That little bastard should have gotten the CLAW! I doubt he knew what he was doing... but yes, animal abuse is never ok. I am sure that person will have their time to answer for what they've done.
Y'all have a great weekend and a much-deserved rest (if you can)! Except in the snack and nursing category. That is on call until further notice. hahahhaa Let's find another...
Over and Out...
Ah yes, the old rhino horn to the ass ploy...I'm fortunate enough to have been spared the indignity but know many who deserve it.
You ARE the rhino horn.....
Rhinoman, they call me. Move over Superman, rhinoman is here!
That video ends but it looks to me like Mom is coming around with the idea of turning that guy into a grease spot in the grass.
Good eye... mom did look like she was moving in for the finish! hahaha