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RE: Weekend-engagement week 19: Pet pondering

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

A cat called Mousey. I love it. He looks like a pretty fluffy thing, a bit mischievous too.

It's odd that your allergy seems to have gone although I used to get hay fever pretty badly but don't seem to get it so much anymore...Getting old has its advantages it seems.



That might be the only one.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Yes, old-dude superpowers are rather thin on the grounds I'd say...Although being a grumpy bugger could classify as well. :) (For me at least.)

Oh, no. When you get old enough you get the superpower of choosing when the weekend actually is.

It's a shitty trade for the rest, but us truly old buggers have to take what we can get when we can.

Finding light in the dark...I like it.