wild and fully paranoid, she just showed up whit him and was in the yard but always hiding. And she was just gone after a while. But he has that paranoia in his dna. and he has that attitude of, yea human you are ok, you give me food, and you could touch me sometimes, but i am not really fully happy with that, most of the times.

And second one came from somewhere when he was maybe 5-6 months old, and thought to himself there is food here, this older cat does not really love me, but he tolerates me, i think i will stay here :D

It's funny how cats tend to attach themselves to people like this...They tend to maintain their standards though...You can feed and shelter me, but only touch me when I say! Lol.