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RE: Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

I'm very sorry for the losses of your friends, I know very well what it feels likeHello dear friend @galenkp good day. I love the theme of this weekend

This is Mr. Raúl, he is a cat that belonged to my neighbors, in a time when they were absent, Raúl had no choice but to earn a living on the street, that's how my granddaughter got hold of him and he lives with him in the mornings. us, since at night he loves to go out to meet his friends, you know, they do what cat friends do at night, walking on the roofs of houses enjoying the moon.

I would love to have a Bambi as a pet, I think they are the wild animals that best represent nature, in addition to being very cute, since I was a child I have longed to have one


I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend

If I had to be someone's mascot, I would choose our friend @meesterboom, I would never get bored there, I would have a happy life full of emotions, and every weekend I would be the beer tasting co-pilot.

Hi @jlufer what a nice pet you chose, it's tender, free and innocent.

All the qualities of a perfect pet 🤗

Yes, I think it is the cutest wild animal that exists
Thank you very much for your kind words and your kind visit
have a wonderful afternoon, happy start to the weekHello dear friend @soyunasantacruz good afternoon

Thanks equally.

Wow! Anita, it is almost as if you are describing me! 🤣


Hehehe you want to be bambi friend.

If you are that cute I adopted you, I promise to take care of you, bathe and feed you.

Thank you 😋😘 @stevenwood

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Isn't it funny how animals take to certain people. Out of all the individuals, Mr. Raúl is fortunate to have two places to call home. I've never had the desire to own or even be near animals raised in the wild. They have different instincts than domesticated animals. Thank you for sharing Mr. Raúl's story.

Yup you are so right about animals and people. I have often found dogs of a certain temperament to be an incredibly good judge of character. When I was very young, 4 maybe 5, I remember my first ever pet Shep the beautiful, friendly labrador growling viciously at the binman and pinning him up against the wall...

It transpired that in his 17 year life he had never before and never after growled at anyone ever. I always believed that either that binman (garbage or refusemen as they are known in some places) had either been nasty to Shep OR he was a very bad man in general, I always found that strange.

Hello. I believe that also that animals can sense good or bad in people. During my childhood when my mom had all the dogs, they would greet certain people differently. In most cases, they were the people we didn't like either.

If Mr. Raul is blessed, he has many people who love him.
I live in a small city in Argentina, here there are some deer of low stature, at some point I could have fulfilled the child's dream of having a pet deer, but I think like you, these animals are happy living in their natural habitat, why stress them and cut off their happiness for a simple wish.
Those are the things that I do not understand when people have these types of pets, now they are fashionable with the name of exotics, they cannot imagine how bad these animals go outside their conford area
I really appreciate your comment, I take the opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoonHello dear friend @justclickindiva good afternoon


Thank you very much for the engagement token. I truly appreciate it and talking with you.

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Mr. Raul has it pretty good indeed. He's got a good safe place to hang out and be loved and gets to go out and carouse with the boys at night. I could never quite pull that off, personally. :)

Mesterboom would be a great master, I think. Maybe not so much he personally but as long as the lady of the house was involved you'd get fed on a regular basis putting you in a position to participate in some of the wild adventures!

I hope you are having a good Raul like weekend my friend.

How are you dear friend @ bigtom13 good day
Yes, Mr. Raul is blessed, that's what I always say, from bad things, positive things also emerge, Raul stayed on the street and thanks to that he met Abigail and now they are great friends, and he lives very well, content and pampered by a whole family.

Being a pet of our friend can become very interesting
Thank you very much for your kind words and support that you provide to my post
have a wonderful weekend

Hello sir @bigtom13 excuse me for intruding in your conversation but you couldn't have fun with friends in the evening?

If you mention it it's because it's true, but it left a smile on my face.

It's never too late to have fun buddy, go out dancing tonight, just like that under the moonlight.

Ahhhhh. I'm not very good at night, I have to do my carousing in the daylight. The good news is that I'm not the only one so I generally have as much company as I want or need...

Of course, enjoying our presence and solitude is a good quality.

If we enjoy our solitude, others will enjoy our company.

Hmmm... Do I really want to know your definition of carousing Tom???

I imagine you would be exceptional company Tom, I imagine if we sat for an hour or two, (maybe with a drink or three, who knows???)you could share some stories that would amaze and enthrall me man, that would be a hell of an evening or even afternoon, it sounds like that would suit you better lol :)


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Lol, @meesterboom's pet...I can't think of a better place to be honest! One would always be entertained and have plenty of beer and snacks...This is a good choice!

Mr. Raúl seems like a character for sure, living the life and strutting his stuff and running the neighbourhood cats! 🤣

Thanks for playing along this week.


Have a wonderful weekendIt's a pleasure dear friend @galenkp, I really like what you do

That definitely has a 'if walls had ears' aspect to it though, right?

Imagine the potty mouth on Boomy when he stubs his toe??? It would turn the air a Scottish flag kind of blue!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Lol, I reckon he'd be a pretty good swearer too. Like me.

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@jlufe Mr. Raúl reminds me about my Mom's fatty cats. They spend daytime sleeping, eating all fishes that mom cooks and then running after each other around home and every night. 😃 all of them are black and sometime really scare me at night when I see them “The nighttime 'zoomies' 😆😂

Cats are adorable creatures, during the day they are very lazy, take advantage to gather energy, since at night they are very active
it's good that it brought you memories
Thank you very much for your kind words and comment on these things
have a great dayhello dear friend @trangbaby good day

You are welcome. Have a great week

Your cat is cutee. I took the other day a quiz to see what is my ¨spirit animal¨ and i happen to be a tiger... hahahaha and if you are Bambi it makes us enemies by nature.

But since we live far away, what do you think if we make a truce?😂

Happy Sunday, I love starting the morning with a good vibe, I really appreciate this funny comment.hello dear friend @tripode good day

It is good that you have done your animal test and that you turned out to be a tiger.
To be honest I never did my animality test, but if it were up to my spirit, I would say I would be a lion

but these are felines that you would not want to have at home, they are complicated animals, you cannot trust them.

Have a beautiful Sunday and a happy start to the week

Have a great sunday too! But if i could! I would totally have a mini tiger in my house 😍 they are so cute.

That sounds great, hope you can get a bonsai tiger
have a prosperous week

Is that a plant? Hahahahaha